Does Jow Forums want to explain their cognitive dissonance?

Does Jow Forums want to explain their cognitive dissonance?

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>what is adoption

what cognitive dissonance? why the fuck isnt the mom working to support her and the baby like everyone else?

foster care.

why should a woman ever work? you fucking bigot.

>look, I can straw man
Conservatives yell at the mother for either not getting a job or not marrying the father, instead relying on the state (read, everyone fucking else) to substitute her husband's financial contribution, while she demands his emotional devotion from her children.

To get behind the wheel of a car is to know a palpable sense of freedom in the states. The ungodly sprawl of the flyover becomes a world in your own back yard, but that freedom comes with the responsibility to not use that freedom to cause destruction and misery for other people. Women took the wheel of their own lives, but a sizable minority of them do not understand the responsibility it entails. They raise their children as friends and substitute husbands, they strain infrastructure in an overburdened society where the working class is caught in a rut, and they negatively influence the romantic relationships of younger generations with their demands for total, blind acceptance.

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the common theme is responsibility for something larger than yourself

wow conservatards sure are mean, now let me just pull this unborn baby apart inside your cunt with these elongated pliers

>what is not letting losers cum in you

She should have been hanged and the child put up for adoption, no dissonance here.

Why did she have a kid if she didn’t want it? Is she some sort of animal that can’t control herself or practice responsibility?
Also if you have to abort your child so badly, don’t force me to pay for it, you worthless sack of shit. If you want to kill your child, suffer whatever consequences there are of doing it on your own, and reconcile your sin with God

just don't get knocked up like an irresponsible degenerate

where is the father?

youre gay

>cognitive dissonance
You don't know what that is, do you?

Welp, someone has to work to feed, cloth, and care for you, and that responsibility should fall first on the family. That's too much trouble, it's obviously better to just murder the kid.

Just because you fuck up doesn't mean you deserve to erase the life you fucked up and made. It also doesn't mean I don't sympathize with your struggles afterwards but most of the time I won't. Having babies with a man incapable of supporting/helping you who in the black community have insane rate of abandoning their responsibilities is not my fault and its not that lives fault. It creates a struggle that can only be ended when black men decide their culture doesn't want to be based around having 3 babies mommas but no wife.

If the baby is a product of rape I will concede that a abortion might be okay in that rare instance because a child that will be resented its entire life and was a product of a evil deed shouldn't be forced to live through that shame.

>Not wanting to support a mother and child for 18 years is the same as killing the child

wtf i love murdering babies to allow a mother to be sexually promiscuous without cosequences now

> Responsibility

I know liberals lack it, but they really should begin embracing it.


>Right to life outside the womb =/= right to a comfortable life.
We don't go around killing poor people because they're poor.
Though personally I'm of the "what race are they mindset" I at least acknowledge that on the abortion issue, cuckservatives have won the moral argument against liberals

>Cognitive dissonance
>Picture lacks this by implying the mother is a victim of society and is by no means responsible for her error and should be able to erase it like a mistake on a math test.

This is why i hate niggers. Not black people niggers. My wife is black we're married we have no kids but if we did we're together and we both work and live relatively comfortably. But no the black community has to make songs about how its cool to be in your 50s still smoking weed and fucking women younger then you who shit out more kids who don't know who their father is , have these same values thrust on them by where they turn to in their culture and by the same culture are taught anything outside of it is trying to put you down and is RAYSIS.

There is a reason this is the only culture on the planet that average can have some kid who is a thug and owns a gun commit crimes get shot and the next day have 101 of them saying he was a good church goer and a victim.

In the second we still do that.
You use social pressure to get people to (hopefully) raise their kids right and be decent hard working members of society.
If that doesn't work, we punish the parents and/or we take the kid and try to find them a better home.
These are not in fact incompatible, they are two aspects of the same.
There are a couple types of leftist, those too stupid/willfully ignorant to grasp this, those who grasp it but pretend not to because they need to use such narratives to misdirect the first group.

If your an econ student you under implicit contracts....

Or if your not retarded

what if you adopt a little shit colored baby and it ends up a total turboniglet? just ask colin kapernicks parents. they gave him everything in the world and look how he repaid them. it probably ruined their lives

tldr - it's probably not a good idea to adopt a brown baby and black people don't adopt kids anyways

Nobody uses the term cognitive dissonance correctly.
Cognitive dissonance doesn't mean having mutually exclusive opinions. On the contrary it means the unpleasant feeling of realizing that one is having mutually exclusive opinions.

People who have no problem holding double standards are the ones WITHOUT cognitive dissonance.

>Women took the wheel of their own lives, but a sizable minority of them do not understand the responsibility it entails.

Given how single motherhood is forever on the rise, this could arguably be amended to "sizable majority."

>being this eurotarded

I dont see the problem, both scenarios are the majority wanting the woman to be responsible for her actions, FOR FUCKING. If you cant afford the kids, dont put yourself at risk.


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Colin isn't a nigger though hes a braindead leftist. At that point he doesn't even have culture. Which is a good thing because the black culture is largely fucking awful be it AA culture or A culture with those idiotic monster piercings and aids epidemic.

Hes a white washed retard who obviously hasn't had a hard life a very well off one wasn't able to be good enough to cut it in sports because hes been benched outside of one season and wants attention despite Nike being a sweat shop company for niggers the left will label it as heroic.

My point was Colin isn't a nigger hes another breed of worthless trash.

Fair enough. But to make it even more fair, let's make it illegal for the father to bail out on the kid under penalty of 20 years in jail.

the real question is why is that kid not half black?

Birth control is also crazy fucking cheap. If you're some dumb hood rat fucking every nigger in your posy you'd think you'd carry around that shit especially since a major of niggers talk about their "pull out game" and don't use condoms. At that point its less on the babies daddies end since condom prices will add up faster then birth control and well condoms fucking make sex terrible BC doesn't change shit.

>implying we'd care in either frame. It's a nigglet.

Abortion protection rules only apply for huwhites

>look goblina, he uses words with their intended meaning instead of the exact opposite, fucking eurofags I swear

parents should take care of their own children.
parents are not allowed to kill their children if they dont want to take care of them.

>republikkkans are mean to my child, THEREFORE I should be aloud to murder him

she shouldnt. she should be married.

>ya bix nood ma pullout game
>9 months later he's gone, and he leaves a nigglet behind
Why are they consistently like this Jow Forums?

>1 post by this ID
Shill thread. Move on.


Lmao literally just had this argument with an american. He didnt know what words mean. That was me being in the wrong though. Its the race mixing. Im sure of it.

Murder is bad, but make good choices and take care of yourself and your own dependents?

>that "comic"
why do libturds refuse to understand what responsibility is?

>same pro-abortionists are also anti-death row and anti-prison

No need to explain

Agreed. I mean in a perfect world a man like that should just be put in the stocks in the middle of the city for passers by to beat and mock. Social laws are way more effective than criminal laws. But whatever, this is what people want. Just lock him for 20 years, at our own expense instead

why is that guy telling the baby to get a job?

The absolute STATE of the left.

>hasn't been that way for hundreds of thousands of years
>Jow Forums thinks it should be now
Wow, really not the cultural conservatives I thought you were

Uh-oh! Exposing OP's cognitive dissonance!

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leaf post didn't read people saying she she be married in the first place. But who cares.

when is ur mom ass going to be a geographic location.

>she shouldnt. she should be married.
Best post, thread closed.

Childcare is expensive that you basically work to pay the CC bill unless you get it subsidized

It's family or career, not both + don't have children you can't support.

>You have the right to not be actively harmed

>You don't have the right for society to protect and provide for you instead of your parents

Seems simple enough to me.

What about in the event of illness, job layoffs, or death?

>why should a woman ever work?
Because feminist.

But it's the left that actively hates stay at home mothers?

Your limited means to care for someone doesn't justify murdering them.

If you can’t sustain yourself, you should just die as nature intends. And for women this. I don’t expect women to survive on their own, but if you’re going to be a retard, you should die as a retard would in nature

Also this


If a stupid whore wants to plunge her unborn fetus from her womb, I don't care. Don't use taxes to fund it.

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i wish i was an abortion
i hate pro life faggots

>Does Jow Forums want to explain their cognitive dissonance?


in what way is it a strawman? i dont think you understand what that means, little dude. stay in school, you queer little anime-posting faggot.

i am pro life
there is nothing wrong with leaving a baby on sidewalk and abandoning it

>ignoring is not killing
>walking past homeless people doesn't kill them
>president not responsible for disasters
>negligence is not murder

>think for once.

I can't, I WANT them to abort. The one true issue I completely disagree with the GOP on other than backing the kikes is trying to stop lefty retards from killing their children

>cognitive dissonance?
Without cognitive dissonance you would have actual dissonance