Why do people put Mexicans on a pedestal?

Why do people put Mexicans on a pedestal?

America loves to pretend that mexicans are hard-working, amazing people. They just want a better life than back at home. They're willing to work the hard jobs that whites don't want to do. They love God and family, etc. I've worked some labor jobs that 'none of us want to do' with a lot of mexicans and i can tell you that most of them were complete scum. They were the biggest scammers ever, always trying to make an easy buck. Mexican men will live with their wife's parents in their 30s and 40s despite having made enough money to afford their own house, simply because they'd rather mooch off others and spend their own money on nice things for themselves. They get their food from food pantries when they aren't struggling. They'll marry women from the US to get a green card but treat their wives like shit despite helping them have rights here. And they're lazy.

Mexicans are willing to work shit jobs for LONG hours but that doesn't mean they always have a great work ethic. Their 'hard work' is usually to buy a 24 pack at the end of the day and drive home drunk.

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Retarded pic. Most americans that move to mexico are ethier people that love the local culture and stayed or retirees looking for a cheap place to live

...or maybe spring breakers?

Mexicans being hard workers is a meme that libshits plug out to justify a foreign invasion. They are lazy pieces of shit that do everything half-assed and take pride in doing it half-assed just to fuck over the bosses. They think all white bosses are racist Trump supporters so they deliberately fuck them over and do as little work as possible.

Their whole culture prides in getting shit half-done with the least amount of effort. It's like a competition between them. If you learned Spanish and listened to the shit they talk about during work you'll realize exactly what kind of "work ethic" they have, the kind that means scamming the bosses as much as possible because they're racist imperialist corporates.

They dont permanently move to mexico though.

fuck that, if thoes mexicans wernt in america thoes jobs would pay twice as much and nigs could go do them.



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guy if picking fruit payed 30$ an hour id go do it on the weekends for the exercise.

>Young adult tourism for cheap booze is the same as people working illegally and living there illegally for ridiculously low wages

what, mexicans dont like american money?

The illegals are fucking assholes and as a construction worker I fucking despise, the ones who actually do their paperwork are pretty bro tier although. Unironically based spics; based black man is a meme although

You can pay a mexican below minimum wage, but not a nigger. After all, you can threaten Pedro with "La Migra", but not Tyrone. That's really what they mean when they say "they do jobs no one else wants to" purposefully forgetting about mentioning the wage part of the equation.

Because they need them to stay here and have kids, to change our demographics. Mexicans have zero work ethic unless you stand behind them while they work, they were born to be slaves. If you've ever had to supervise them, you'd know that as soon as you step away to do something, they sit down until you come along.

You know that based spic is going to retire back to Mexico, collect social security and live like a king, right?

I guess it's not just tomatoes they're picking they're going for images too.

The Mexicans in America drive down wages and remove wealth from the host nation, the Americans who go to Mexico create jobs and distribute wealth to the guest nation.

>They're willing to work the hard jobs that whites don't want to do.
Whites used to do these jobs when you could still raise a family by doing so without committing welfare fraud

Pretty much. Ever wonder why almost all West coast/Southwest construction jobs need to be redone every handful of years or why their buildings and shit fall apart after like 2 years? Hint: check the Mexican populations

Takes welfare, doesn't pay taxes, lowers wages for Americans that do have to pay taxes.
Tourist giving Mexico money to be there.

This. Americans in mexico actually help the mexican economy with their money but the opposite happens here

No, the same happens here. Mexicans in America help the Mexican economy.

No the illegals do that shit, I used to have to deal with those fuck heads all the time. I had to earn my citizenship (Irish American) so I can appreciate how it sucks to wait and how after you get your citizenship all you want to do is walk around with bald eagles n shit

>collect SS
Does that work in other nations

>They're willing to work the hard jobs that whites don't want to do.
I love this meme.

so the Americans in Mexico leave after a week?

This. Worked with some Mexican guys once, they didn't know I speak Spanish

I don’t know, the confederates managed to make them work hard.

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Look how many are in prison or welfare cheats. Fuck em all.

>Picked some cotton
>Couldn't even do that without complaining
>We built America n sheeit

No ILLEGAL ALIENS. Get their smelly butts back to taco land.

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Legal spics need to go as well, anybody who came here after 1965 should have their citizenship revoked apart from the dead.

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Because one is an immigrant seeking protection from a drug lord any way possible
And the other is a college student from San Diego

god im so happy my family isn't shit and i don't have to go to burgerland for work
living amongst gabachos and niggers sounds like absolute hell.

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Mexicans do that work that whites wont do at that price point. Thing is, Americans wont pay a higher price for the work. Just like how people like to bitch the chinks took our jobs, but same people wont buy made in US products because too expensive. Have a friend who bitches about chinese products, but then called me dumb for buying handmade in US leather boots because they were over $200. “Bro i got mine for $90 at mall.” Cheap chinese shit. I dont agree with saving money thru cheap labor tho. Parents are Mexican but our senpai only hires people with licenses when we need shit done in our houses. It is usually older white dudes. Younger gen white dudes are non existent in any home remodeling we’ve done. Mexicans usually dont have license so work at cheap price cuz no business overhead; it’s tempting but not the right thing to do. Blacks dont work at all. Asians dont do labor intensive jobs cuz too onions. That leaves a handful of licensed hispanics, and mostly older white dudes.

People who try to make the case for illegal immigrants also inadvertently support unfair wages/slave labor, and give the impression when they say "they just do the jobs other people don't want to do" that they expect that the illegal immigrants, while having a place in society, should never advance in society and just be poor vegetable pickers for us forever.

Then they call YOU racist for disagreeing.

I dont even think a lot of americans permanently move to mexico. Very few

They support slave labor

they are unironically not hard working at all. Very lazy and dangerous better to be smart and hire your own kind.

I don't get it myself. They're above niggers but still significantly below whites. Higher criminality, lower education performance, net loss to the tax system etc.

Now I'm remembering that Kelly Osbourne quote from The View when she tried to virtue signal about illegal immigrants
>if you kick all the mexicans out, where are we going to get janitors and maids?! they're our slaves, you can't get rid of them!

Okay so let's have the "hard working" folks pay say $5000 and be on a 2 year probationary period in exchange for citizenship. If they're such hard workers $5k isn't a lot. And 2 years without breaking laws should be simple,no?

Higher your own kind at the price that should be paid. Problem is you white people are so god damn cheap youll hire an illegal for slave wages, then bitch about how whites are losing jobs to illegals. Victim mindset.

Here's some mexican laborers repairing my rich neighbor's back door.

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Am i the only one who hates beaners more than nig nogs? I've met many decent black people in my day. Outaide the ghetto they can be capable of assimilating. Mexicans are just slime in general. No matter what social class they are, they still remain weasels. They think their shit doesn't stink, but it stinks even worse because all the beans. They turned a nice white language into ugly chattering nonsense. They look and talk like a tribe of ooga booga volcano worshippers. And some even do that, they will live on an active volcano, or build their CAPITAL CITY on a loose soil lake bed and then die trying to hide in their homes when an eruption or earthquake occurs.

Then we have to send money because "they're poor people, they didn't have a choice." Didn't have a choice to settle somewhere other than right on top of a seismic time bomb.

Look at those indigenous monkey lips.

Ignoring these based posts. Typical brainlets.

Talks about turning a white language into trash...forgets there are rednecks who botch the english language. Talks about building cities in retarded areas, yet forgets white build cities on the coast of areas that get hit by hurricanes or in a tornado ridden plain, and rebuild only to get their shit rekt again. Talks about Brainlets, when will they learn.

I was born to conservative Dominican parents and let me tell you, most Hispanics come here literally to take advantage of the social systems and don't work "hard." Very few of them actually respect American values and culture, get licenses for the work they do, or try to assimilate in any way. All they do is send their money back to their families in the countries from which they came and in turn help them come here whilst doing the most fraud they wont get caught for possible. Salvadorans are just bad as Mexicans and are even uglier.

I'm at a cross road because either way I benefit but I definitely do not want to live in a nation with low tier shitty people that think they deserve things for free.

>living on a coast doesn't make sense
>living on an active volcano does

>I'm at a cross road because either way I benefit but I definitely do not want to live in a nation with low tier shitty people that think they deserve things for free
Same. My recent ancestors came to the US from mexico in the mid 20th century (1940s) the legal way, but now seeing how fucked the leech culture here is getting i kinda want to go learn spanish to mexico.

Association fallacy. Assuming every coastline is exactly the same. But building a city ln a volcano is always retarded. Just as building cities in tornado alleys or hurricane regions is always dumb.

Chicano 'spanish' is nasty. Mexican spanish can be pretty

Cities can be built anywhere with the right people

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>Picking vegetables and pouring concrete
Scum class. Go home Indio trash

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