Just delivering freedom and democracy to mudslime ragheads

Just delivering freedom and democracy to mudslime ragheads.

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thanks for your service goy

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Thats IDF tho

Don't worry goyim, (((hollywood))) will make blockbuster honoring your dad's sacrifice for our bank accounts.

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Oh yes, perfect content for (((Adam Sandler's))) Zohan 2.

Attached: Iraq-war-dead-payloader.jpg (780x520, 94K)

>first pic of IDF
>second pic in Afghanistan
>third pic in Iraq
What’s next in the sequence?

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Time to rest cause it's a tough job.

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>"mr goldberg, I don't feels so good"

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no it's british forces.

meant for

That's a massive flow period for a dude

Sgt. McGoy reporting for duty SIR!

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Why did I join the (((TROOPZ)))...

Shit I just wanna kick some mudzlime ass! Hehe!

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Perfect warriors.
Army bred for one purpose. Securing Israels regional interest.

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what's the % of Jews who serve in the US military? I'm guessing nearly zero since they probably go to Israel and join the IDF but you know, maybe I will be shocked.

I forgot who it was, some ZOG overlord master of Jewmerican circumcised dumb slave scum, also working in Hollywood, giving some speech and saying

> I hope my son will serve in IDF as a sniper
> I wish I wasn't spending some time in US military

Meanwhile that kike is controlling some major facet of JewSA can't remember which.


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first pic is actually british soldiers you fuck retard

Daily reminder that all real discussion falls behind reddit DnC threads. We need a general

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Allahu Akbar faggot.

You think they really want freedom and democracy?
I guess thats why they demand sharia in every western country they now infest