Hey pol. This probably isn't the place but I'm going thru a tough time...

Hey pol. This probably isn't the place but I'm going thru a tough time. I'm 18 and electrd to go learn a trade rather than college. I'm working 70 hours a week doing welding and HVAC. All my friends are getting lit and laid. When I have the rare days off I usually sleep or catch up on work for my journeyman's. It's just hard for me to watch my friends get turnt every day while I'm busting my ass in a 145° attic. Idk Bois. Am I doing the right thing?

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They'll be in massive debt in a few years.

You fell for the meme

18 is young still, I recently left my trade to go to into nursing. Just wanted a challenge and to be in a classroom again. I'm 21

basically; do what makes you happy

Listen son, welcome to life. yeah I know its not all butterflies and daisies but in 4 years you'll be making 40,000 or more a year while they are trying to get a job at safeway to repay their debts. don't be a typical "my life sucks" millennial or whatever the fuck you call yourselves

>welding and HVAC
>70 hours a week
I'm calling bullshit.

>guys why can’t I act like a little high school faggot anymore even though I’m an adult?
By all means retard, quit and go get a gender studies degree instead.

Just wondering, are you a reddit refugee? This isn't the board for your womp womp

Same here

If youre only making 40k/yr welding then youre doing something wrong. Especially with OT.

OP, get some experience under your belt (5yr minimum) then start applying to work for oil companies or utility companies. Youll get paid a lot more usually and theres more room to grow.

stack money

buy strategic properties

rent to debtslaves and minority apes

That "chainsaw" would make a good movie prop.

Your friends are showing symptoms of Despair which is being exploited.
You're not missing anything.

>renting to minorities.
Its like you want the value of your property to plumit. The only reason to rent to a minority is that its required by law. We should be fighting for freedom of disassociation.

This is a shit thread that’s made multiple times a day.
Idiots will still make 299 replies. Nobody cares what you think. Would you ask this cess pit for advice? Most of the people here are barely employed. This thread doesn’t even belong on this board. Yet it’s posted twice a day for jobless cattle to lowe about.

This post is bs. OP is either a retard or a liar.

I run my own HVAC company and 10-12 hour workdays in the summer months is pretty common, between doing installs and then running around in the late evening giving quotes and doing smaller service calls. Sometimes I do emergency calls on the weekend.

Shit is dead in the winter though. Might as well hibernate.

by the time you make serious money and drown in pussy they will work at McNiggers, pay off their student loan
you are welcome

save money then start a company when you're 25 so you can raise a kid with a sick car in hs

>Am I doing the right thing?
Right now business is booming. make and save as much as possible while you are an apprentice. I worked my fucking ass off for 5 straight years, and learned some amazing shit. You will be better in 4-5 years then they will be. Trust me brother

t: Journeyman Pipefitter & Plumber.

Where will your friends be in 5 years?
Where will you be in 5 years?

>no business in winter
you could start up a winter business

If the H means heating, why would it be slow in winter? Seems more important than AC

College is a complete waste of time. For example one friend graduated with a communications degree and he works as a teller at a bank, one has a business degree and works construction, and one has an engineering degree and is actually an engineer. Unless youre going to be a Lawyer, Doctor, or Engineer don't bother

welding and hvac huh? leaves plenty of time to lay down some pretty beads, post pics and dont forget to sage

I bet you're proud of that aren't you, your hacksaw shit. Sitting there with your bud lite and nascar paraphernalia

dude i work 50 hours each week in a 110F factory and get covered in dirt and chemicals for 12 hours. My job fucking sucks, I get 3-4 days off each week though, but I'm 30 years old now too old to be smoking weed and losing IQ points wasting time with people who aren't old enough to use their intelligence wisely.

>good one carrottop

>expecting to instantly master a trade and becoming your own foreman/boss in a months time, drowning in vacation time and money while youre at it

I dont know whos a bigger idiot, your friends for going to university or you for being a whiny bitch. Social sciences might have been your calling user.

It's worth it, I got my trades, started my own business, made serious bank. Because I'm licenced and fully certified I am the one that has apprentices now.
10 years after I finished certification I now sit on my ass for 2 hours every morning dispatching my underlings. Broke my first half million take home when I was 31 years old.
Just land the contracts and do good work.
when your friends are dying of aids and all used up you'll be prime and get a prime mate have lots of kids.
Trades are where its at.

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people try to get their heating system ready BEFORE winter

If you just want to get lit and laid just become a drug addict. You will ALWAYS have money for drugs and some junkie chick to fuck.


Don’t worry user you’ve made the right choice. Your building a career. Focus on that get financially secure and the women and good times will naturally come.

Are you making money? If so, or if you will eventually, stay the course. Having fun right now costs more than you can possible imagine down the road. When you are buying houses and sports cars your friends will still be getting "turnt" but they won't be getting laid and you will be. Young girls like rebels, women like money and influence.

>(((1 post by this ID)))

In no job do you do welding AND hvac unless you're a mechanic, and in which case, an 18 year old wouldnt have shit for experience to perform both of those things.

>get turnt

Electrician here. You need to get your journeyman liscense then try to find a sweet job. In a refinery is one of the best and make 6 figures. Dont waste to many years crawling in attics for little money. Network with people you meet and search for better opportunities. Dont be afraid to ask successful people questions on how to be successful.

Also, you might have to travel to find that sweet job.

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it'll be worth it. stay focused.

>All my friends are getting lit
don't envy being a degenerate

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Mine sites aren’t bad too, but the one I work at is “special”

>All my friends are getting lit
What the actual fuck does this mean? Is this some hot new meme slang you kids are pushing these days?

Sounds like you're the perfect guy to be smoking weed. Relax bro, you won't lose your IQ if you don't go overboard.

You're a moron.
Just end it now.You failed.

Currently 19 and on track to becoming a lawyer at 23/4. I'm probably going to prosecute niggers and try to get everyone who's not a legit Honorary Aryan kicked out of the country. The academic life's not for everyone and to be honest I'm right on the cusp of being too much of a third-world ass country boy to withstand academia. I'm barely able to stand the fact that myself, my family and my government are throwing thousands and thousands of dollars at my education, which is, time-wise, 95% me dicking around and getting lit.

In my opinion, you're doing the right thing. Hell, you can even use the money you save up to go to college.
and especially this

And one more thing, OP. Go research on Investopedia, check out /smg/ on Jow Forums, and wallstreetbets. Put your extra income into something that'll grow.

Yes. Your friends will be in massive debt they'll never be able to pay off because they are all studying psychology. You'll be buying a house and having a wife and kids while they are wishing they were dead because they are alone. You are doing the right thing. Keep it up

Nigger did you just tell him to research investing on wallstreetbets?

OP, if you don't make it on this gem of advice, you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't bother with Jow Forums, though. All they do is shill dead cryptos.

>1 post by this ID
fuck off kike

Y because he has a fucking job and makes you look bad?

yes, get it over with now. you can party in your 30s, or even your mid to late 20s.

This post ^^ was spot on.

That's right. HVAC takes years just to get started.
t. Welder

I was a residential framer for a few years after high school and it was decent, but I busted my ASS and hardly made any money. Recently started an entry-level tech job in downtown Toronto. I want to kill myself, but I make a little bit more per hour and I don't spend 10 hours a day aggressively hauling lumber at lethal heights.

Framing is more fun though. What do I do?


"Dont be afraid to ask succesful people questions on how to be succesful"

this is probably the best advise your ever gonna get.

we first off quit being a foggot and get the fuck away from toronto. not only is it a shithole, but you will never be happy in that fucking piece of shit town

learn furnaces... problem solved

What I needed to hear

How's Alberta these days, leafs? Could it be worse than Ontario? I've heard their economy is in the dumps but I'd rather scrape by in Alberta than scrape by in the GTA.

fuck off, this is a common thing in canada.... we actually work for a living. but i imagine your philosophy degree is serving you well in your faggot cubicle eh?

Absolutely. Take it from me, I'm a fairly successful professional at 31, I live pretty comfy in one of the richest counties in the entire country. There are people who burn out fast, and people who last.

Let them do their thing, they will knock up someone or commit a crime while you can go to bed well at night knowing you have a future, and are working towards something positive.

You will hit your stride in your professional mid 20's and be making more than their fathers. World will be your oyster, cars, houses, women, whatever. All because you didn't need to "get lid and laid" 24/7.Would definitely encourage you to get some experience with the ladies while at it.

>I ain't shit

t. most of Jow Forums

we are so close to being fucked, independence parties are popping up everywhere, and notleys a cunt

They do service call type work for broken heaters. But the bigger market (when it is active, like now) is construction. This is the case with a lot of trades.

I day trade from 930 to 11am. Cashed $400k last year. Learn finance shit and be rich OP

Learn VRF HVAC systems. It’s the future and it put me in to next level projects.

Sounds like opposite day advice. Trades got to worry about peak career income and opportunity, their degrading bodies, and golden year prep. If youre a 90s kid, you got about 40 more years in the workforce. Better hope automation doesnt fuck you over, as well

Be 18
>STEM degree income: $0
>Trades: $35k

Be 25
>STEM: $50k ($60k debt)
>Trades: $50k

Be 30
>STEM: $90k (30k debt)
>Trade: $75k

Be 40
>STEM: $150k+
>Trade: $90k, if youre blessed

Swing trading is nice. $40k in brokerage account. Get 5 to 1 margin. Heavy shorted Tesla at $370 on the way down. Closed at $300 . $37800 profit in 9 days. Musk went and smoke some weed on Joe Rogan, decided to short again, caught it on the way down at $315 , sold 640 shares, closed out at $268 . Another 29k profit.

That's about $67,175 profit in about 10mins of work (putting in the sell and close orders) over the course of a month.