Scot/pol/: Gas the English edition

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Christian and Muslim women walk together in Glasgow

Oil production has fallen but value is up

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future Sweden

Orkney reporting in

>t. sasannach

Present pakistan

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I bet you the Scottish are loads more racist than the English, but because they're so politically lobotomized, they think diversity = being cool and hip rather than culture replacement.

The English are only racist against whites (Irish, Poles etc) and put darkies and paks on a pedestal. Scots are 99% white so we have no need to be racist (yet) but the average scot would quickly become redpilled if diversity were forced upon us.

Greetings from Ireland lads. Fuck the tans.

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inverness reporting in

its the other way around sadly, jocks are more likely to be bigotted against the english, prods/catholics (both the same thing but they hate each other anyway), poles, the irish and pretty much any other white group.
yet have a massive blind spot against pakis and niggers.

i wasnt aware of it at the time but i was guilty of this before working in london, talking politics or society with people back in scotland is like sending a radio message back in time to the 90s.
the scottish arrogance in believing scottish culture is so extraordinary that it can withstand any assault is what they have in common with sweden, they will fall just as fast.
i say 'they' as i do not consider the vast majority of them my people at all anymore

You cant have your own /pol thread if you dont have your own fucking flag.

Soctland should become a separte kingdom again. Is gealic still alive?

Are there lots of real scottish nationalist?

With our tiny population, it won't take much for us to get bred out by the diverse brown hordes. Public attitudes need to change here, fast. There's no excuse for being a blue-pilled faggot when you have access to the internet and can see what's going on in the world.

They can see whats going on in england and get redpilled.

Scotland is better than england

fuck scotland shits
england will always be the faverite of mine

whenever ive brought up race or immigration in general, not even in a negative tone, theres nothing but resistance and it isnt just from women or idiots.
for the most part scottish people rightfully see themselves as a distinct and different people, even on the genetic level i think theres acceptance but when it comes to extrapolating that further theres a dead end, as people just assume itll last in perpetuity regardless of what happens here.

>but the population is declining!
>but my mate sanjay works hard
>theyre just economic migrants who will go home soon
etc etc.
its like entering a time warp to 1990s england.

no shit.
nothing lasts forever sadly, at least among the people in england theres growing resistance that theyve had to impose a thought police state on. no such need in scotland, it'll be sweden 2.0.

if anyone gives a fuck to find out for themselves theres plenty of scottish forums, sureddits and other boards full of them.

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Hopefully it doesnt get to that point. Scotland is still very homogenous (95% plus white)

Hows scots gaelic doing

Bidh sinn ag ionnsachadh san sgoil

The most aesthetic language

More poeple should try to learn it esp scottish nationalist. If i was scottish i would be learning it

Lazy zoomers would rather play fortnite than learn the tounge of their forefathers. It's sad.

ey laddies can i join, 50% pure joc-- i mean, scot

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Lanarkshire reporting in