Just delivering freedom and democracy to mudslime ragheads.
Just delivering freedom and democracy to mudslime ragheads
thanks for your service goy
Thats IDF tho
Don't worry goyim, (((hollywood))) will make blockbuster honoring your dad's sacrifice for our bank accounts.
Oh yes, perfect content for (((Adam Sandler's))) Zohan 2.
>first pic of IDF
>second pic in Afghanistan
>third pic in Iraq
What’s next in the sequence?
Time to rest cause it's a tough job.
>"mr goldberg, I don't feels so good"
no it's british forces.
meant for
That's a massive flow period for a dude
Sgt. McGoy reporting for duty SIR!
Why did I join the (((TROOPZ)))...
Shit I just wanna kick some mudzlime ass! Hehe!
Perfect warriors.
Army bred for one purpose. Securing Israels regional interest.
what's the % of Jews who serve in the US military? I'm guessing nearly zero since they probably go to Israel and join the IDF but you know, maybe I will be shocked.
I forgot who it was, some ZOG overlord master of Jewmerican circumcised dumb slave scum, also working in Hollywood, giving some speech and saying
> I hope my son will serve in IDF as a sniper
> I wish I wasn't spending some time in US military
Meanwhile that kike is controlling some major facet of JewSA can't remember which.
first pic is actually british soldiers you fuck retard
Daily reminder that all real discussion falls behind reddit DnC threads. We need a general
You think they really want freedom and democracy?
I guess thats why they demand sharia in every western country they now infest