Why were europeans never able to conquer africa?

There's so many examples of them getting btfo. Rhodesia, Somalia, Niger, current south Africa etc.

Why weren't Europeans ever able to conquer and mass settle Africa the way they did with the Americas?

Are whites capable of waging sustained warfare in Africa?

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Backstory of pic?

you have to be at least 18 to be on Jow Forums.

Niggers are strong dicks

>Europeans never conquered Africa

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>never able to conquer Africa
>even though we conquered like 90% of it
>that never happened because you don't rule it now
Ask your teacher.

hillary did that

Whites have always been a bunch of pussys, nothing is going to to change that. They are way to comfortable to enter their savage state of mind, so they will continue to with their false altruism. Whites will soon enough go extinct and the gooks will replace them. Africa belongs to the gooks.

The lack of mass settling is easy to explain. It’s Africa

Hillary’s emails. That’s Benghazi. The one they don’t want to talk about and call it a conspiracy theory.

The irony of saying white people dont know how to enter a savage state of mind yet you rock the meme flag of a white ideology that likes tens of millions

LOL, history will judge us harshly for de-colonizing Africa after world war 2. History will be like "wtf were they thinking? It was a total disaster to try to let those people govern themselves... WTF, why did they give starving people vaccines and other medical care???"

>meme map
>lets arbitrarily color in vast wilderness in the name of white insecurity, and call it colonization.

"Influenced" would be a more apt descriptor. Africans took what they wanted ie. weapons, superior language etc. And left what they didn't ie. SJWism. They even offloaded a ton of thier undesirables on the world via "slavery".

European colonization is/was a meme, more africans live in europe than the other way around.

Because all the good ones settled America and genocided our savages. You people should've been infinitely crueler to the Africans like the Germans. Even now Namibians are afraid to take European land and if I'm not mistaken still have Germans in their parliament. Instead of wanting to be decadent fat slobs with slaves they should've just murdered them en mass

Tyrone, you lost. Get over it.

All these experts on Africa who've never been there quoting other people who've never been there.

OP is a faggot.
Go lynch yourself negroid.

Topography mostly, niggers are willing to live in shitty conditions, they just waited Out the waits till they left

>definition of cope

If whites wanted too we could annihilate the world and take over but we aren't shit skins with out honor. Our strength is our weakness. Be glad white people are good and nice for the most part or the rest of the worlds races wouldn't even exist.

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Nigger love and irony know no bounds... with some...


"Rules of war"

Basically this, if we had been meaner back in the 1800s the entire planet would be have been ours

I think thats Mogadishu, not Benghazi.

We did once. Next time, it's going to be an ethnic bio weapon. Ebola is only the begining. It's going to be very nice.

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>Are whites capable of waging sustained warfare in Africa?

We have been in africa longer than afghanistan.

Africa is a tough terrain and Africans have an indomitable will. While it was easier to subdue the will of the Aboriginals and the native Americans, Africans have transcendental fighting spirit and refusal to be trod on. Their unassailable will power combined with the complex terrain God had blessed them with made it impossible for the pale skins to hold onto the reigns. Even in America today, our descendants are known for not taking shit and constantly fighting any attempt to stifle them.

If whites weren't as strong and powerful as we are. Then the Jews and non whites wouldn't want to be up in our shit 24 7. Its not the other way around. Except maybe only in sympathy for the Devil which is what they consensus and indoctrinate but yet aren't equal or matching statistics. They are in fact pets of kike commies but as long as an anti white feels good about them self and a nigger or non white gets something they didn't earn nor even deserve in many instances the blackness doesn't give a fuck!


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Man America talking about conquereing lol









Dude you are literally unable to solve anything. Everytime you "conquere" somebody you just destroy everything and dictators take over

we did, it's called south africa, the part that mattered. too bad jews happened.

Irony the post. Nice flag faggot.

Black Hawk Down

Because it wasn't don the old way, the Bronze Age-Iron Age way. You are supposed to wipe the enemy tribe out when your tribe moves in.

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They had the Americas to settle, that had better environments with less deadly diseases for whites. So that took up most immigration from the 16th to 20th century. Now if the world Wars didn't happen, and Europe completely fuck themselves demographically, and turning their societies over commies and Jews, then settling whites in Africa would have been the big thing for the rest of the 20th century, especially after air conditioning and pesticides were widespread.

>Why weren't Europeans ever able to conquer and mass settle Africa the way they did with the Americas?

blacks have immunity to the same diseases as whites so they never got wiped out


Pic related was literally their only victory in the entire war
t. ex-zimbo

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They did conquer Africa, however they failed to genocide all the niggers before Jewish subversion and political correctness reversed everything.

Well, the certaintly did a bang up job of conquering the entirety of North America and Norther Mexico.
Maybe the lesson of history the Amercians need to learn is that the native population will always continue fighting, it's better to genocide them.

SJW. The only one that tried was Britain. But they got defeated by anti-slavery anti-pro white bullshit.

So then most of the Euro colonials tried to employ the locals to build stuff and that ended in massive failure.

Then also take a guess who were the biggest SJW cucks of the time who hated Slavs but loved niggers and shitskins pushing their political bullshit upon Africa, but ended up being one massive failure. If the colonials knew what we knew today, those guys would be gone and Africa would be 100% white.

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The time to conquer Europe is soon upon us so I urge all the sleeper cells there who penetrated as migrants to bude their time. We have already achieved a black US presidency. Next we will be ascending the UK and Germany. A black P.M a black Windsor and a Black Chancellor. Australia is still a few decades away and in Israel our beta-Israel will ascend before the century ends.. Be patient and remain in the camouflage as ignorant people. We here will keep doing the same until the time to reveal our power levels is right.

Aye, I'm mighty ashamed of my government and its actions post ww1.
This is just another one in a long story of fuck ups and cuckery.

'preciate it user, it's not your fault

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Malaria kept Europeans from conquering Africa until after it could be treated and prevented. All the other diseases made Natives die off as Europeans came to the Americas.


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Somalian here.

thats because theres the first amendment causing the existence of libshits in america
If the 1st amendment never existed in the USA in first place those countries and plus and of course specifically yours will be speaking american by now.

nah...foh. You guys only claim "blackness" when it's convenient. Go join your caucasoid friends.

>people who invented everything that took humanity out of the iron age

We're BLACK. Our skin is BLACK.

they eat da poopoo

Hey how are those bases in your country? And Afghanistan and Iraq? And the fact that we own part of Cuba Lmao. Fucking Mohammed

>it's better to genocide them.
the americans post civil war cant genocide anyone no matter how much the right wants it. the media and lib journos will constantly spam the news with how bad the US army is and how murderous the congress are which will eventually bring down the morale of the troops and their killing intent.

You're an arab/subsaharan mutt

settling the americas was easier because disease helped instead of hindered. Also, euros (or at least bongs) didnt want to repeat the mistake of settling colonies with whites who would then demand equal rights and independence like the us

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in fairness black diaspora the world over, outside of central africa is muttified. Afro-Americans are black and anglo, then you have afro-arabs, afro-latinos, even afro-persians, and afro-europeans.

>Europe literally conquers the entirety of Africa top to bottom
>Rules them for hundreds of years
>Decides to let them go after two devastating world wars


This generation's education, my dude.

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This. If you conquered a people you killed the men and enslaved the women and children. Now we try to win hearts and minds, which will never work

Blacks don't give a shit about your demands for respect. You don't get anywhere by trying to act like a historian to a bunch of aggressive usurpers.

winning hearts and minds may not work but destroying their identity and making them the same as you can

>When Qutaibah bin Muslim under the command of Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef was sent to Khwarazmia with a military expedition and conquered it for the second time, he swiftly killed whomever wrote the Khwarazmian native language that knew of the Khwarazmian history, science and culture. He then killed all their Zoroastrian priests and burned and wasted their books, until gradually the illiterate only remained, who knew nothing of writing and hence their history was mostly forgotten. -Biruni

It worked for the chinese and arabs, but you cant do it while having multiculturalism. The people being at least a bit similar would also help

also nice dits

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Not that user - elaborate, please?

Blackhawk down, when Americans tried to fuck my Somali based pirates, and we dabbed on their dead bodies. You can't fuck with us, bitches.


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its mogadishu you stupid fucking scandi fuck
jfc and i thought all north europeans are smart

Serious answer from historians: The geography isn't good for projection of power. It's hard to build and maintain supply lines.

Muhammad this is why you need to study.
For the first two
>Vietnam war
Wasn’t an invasion, it was meant as protection to South Vietnam just as the USSR and China protected the North, only difference is North Vietnam butchered themselves against US gunfire until we felt too bad for the murdered and pulled out, we would’ve literally killed every single person in North Vietnam before we ran out of the very limited manpower used in Vietnam. If we invaded the war would be over in a few weeks, but then Nuclear war would ensue.
This one is the most stupid one, since there wasn’t a single US soldier involved in this, it was Cuban expats who requested to be trained by the CIA to attempt an invasion. If the US had had any real involvement in this the war would’ve lasted less than a month. Cuba doesn’t have the resources or manpower, and the western part of Cuba, where all the important cities are located, are a big ol’ plain ripe for the taking for any small sized army.

The answer is, XVIII century enlightenment, and moral restraint.

Wait until humanist moral falls, if europe regain natural logic as china has, Africa is fucked

Skinnies ...... So....Black Hawk Down

Fun fact the US Special forces killed over 2000 niggers that day and only lost 19 people.

>tfw you share domain over east niggerville with the whitey

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Europeans tried to utilize Africa for their benefit without completely genociding or deporting the local inhabitants and replacing them with their own people, that's why their efforts ultimately failed.

It was kind of the same shit with the Vietnam war. The U.S. wasn't in it to win it, it was a war run by politicians, not a war fought to win/completely destroy your enemy.

actually believs this, read a fucking book that's not the bible, you dumb fat fuck

I don't need to go to Africa to know that it's a festering shithole full of AIDS and other rancid diseases. Likewise i don't need to tgo to Africa to know that Europeans conquered it in the colonial times.


Absolutely. Fucking always!

an albino nignog if i had to guess, they cannibalize them down there because they think they get superpowers


They never wanted to conquer Africa.

The history they taught you was a lie.

They went to uplift africa

Still coping and dwelling over the deceased old empire, Peter? Go worship that stinky old cunt and sing some songs about her dirty vermin ridden twat, faggot

> "Yo fuckin whitey colonized and stole our laaaands and shieeet"
> "kek, fucking whitoids so weak can't even steal our lands and shieeet"

Which is it?

It's not profitable as long as negros live there

At least we had one unlike your irrelevant patch of snow. And before you say something along the lines of "your demographics are shit cos of your empire" have a gander at pic related that's what clubs in your country are like, you spastic looking peroxide gook.

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Oh nigger, you're such a sweetie.

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