Jow Forums humor thread
also looking for the screencap of Meghan McCain cum tributed on /b/
Jow Forums humor thread
also looking for the screencap of Meghan McCain cum tributed on /b/
here, have some BASED AND REDPILLED cartoons
Brazilian medicine
look closely at unedited pic...once you see it...
Niggas be so cheap they sending him off with about 300$ to the great strip club in the sky.
I was literally just looking at a bunch of 9/11 jumper stuff, weird - this is the first thread i saw.
Usually I don't care that much about tragedies or whatever but something about 9/11 jumpers really gets me. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to make that choice and then to jump. I know some people were acting on instinct due to the smoke and heat, but there were people who jumped in unison with others abd people who tried to use table cloths and sheets and shit as parachutes and rope. These people were for the most conscious and aware of what they were doing. One witness wrote about how strange it was to watch a lady stand on the edge for a few minutes, and then hold her skirt down in a show of modesty before leaping to her death. Ten whole fucking seconds to think about your oncoming death. How terrifying that must have been. Maybe some people had a feeling of peace? Maybe closing your eyes and imagining being weightless would help. IDK. One day you're going to work and then an hour later you're watching the ground rush up to meet you. Makes me sad and angry every time I start thinking about it and looking at the footage and images. I hope some day the kikes pay for everything they've done.
>table clothes as parachutes
Fucking burger education.
hue hue hue
Is that a shit bag? Are his guts damaged
"lmao fucking burger edu-"
>gets shot by motorcycle gunman
>then double tapped by off duty officer
no beef against burgers but this is funny asf
Lol. His name is Israel too
Amerimutt jam
The N.Y rats were well fed for a while
It is a pouch of monkey soup...Voodoo medicine.
“I hear rope necklaces are really in this year”
>be mutt,
>walk anywhere...
>"break yoself fool, get shot by nog.
oof, nice try buddy. good luck with your free falling "nation"
> Be dirty brazillian
> Get bitten by mosquito
> Get Zika virus
damn, i'd fuck that bird
Never seen that before. Is it real? Looks too clean.
>be American, have "white GF"
>get STDs from Tyrone, Jamal, Jesus, D-Rock, Carlos
>have their babies, pay for childcare
>Gf convinces you to film her mandingo parties
ya, it comes from a rare video from 9/11, guy was filming the corpse splat on the ground.
>beep beep
>sup my dudes
i dont get it
>gotta go fast
That's so bad I feel like killing myself too.
What is this, an image for ants?
The alt right is connected to libertarianism and many alt righters are former libertarians. The alt right is more or less fighting for a libertarian type world with whites only so it makes sense to be on that side of the rope. The commies are footsoldiers for the capitalist neoliberal globohomogayplex order whether they're aware of it or not. Seeing the commies fight on their behalf is confusing to the lolbertarian as traditionally one would think the capitalists would be on his side cuz of muh free trade
>implying we wouldn't just rebuild the powergrid better than it ever was before.
I-Is that... the same person?
t. ant
user, I....
eventually, possibly. but there would be a period where we would have to revert to feudalism and agriculture for a bit at least. that is if we'd ever fully recover from the total collapse.
uma uma uma
Who would do that? Millenials? With their bare hands? Get real fat boy.
Each catastrophy that happens only leads humanity to be better. The Black Plague, the Fall of Rome, etc.
Hard times breed strong men, the weak die, they make the world better.
same chick, at the right infected with the Femin virus
the bright red is photoshopped
the original just looks like wet splotches on concrete
>see son take first breath
>raise him to best of your ability, make sure he is always happy and healthy
>wife gets blacked and divorces you
>lose any contact
>miss son everyday
>get sent pics of him being indoctrinated by SJWs
>dont know address so you can't go there and rescue him
Lolbergs (who want a minimalist state) and Fascists (who argue for a strong state to be used as a tool for the good of the population) would appear to be opposites, yet frequently find themselves fighting on the same side of many issues, such as not accepting that Christian bakers should be forced to bake cakes for buttsex parties.
Likewise, the far-left who rail against Capitalists frequently find themselves on the same side as Big Business, such as on the issue of mass-immigration, which large companies support because flooding the labor market with foreign workers means they can get away with paying their employees lower wages.
Is this why he is in a wheelchair now?
Zionist cabal did 9-11 faggot, you laughing yet?
Knowing someone did this, either our own government or terrorists or Jews absolutely infuriates me.
It wasn't a corpse until it splattered on the ground.
You can't be fucking serious. Nevermind, I remember where I am. Of course it's true. This world needs burning.
>my sides
Someone needs to meme this as a gif
>falls down stairs
>is an actual cripple
Dumping Cripdeau's now
>ayyyy wheelz LMAO
>zoom zoom my dudes!
holy shit
>gotta go fast zoom zoom my dudes
>sometimes i attac
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
>You're probably wondering how I got here.
>no worries my dudes, I got my cripBBC on lockdown
its like some sort of faggot chariot race
>you ready for the mirin'?
thank you. although as a closed borders libertarian I feel like I didn't get this because libertarianism is almost exclusively thought of as open borders, and so I didn't get why the capitalist character would be on the right side of the rope. It's nuanced though, you have to realize those at the top don't actually want a free market, they want the government to keep new competitors out now that they've climbed to the top, by earning it or by cheating their way by partnering with government.
>they mirin'
>High 5! Mirin!
for all the photos of jumpers, i haven't seen a vid of one.
They may be faked.
HAHAHA I forgot about this
very fucking good
Assuming "authorities" like the ((CHURCH)) don't force us into another informational and technological dark age. We have the ability to come back from an Carrington style event relatively fast, but will TPTB (I hate that term) allow it before the population levels again falls back to their proscribed Goldilocks Zone?
same. those nice firm tiddies
Or 1969; whatever
Beat me to it.
>Ten whole fucking seconds to think about your oncoming death. How terrifying that must have been. Maybe some people had a feeling of peace? Maybe closing your eyes and imagining being weightless would help.