Stop voting against your racial and economic interests

Stop voting against your racial and economic interests.

Attached: nazbol.jpg (794x571, 58K)

its never worked before but believe me, it will this time goy

Is this a bot meme?

at least nazbols are redpilled on the Jew I guess but you're still filthy commies

kick the open borders cucks of your team and i might consider it


^ This.

nazbols are dumb

you're dumb

Attached: 1527952055645.png (1144x888, 316K)

National Bolshevism is unironically the way forward.

Attached: nazbol uk.png (1004x500, 23K)


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Stop Voting
Revolution Now

i mean, the only legitimate reason why nazbols are a thing in the west, is to distance themselves from freaks like these

pic related

Attached: cuckalonia.jpg (1110x638, 266K)

>socrates was a nigger
Look like one.

Attached: Athenian Socrates philosopher, fresco, 1st century BC.jpg (197x256, 9K)

so you're OK with associating with freaks like that?


pffft... okay

Can someone explain NazBol to me. Is it an actual ideology or just a meme? Isn't it what Stalin was or something?

Attached: compol.jpg (538x562, 49K)

Shit never changes

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no, and i am sure those freaks have never bothered to read marx or the texts of Lenin about how a country gets the right to self determination
>Isn't it what Stalin was or something?
LOL if i am not wrong one of the founders of nazbolism got purged by stalin

Why do all French men look like Arabs

nothing but bullets for a bolshevik

white armies were virgins

The Red Army was comprised of true blood Russians. The Whites were a bunch of German aristocrats and volunteers.

Is that the best you got? Calling people virgins? Will that be your solace as you surround yourself with subhumans?

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>cherrypicking random churkas, a few jews, and an inbred man
>not knowing that the soviet union included almost all of central asia

Too bad then true blood Russians are subhuman scum

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>>not knowing that the soviet union included almost all of central asia

Attached: 1520452163546.jpg (577x522, 68K)

Sorry, I'll start voting to repeal any law that prevents the wholesale slaughter of commies. Thanks, user, for opening my eyes!

How about we just stop voting?

That's the only solution.