How do we radicalize whites faster?

How do we radicalize whites faster?

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directly target young white boys 15-16 with fashy propaganda

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Stop being a faggot nazi or kill yourself

1. Promote white nationalism and nothing else
2. Stop referencing Nazi Germany

This is a great question. A great stimulus which increases in-group cohesion is the perception of external threat. Not enough whites realize they are being targeted yet and are under threat. They are being told that whites themselves are the threat to others, and so they are doing the opposite of cohering. They will bend over backward to show that they are not concerned with ethnocentric organization or in-group preference.

>muh optics

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Whites are still on the jew narrative of progressivism, where we will progress past racism and one day the very last racist will die and everyone will get along. Meanwhile the other races are licking their chops and ethnocentrically organizing.


oh you mean the retarded faggots that were seigheiling right after Trump one just to alienate his base?

he asked how to radicalise whites faster not how to make them nationalists

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The other races know what's up and they are looking at whites like scavenger birds circling an injured animal. And the dumbass whites are still on the melting pot retardation like we're all going to get along some day.

Figure out a way to combat the trope of "your racist," or "your a racist." We must learn how to deflect these comments, if we cant figure that out in a simple one liner then we will never progress.

Recently when people call me racist I just answer back with "I'm American."

Print out hard copies of Siege and give them directly to young white males age 15-16

maybe if you fuckers actually gave back and poured money into building a sense of community instead of letting the government create the frameworks from which white people meet and cooperate (SCHOOLS) then you wouldnt have to ask. Jow Forums is full of fucking retards. Back in the day if a black man killed a white person there would be a lynching of multiple negroes, nowadays white people just say "oh what, a tragedy, better stay safe i hope that doesn't happen to me.i better avoid certain areas" you guys are all FUCKING PUSSIES and wont actually fight back for your race. None of you give a fuck about the white race, your all just stupid fucks who blame minorities for your shortcomings and try to cling to an identity of a white nationalist, but you wont fight for the white people. Fuck all of you traitors

Nailed it

I want to support the NW Front but I don't know if they're around anymore

Don't use fucking Nazi imagery or talk about it as "radicalize" you fucking CIAniggerfaggot

shill detected, this is like SPLC fucking language, we don't "target with propaganda" we inform.



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the North West Front hasnt done anything ever lmao its like 10 guys

Obama was actually much better at white self realization (on accident). He was literally better for the white psyche than Donald Chaim Trump

Yea Neo Nazis are total winners. Fuck off. You're not even a Nazi, you're a kike shill trying to hurt White people. Fuck off, faggot.

The NW front brand is fucking horseshit. If you want to encourage Whites to move to the NW, do it, but don't tie yourself to the NW faggot brand.

You can't radicalize most people by appealing to 1930s German propaganda (which wasn't even pro-white) it's a total shitshow and doomed to failure

MUH OPTICS have gotten us nowhere
If we try to avoid Nazi imagery then they hire people to use brand new flags at protests like in Charlotesville
they're going to frame us as Nazis no matter what we do so stop giving so much of a shit about some scary taboo windmill

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Nobody wants you here, you hook-nosed rat-fuck

Show them demographic data.

And what have you done user? Killed niggers? Gave captivating speeches to your peers? Fuck off larper.

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(not wiggers or chads but not total nerds)

I think it happens because of the amount of hate they receive. For example if a white 15 year old posts something unrelated to race and politics and mentions he is white he will be flooded with hate from nonwhites and self hating whites, that happens often enough and he'll get mad. That's how it works with everything, being irrationally treated like shit makes people mad. The 15 year old kid will go on to hate those that hate him unless he's a spineless coward. I don't condone violence but the left is already making more and more people mad.

I wish most anons were this concise and wise to the threat against us.

Honestly for me pointing out absurdities and harmful scenarios to other white people is a careful craft. You can't just say, "Look what this Jew did with his bank butt-buddies," you have to come at it with a point of view similar to when you yourself were first understanding the true identities and actions from such figure heads that have gained absurd amounts of power and degenerated our societies. Article 13 will probably be a large stepping stone for newer red-pilled folk.

Enact housing diversity laws that require white neighborhoods to take in shitskins as neighbors. Nothing redpilled me faster about the other races than living next to them.

if you want radicalization be radical


The National socialists didn’t start by being radical when they were coming to power, that’s not how you get to power faggot. You slowly build up and then let the storm break loose when the time is right.

Nazi shit isnt pro-White. Its pro-Germanic/Nordic.

Hitler talks about his hatred of Slavs more than his hatred of Jews in Mein Kampf.

I like WW2 shit too, but we need to leave it in 1945. The movement of 2018 can be fascist, but it cant be against other gentile whites.

We cant afford to be divided in these trying times.

National Socialism is the ideological solution to all our problems you fucking amerimutt shitbag. fuck off and go suck trumps dick.

dismissing optics is what got the whole "movement" destroyed. Only retard tier libertarian types dismiss optics

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rich shitskins or poor shitskins? ive had 3 black neighbors but theyre all white collars and drive german cars and shit and they never chimped out and take good care of their property. been living with them for 12 years now and ive never seen a cop car outside their houses.

no matter what optics we use the (((MSM))) is going to paint us as Nazis, there is nothing we can do in regards to optics, all we have left is the truth

Based, but your empire was partly responsible for the fall of the Reich so fuck you

Brit bringing the anti white statement with aggression. Who better to get advice on saving whites than an absolute cuck conquered embarassment.

>How do we radicalize whites faster?
Redpill them with reality and break the jew trance.

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lmao you're not wrong


send them here
have them start at the beginning

T. Has all the guns and freedoms but won't use them to save his people because he is a dirty fucking coward

This thread looks like a shill Op to make WN look bad,

look at this anti-white cocksucker. pic related bitches

Yea you're a total winner saving our race. Fuck off libshill

he's an obvious kike shill trying to make WN look bad, don't fall for the Nazi maymay, it's 100% LARPtards and Jews

This thread is anti-White

This. Jews are encouraging us to think pro-White = Nazi. Fuck that.

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>national socialism

what about this one little windmill makes you so afraid?

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blah blah blah LARPer, you're not a winner you just want to be in an edgy club,


(((Contrary to what they might tell you)))

Neo-Nazism =/= National Socialism
(((Contrary to what they might tell you)))

What a fucking retarded post. I'm "afraid" of my race dying. The idea that White identity is automatically represented by Nazism is literally a Jewish idea. You're sucking the anti-White dick. Loser!

I don't think you can go much faster Jew. You already have anti-white male messages all over along with the usual pro-"minority" stuff to go along with it.

It doesn't matter because you still aren't going to appeal to many people by spouting 1930s German propaganda which again, wasn't even pro-white nationalist.

Had the Germans been white nationalists they would have helped the Slavs form their own nation states instead of demanding German supremacy.

There is no difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism and if you think there is you are still part of the problem.

Just be a secret Nazi, moron. The ideas are good but the brand is shit. You're too stupid to realize that, though, right?

>There is no difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism
Found the stupid kike. I will push for White rights and White survival, why does me calling myself NS matter?

Fucking edgelord. Get a life.

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Honestly I think this thread is anti-White shilling. Look at the OP and the first 3 replies. Obvious leftists.

Were accumlating dipshit. A sperg out against globalism today will make ww2 look like a ladies broom ball skirmish, patience, look at the overton window shift were going through currently.

National Socialism is by definition the freeing and uniting of all Germanic peoples under one banner
WN is just more broad but the same goal

>one little windmill makes you so afraid

1930s era German national socialists weren't even pro-white. Had they been they would have acted as liberators toward the Slavs instead Hitler wanted them to be conquerors.

1930s era German National Socialists weren't white nationalists or else they would have supported independent Slavic ethno-states.

The path to an ethnostate for whites is the same path the jews took
Most whites will not think of themselves racially unless they're forced to
They're literally the least-racist group on the planet

Chronicle the changes going on - in education, entertainment, political messages; the shit going on all around the world. Emphasize how short a timeframe it's all going on in and what was normal 10 years, 20 years, 50 years ago.
Package it and throw in some tastes of the blackpill, like the tortures and mutilations on the dead and still-living Bataclan victims, but only periodic tastes.
Include people still promoting and pushing these changes (the ones still in power). Target a few low- and mid-level journos so they'll get scared and start shrieking on social media and in articles to give the videos free publicity.
Do not name the jew or praise uncle Adolf outright but make the connection clear to someone capable of reading between the lines.
Bookend with light fashy propaganda to show that not all is lost.
Make these video packages 10 minutes or less and spread them far and wide.

Do it right, package it carefully, and you could radicalize thousands of zoomers. Maybe jog the memories of a few boomers too.

1. Your enemies will always call you are nazi

2. Your enemies will always call you are nazi

3. You are a coward for not embracing and becoming what your enemy fears the most.

4.National Socialism is the idealogicall solution to all of our problems.

5. You are shilling against NS and you are calling ME the shill?!?

I don't know, but time is short.

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Whatever you idiot. You're just reciting Nazi propaganda. Only what normal White people think matters, and most of them will never re-think Hitler.

Stop holding us back. We should be friends, but you want to attack me for being smart about branding. Normal people don't think NS is freedom, they think it's slavery. Are you literally 100% unable to do propaganda?

Get a brain.

The fact they called it "radicalize" and used a swastika is proof it's 90% probably an anti-White shillfag.

1. I don't care
2. I don't care
3. That's like saying I have to be a Satanist if I am anti-Christian
4. debate it don't just say it, dickhead
5. NS isn't needed, you're repeating Jewish memes

Whiteness = Nazism = A KIKE MEME

You don't. You convert based minorities to allies and destroy the left. People will then self-segregate in peace.

NatSoc has evolved. National Socialism is White Nationalism, like I said... Anyone who can't see what NatSoc has/is becoming is still part of the problem.

Absolute worst wardrobe they could have chosen.

>and most of them will never re-think Hitler.
enough will in time if we show them the truth

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No it's not. WN =/= NS

Literally the people who memed WN as being NS are organized anti-White Jewish leftists. Moron!

says the Jew

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>NS isn't needed
>WN isn't needed

Are you retarded

amplify the left's antics at every opportunity

>this is like SPLC fucking language, we don't "target with propaganda"
hello underage

Maybe in 40 fucking years. Right now millions of White people are open to being pro-White, you fucking shill.

You're an edgelord wasting your fucking time and hurting our race.

White Nationalism IS National Socialism

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of course NS and WN are not exactly the same but the more you read into NS the more you realize Hitler had the same exact goal as we do and the Jews crucified him for it
they will do the same to you no matter how you brand yourself

Even though Hitler literally lives in my heart, I don't disagree with you. In the streets, we must not raise the swastika flags, we need to draw as many to us as possible.

I want the traditionalist workers party back, just without heimbach. I liked their ideas of ethnic federalism and local self-determination. Heimbach was basically a conservative national Titoist like I am. But then he had to beat up a party leader for cucking him.

Yes this is true about not being divided. But if you take some of the 25 points and replace 'german' with 'white' or 'person of full european ancestry', then then some of the points of the program are useful

1. We demand the union of all whites in a Great whiteland on the basis of the principle of self-determination of all peoples.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population

4. Only those who are our fellow whires/euros can become citizens. Only those who have white/euro blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.

6. The right to choose the government and determine the laws of the State shall belong only to whites/euross. We therefore demand that no public office, of whatever nature, whether in the central government, the province, or the municipality, shall be held by anyone who is not white euro.

etc etc

I agree, I never implied in my thread that we should march through the streets with Swastikas, that's what paid actors did at Charlotsville
but we shouldn't shy away from admiring the imagery and the goal of National Socialism

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White nationalism is what White people have always beem. NS is 20 years.

Use NS ideas, NS branding is shitsauce.

No it's actually not, kikeboy. Fuck you.

I have no issue with NS, but normies still don't get it. At all.


Do nothing. Let the left do it for us. Even a guiding hand from us will be seen as shilling, and will do damage.

Hey, I love hitler and nazis as much as any goy, but you cannot tell me it's not a German ideology. I would love if Germans would accept it, but as an American, I would prefer something American.

Be a secret NS guy ffs. Come on!

I am strongly against colonialism, as it has always profited the Jew.
An example would be just how much Israel assisted Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa.

If you seriously think those costumes don't look absolutely bonkers you must be the Jew, they're known for their poor sight.

So what is a Germanic Anglo to do about the non-Germanic Celts? Gas em?

Why not be a British Fascist (and ideology designed for you and your kind)???

well we have finally come to an agreement and can move forward
so how do we wake up whites to what is happening to them?

Like Murdoch Murdoch said....

"We are going to be 14 and 88"

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Why shouldn't whites in Eastern Europe have their own ethno-states Poles, Belorussians, Ukranians etc?

>It's changed

then drop the constant appeals to 1930s Germany national socialism

Historically speaking National Socialism meant a pro-Germanic only ideology which established hegemony over numerous other white ethnic groups mainly Slavs. That isn't compatible with white nationalism which means political representation and solidarity among whites regardless of what language they speak.

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Beware labels like NS or fascist. Beware.

Found el Goblino de 56%.

Apparently not by redpilling them but by telling them how BASED white nationalism is and how EMPEROR TRUMP is going to save the world SHADILAY

*rolls eyes*

When I carry my thought process to conclusion it makes me wonder if it's all worth it. 45% of my wants to let the jew do their thing.

the media's crying wolf shouldn't concern you anymore
they can cry NAZI all day long but nobody is listening anymore

8. Any further immigration of non-whites must be prevented. We demand that all non-whites who have entered whiteland since (date to be determined) shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.

18. We demand that ruthless war be waged against those who work to the injury of the common welfare of whites. Traitors, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished with death

19. We demand that Roman law, which serves a materialist ordering of the world, be replaced by German common law.