We're all just people

We're all just people

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Nope. jews are NPCs

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>he's a good goy

because they thought Remphan was the king of PCs but is actually the king of NPCs

Stop forcing this meme

Fuck off JEW

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>alright listen here you nigger I fucking like being an NPC

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We are all the same. Race does not exist. Gender does not exist. We are all one people.

>Argentinians are SENTIENT

NoT fOr LoNg
>NoT fOr LoNg
NoT fOr LoNg
>NoT fOr LoNg

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Go to college! Marry that 32 year old woman with a sociology degree! have only one child! get a a mortgage! City living is the best!

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people are people

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Where is the Pepe NPC?

That doesn't work.

Pepe is the idea that you exist outside of normatives.


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>Doesn't feel, man.

truth in this image. sapience is a behavior. yes genetics likely makes a significant difference in likelihood/ease of it emerging, but it isn't predetermination. it can be encouraged, or discouraged, and it can fall out of habitual practice.

thought terminating memes are a powerful sapience discouraging mechanism. that's what the fucking words mean. thought, terminating, memes.

Peer pressure makes decision and the group making more efficient.

Do you like my new maymay?

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The biggest lie we were ever sold was the notion that all human beings are equal. This isn't even true on a racial basis, easily more than half of all whites are NPCs, along with the majority of the people of other races. It is our responsibility as real human beans to resist the NPC agenda that seeks to restrict real human freedom. Until we draw a line between NPC cattle and humans we will forever falter as a species.

I guess that's the redpill. The Jew wants to breed out thinking itself, by importing arabs and africans. When the mixing is complete, the only people who even have thoughts and don't just operate on instinct to eat and fuck, will be The Jew.

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>mfw the tv tells me Drumpf is ruining democracy

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Whoa there, a little emotive for an NPC, don't you think? Dial up the "apathy" meter by about 43% on this specimen.