Niggers can't care for animals

I have recently found a channel about a dutch (or German, maybe? Maybe a euro-user can help find out where the accent is from) man who works in the nigger land of the Gambia that extracts mango-worms from dogs with abusive nigger owners.
Here is an example of the results of nigger neglect:
Over time, with each video he posts, you can see his enthusiasm about helping out these neglected and suffering animals begin to decline further, more and more calling out the niggers neglect that let this happen to their dogs. This pair of videos was his most recent and presumably final videos, when he is treating two puppies that are riddled with mango worms. In these videos, he repeats that there is no hope for the nigger and their laziness, and that this will keep on happening to these poor animals and there is nothing he can do to stop it.
First video:
Second video:
This is my question; why are niggers entirely neglectful of their pets? why do niggers abuse animals?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we gotta start shutting down the pet stores and puppy mills that breed and sell these puppies to niggers

calling on all right wing safety squads to help out

>why are niggers entirely neglectful of their pets? why do niggers abuse animals?
a profound in ability to sympathise or empathise. my question is: is this mental retardation? if so, they can't be blamed. right?!?

It's in The Gambia, I have no doubts that these niggers don't just take them either from their neighbors or from the wild and neglect them like everything else they steal.

I can't watch these videos. Fucking world man. fuck

Watch them. Watch them over and over and over and remember them every single time you see a nigger walking by, or lazing about, or eyeing someone to mug. This is only a fraction of the common nigger's behavior.

>why do nigs nog?
pic worth the read

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>why are niggers
Do you have to ask? Niggers are waste.

the chinese will get rid of them in due time

i rescue dogs and cats innawood and i foster feral barn cats

Niggers are so stupid half the time they dont even have pets BUT there's always some wanna be gangster motherfucker who gets a 3rd rate shitty pitbull-rotty mix thinking he's gunna breed the next top dog fighter or some shit.

They somehow know enough to know that breeding dogs need a very special diet but they cant handle the diapers and bleeding that come from a bitch in estrus.

seeing the way black mothers treat their babies im really not surprised they cant handle pets

I don't really give a shit about animals but nothing alive should go through something like that in any situation the owners of the dogs should get lynched

Jow Forums when white people do something bad: what an a-asshole....


Fuck off

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> filename
> flag
Jow Forums is always right, gas yourself filthy kike.

can confirm, was worth it

Just have a look at this.
>officers arrest black man
>black mans kid = chimp out
Four adult women present and they just let this kid chimp out until he hits a police officer. When the officer restrains the kid to calm him down, they try to fault the officer with stepping out of line.
Also the end is pretty funny
>can i have yo phone

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Found the roodypoo

original version for readability:

like insect people are any better!


>Go to Gambia
>All of the people who do X thing are black
What are the fucking chances?

Most animal control agencies won't do anything, they already have enough abused and neglected pitbulls they pick up off the street.


this is also common in brazil, I've lost the count of the times I had to explain to someone that pets, especially cats, parrots and dogs have consciousness and feelings, people treat them like toys and don't give a fuck about their well being, a shitload of people I met thought cats and dogs couldn't feel cold because they have fur all over their body.

You ever seen a video of mango worms on a dogs nut sack? I've seen hundreds of gore videos and nothing disturbed me so much.

Nothing makes my skin crawl than knowing that dog is going to be temporarily filled with flesh pits after those worms are pulled out. Can you imagine having these worms on your arm, and after you squeeze them out you're left with little pockets?

These niggers need to be shot. That picture is ingrained in my memory for all time now you gigantic faggot. Thanks a lot.

Good. Remember how much these animals suffer from common nigger neglect, remember it every single time you see a nigger in public.

>Maggot thread on gif
>Hello day 1 nofap
>Check pol
>Maggot thread
>no more Jow Forums today

"You can take the nigger out of the jungle
But you cannot take the jungle out of the nigger"

-Wyatt 2013

I've seen plenty of gore videos but this is by far the most disturbing thing I've ever seen.

I want everyone in this thread to look into this particular niggers eyes. Black, soulless, and devoid of any sort of consciousness. This is the nigger. This is how the nigger treats life around him.

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That article bluepilled me hard.

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The white man would not neglect animals to this extent. He will utilize and embrace the animal as his companion, not leave it to be eaten by maggots as it writhes in agony. You are no white man. You are merely another nigger-compassionate failure. You deserve to be shot as much as the nigger is.

i can watch vids of sandniggers having their brains blown out. chinks stepping on rabbits with high heels and even chinks boiling puppers alive. but i'll be fucked if i can stomach this mess. shit just makes me physically ill (and no it has nothing to do with niggers)

Are all Africans NPCs?

The nigger neglect should sicken you further. No nigger should be able to treat animals like this without being put through the same pains.

but can you take the mango-worm out of the nigger?

well he actually tried to help during the filming and seemed to be interested

bro it happens to niggers too. you should watch the vids of them pulling worms ffrom nigger tits. shit's foul man

A nigger cannot be interested in anything unless he is allowed a moment to be seen and appraised by others. Look at his clothing; the nigger only lives to be represented by others to feel any worth, because his sub-human mind is not capable of creating his own merits. This creates the nigger neglect and laziness. He is not helping because he wanted to take care of his animal, he is helping because he is seen on camera.

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>A nigger cannot be interested in anything unless he is allowed a moment to be seen and appraised by others. Look at his clothing; the nigger only lives to be represented by others to feel any worth, because his sub-human mind is not capable of creating his own merits. This creates the nigger neglect and laziness. He is not helping because he wanted to take care of his animal, he is helping because he is seen on camera.

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Look into this mans nigger-tainted eyes; the dead, cold expression. He is as much a nigger as a nigger is.

or maybe he is just slightly imbarassed about being on camera but he wants to help anyway? I mean, at the very least he brought the dog to a veterinarian after "7 to 10 days" according to the vet himself.

Jesus fuck those are disgusting worms. Gotta be thankful that I live in Finland and shit like that can't survive here.

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> First video:
> Second video:

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No nigger is embarrassed. Niggers are compassionless creatures that are only motivated by nigger instinct to steal and to neglect. Here is a good example of this nigger behavior in a different scenario.

you insult my girl Jiro with this cuck shitpost and I will rape you mariconcito hijo de tu chingada madre

you are a bit obsessed dude

I am aware and alert about the nigger, and you should be as well. The moment you let your mind wander from the dangers of the nigger is when you are most opened to be subject to their nigger behaviors. Do not blink, do not sleep, don't you dare fucking relax around these fucking niggers.

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This is hard to watch. Not just because of the subject matter but the fucking awkward way the poster is operating. Terrible. What is his job exactly?

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You think he saw that same behavior from all the whites back in Germany then?

I love those videos. I especially love that you can hear he wants to fucking strangle those retards for how their treat their dogs. I don't know what he thought of them when he went to Gambia originally but I bet he's plenty redpilled now.

A provocateur...

So sad.

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>why do niggers abuse animals?
Empathy is too abstract for them

Seen this before but I really enjoy reading it for linguistic reasons...

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that was a really good movie

man's best friend not monkey's best friend.

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>Why do niggers abuse animals?

Because they are animals themselves, incapable of raising anything without it dying.

Pretty much this. Nigger philosophy.
"If i can't eat it or fuck it then why care about it."

Empathy is largely a white trait
You go around thinking empathy us a universal human trait but you'd be surprised how much variation occurs among the races, with han chinese, arab semites and negroids at the bottom.

Go fuck your mother while you watch your animal torture videos, shitstain.

I have never seen a nigger hold open a door unless they were being paid to do it.

Simple acts of common courtesy just don't occur to them as things to do, they just don't think about other people in even the slightest way. If they can't empathise with people then an animal has no chance.

To a nigger a dog is a weapon and a status symbol. That's it.

>You should see his novellas (Ted Chiang, the writer of the original story) - "Understand" is wonderful:

I understand the mechanism of my own thinking. I know precisely how I know, and my understanding is recursive. I understand the infinite regress of this self-knowing, not by proceeding step by step endlessly, but by apprehending the limit. The nature of recursive cognition is clear to me. A new meaning of the term "self-aware."

Fiat logos. I know my mind in terms of a language more expressive than any I'd previously imagined. Like God creating order from chaos with an utterance, I make myself anew with this language. It is meta-self-descriptive and self-editing; not only can it describe thought, it can describe and modify its own operations as well, at all levels. What Gödel would have given to see this language, where modifying a statement causes the entire grammar to be adjusted.

I know my body afresh, as if it were an amputee's stump suddenly replaced by a watchmaker's hand. Controlling my voluntary muscles is trivial; I have inhuman coordination. Skills that normally require thousands of repet.i.tions to develop, I can learn in two or three. I find a video with a shot of a pianist's hands playing, and before long I can duplicate his finger movements without a keyboard in front of me. Selective contraction and relaxation of muscles improve my strength and flexibility. Muscular response time is thirty-five milliseconds, for conscious or reflex action. Learning acrobatics and martial arts would require little training.

Blinding, joyous, fearful symmetry surrounds me. So much is incorporated within patterns now that the entire universe verges on resolving itself into a picture. I'm closing in on the ultimate gestalt: the context in which all knowledge fits and is illuminated, a mandala, the music of the spheres, kosmos kosmos.

>Utterly brilliant speculative scenarios.

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Go live in subsaharan Africa with your dog and let's see how easy it'll be to prevent flies to land on him and inject him with their eggs.

Look up mango worms on Wikipedia. Niggers are neglectful, but it seems like mango worms are difficult to avoid unless you keep your dog indoors or do not allow your dog to defecate/urinate in your yard.

Show your flag you kike faggot. God hates you, Esau.

NO they deserve to be treated like the pathetic degenerates they are.

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He probably wanted to cook up the bugs.

I see the mental structures forming, interacting. I see myself thinking, and I see the equations that describe my thinking, and I see myself comprehending the equations, and I see how the equations describe their being comprehended.

I know how they make up my thoughts.

These thoughts.

>I'd so love to spoil this story.

WTF is this degenerate garbage? ANSWER ME!

>have never seen a nigger hold open a door unless they were being paid to do it.

Holy shit you literall basement dweller NEET. You should like...go outside...sometime...fucking creepy faggot

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would you be this hard on the down-syndromed? niggers are severely retarded in ways not yet labelled!

Don't make me post videos of white people dragging kittens and dogs around by cars and beating them till they're dead. There's entire sites dedicated to that shit, it's a piece of cake to find.

People in general are just shitty to animals and it's absolutely disgusting. People will even justify shooting their pets because they "don't have souls/consciousness". Plus if you live in a place/third world shithole with disgusting insects that lay eggs in your skin and eyes by just landing on you it's much harder to keep your pet safe.

>Jow Forums when white people do something bad: what an a-asshole....


>Fuck off

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Blacks have no compassion for animals because they ARE animals themselves.

I live in a working/lower class area about 10 minutes drive from the ghetto. Every nigger has a dog and abuses it on a disgusting level.

Lets take my neighbor across the street for example (small two story house that 4 nigger families occupy):
>keeps their pitbull in a 5 foot by 5 foot (5x5). cage 24/7 for its entire life
>I've never seen it taken out of the enclosure
>It's mind has been BROKEN by this abuse since it's entire life is lived in a place it cannot take more than two steps to either side in.
>It burns in the summer and freezes in the winter.

This is what really gets me though.

>They don't take it in during winter time in sub-zero degree tempature.
>I go over to check on it, and it is literally running in a tight circle around the cage trying not to freeze to death
>Barking like mad at the pain, waiting for some kind of mercy
>It's 11:00 at night, and I know it won't survive the night if I don't do something
>Knock on the nigger house's door until one of those disgusting jigaboos opens up
>fat nigger bitch
>whu yu want
>Take you dog in the fucking house, it's going to freeze to death.
>he ight
>No. Take it in or I'm calling the cops for animal neglect.
>They let it spend the night in the semi-heated garage space.
>Back in the cage the next day


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niggers are animals themselves. they care only about their next mood boost (food, poop, sex, violence, etc). even baboons are more compassionate to dogs than niggers.

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brave, i wouldn't go within a mile of a nigger ghetto hut

A human being that has no compassion towards animals is not a human. But a souless monstrosity, a cruel NPC.
A untermensch.
Is it possible to eradicate such creatures? Could we create a future like this? Do we have the power?

Niggers are not human

Actually, I think the problem is that the Gambia is not a place that traditionally embraced dogs as pets and now you have these movin' on up Gambia niggers who want to have dogs as pets in the European fashion. The upshot is that the dogs all die from tropical parasites. The only way to stop dogs from getting mango worms in the Gambia is to stop them from coming into contact with soil and sand that carries the larvae, which is pretty hard. Even if you are extra vigilant you would end up constantly having to pop mango worms out of your dog.

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It's no different than trailer trash letting ticks eat their dogs.

I have seen it happen. Not often, but it happens.
Canadian culture is so powerful it can make (some) niggers polite.

Africa is full of stray dogs, they don't have the "pet culture" like America does since they can barely take care of themselves

These are not strays nigger lover, these are pets.

Yes, if a retard was treating his dog like this he shouldn't be allowed to have a dog. Its simple really.

Holy shit at 12:30 of this video. Dude is redpilled and /ourveterinarian/

Why haven’t you called animal control on them niggers. Jesus fucking Christ, the dog would rather be dead than live in a prison.

Where are the videos of vets removing hundreds of ticks from trailer trash dogs?

OP his name is "Florian Reichert" So, he's German


What even is correlation?

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agreed. Some of the videos actually show their owners diving in there to help, which is something most owners wouldn't do in the west I imagine...

My sister has a black friend and her mom is a full retard she baboon, she freaks out over all sorts of things but she repeatedly shoots herself in the foot with her bad decisions. How it relates to this story is that they have a female cat which she refuses to pay to spay the cat. The cat has gotten pregnant 2-3 times already now, and every time she forces her kids to go out and find poor saps to dump the litters of kittens on. Doesn't want to pay like 100 bucks to stop the problem but has no problem dumping time and money dealing with the kittens that she doesn't want.

>black friend
You should distance yourself from a nigger-loving whore, even if she is your sister. What a god damn waste.
