Is collage a scam

Im asking if collage is a scam because i recently graduated high school

Both parents are immigrants from india(yes i poo in loo),SAT Score of 1400 out of 1600,High school gpa of 4.01 and i have a scholarship covering some of the costs.Should i go to collage?

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No go to trade school.

Fuck,im on mobile and mispelt college as collage,please forgive me

I would but my parents think being an electrician is a job for the poor people(It is in the shithole that india)

>1400 sat
>4.0 gpa
is that UW? if so you could easily get a full scholarship to any state school.

t. on scholarship at state school

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UW=unweighted btw

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go back to india and take a shit in the street on a picture of India's president, then take a photo and post it here

UW?Whats that?(sorry i dont know college terminology)

Not UW

Edgelord much?

Tell them that the US is a different country and that if they can't adapt they better go back to India.

I would but i like the sciences more so i just roll with it

Go to uni and take up something thats usefull field of science, technology and biology medical (No stem) you get the idea.

No college, no trade school, none of that shit for me. I worked hard and pulled myself up on dem bootstrizaps and now I'm making it.

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Its not a scam, but moreso useless if you have a iq surpassing a certain point.

Good,everyone in my family is in a stem field execpt one uncle who is an automobile engineer and every adult in my family has a masters

Not sure about iq but based on sat score i estimate between 130-160

You are Asian and therefore have sacrificed common sense for intellect.
Yes, college will be good for someone like you

1400 isnt too bad, you should go to college imo if they arent offering shit scholarships.

well then you're going to regret it you fucking retard. You'll make far more money by first learning a trade and then using your superior knowledge as leverage against your competition.

you need to go back pajesh

and intelligence

Indians write the worst code ever, total garbage

Unless you're Steve Jobs I think you need a college diploma in this day and age. Or you can go to trade school, but that's not easy like every user on here makes it out to be. You have to go through years of apprenticeship, hard dirty work. Then you gotta take tests to pass everything. If you really don't want to go to school and still have a decent paycheck become Super. You won't have to pay rent and can live pretty comfortably, especially if you're alone.

Ah,my intelligence,i know a few ways to invest money does that count?I know that today is the best time to invest in retail stores because holiday season 1-2 months ahead

Dont worry,coding was always very boring to me

Out of curiosity what's the problem usually? Shitty style/formatting, poor performance, unreliable or well rounded shit?

It's a total scam.
The only thing they actually teach at college is propaganda. Sure, tests will have questions over useful information (not really practical info though), but professors don't actually teach anything. You have to learn it yourself. So in a way, college is an exercise in doing work yourself and meeting timelines which is motivated by its ridiculous cost, but you could just as easily learn all that stuff without a university as long as you had enough motivation.

What is it unweighted? Regardless you should be getting a substantial scholarship. with those numbers.

If it wasnt for the looming threat of deportation to india and the fact that diplomas are nessasary for jobs today,i think it is important

Yes, go to college/university.
Go into a field that is completely destroyed by SJWs, infiltrate their ranks with your minority status and give monthly reports.
After you graduate, get hired and continue reporting, eventually if you work at the same place for long, you can obtain a high position in the company, and can rework the system to our favor.
If you believe in anything Jow Forums has to say, at the very least have conservative values, then this is your long term goal.
Time to out jew the jew.

Computer science education hasn’t reached the same level as physics or math education here. Most Indians of the previous generation learnt coding in a professional capacity when they were in their 20s.

Compare this to Europeans and Americans, you guys were playing wtih BBC Basic and C64s in the 80s.

This generation is a bit better I think, when I passed high school I knew a few fellow autists who started coding early.

Not unweighted,FYI

It's almost certain someone else will find a market discrepancy before you do. And even if you are genuinely good at investing, you'll need capital first, and the quickest way to do that would be with a trade. Ill take a fucking decade at lease to get your degree and pay it off if you go in stem. In a trade you'll be making money you can invest right away. Even if you parents have a lot of money saved up it would be best spent for other things.

That doesn't answer my question at all you fucking skid mark.

Ah,i tried coding early on,it felt like a repetive process that takes hours to do

Mostly it's bad structure which is error prone and creates unmaintainable logic.
For example, most Indians will end up creating complex compounded if statements that are impossible to read instead of breaking the logic up into conceptually functional methods thats easier to read.

You have the internet at the palm of your god dam hands and you can’t even research yourself so you feel the need to ask a bunch of edgelords on a meme site? Lol

Jesus fucking Christ, you leaf fuck you really are dumb.

If you are taught coding in a professional capacity from textbook knowledge rather than actual experimentation, debugging and messing around your code automatically would be terrible. Terrible in what way? Well, using age old algorithms, not keeping up with the latest features of the language, as well as not being able to think outside the box because you still use K&R as your guide.

How long until i am earning money in trades from the moment i apply for a trade school vs college

Also,i never cinsidered a stem field because that shit will be oversaturated in a decade

You know what,why am i even on this page

Add to that, most people here don’t take CS because they want to. They take it because of social pressure.

There’s a saying here “If your son goes spoilt, he takes commerce, if your daughter goes spoilt she becomes a nurse.”

Indian parents are obsessed with their kids learning science or math. They can’t tolerate humanities or arts. A lot of dudes I met in Bangalore genuinely looked like they didn’t belong there at all, “Teachers told me working in an IT firm would earn me lots of money so I came.”, cue 6-7 months and they leave the firm.

All you said in you previous comment was "boohoo us indians have it hard because we started later"
You didn't answer my question at all, which was what characteristic fuckups do indians have in their code. Now I guess you tangentially answered it by admitting indians are typically tooo retarded to keep up with the time and adapt to an ever changing field.
You can be a apprentice in like 2 years, depends what you want to do.
What other degrees were you considering?

And now you're back to whining about WHY you write shit code, which I never cared for.

college is only good if you want to become a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer.

other than that why would you want to go?

Thank god all my family members are coding masters degrees so they are far looser with this

With those grades you can get into a good school to do STEM, but I only recommend it if you are good at building social networks. Otherwise just learn a blue collar trade.

STEM will be oversaturated in a decade,not a good choice and my parents want someone in the family who knows something other than coding

In high school i was one of the best students in science,i was soo good teachers said i was smarter than them

well think about what you want to do in life and pursue it to the ends of the earth, you only have one life to live.

This user speaks the truth. Networking has become the most important secondary skill in college. It's fucked up but true. Otherwise take internships as often as you can, corporations have no interest in paying to train you.

t. STEM grad nine months post grad and still unemployed.

Collage is a scam.
Montages is superior.

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I am still trying to square that circle, what kind of degree exactly are you searching for that's not stem and yet involves lots of science?

Speaking of the sciences,i am most intrested in astronomy and atomic physics,should i pursue a career in them?

Not unless you wanna go right back into academia as a professor.

>is college a scam
To an extent.
Any program that doesn't involve hands-on lab work is a scam.
Any program that's entirely based out of textbooks or some bullshit like Oracle you should be able to get for free and learn by yourself on your own time is a scam.
College is a ponzi scam and unless you're becoming a fucking doctor you should reconsider what you're doing even if you're getting a full fucking ride scholarship BECAUSE YOUR TIME IS WORTH MORE THAN ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY.

depends if you can find a job afterwards or do research for the rest of the life, or somehow become an consultant.

There are people who earn Phd's who end up pumping gas right after all that education.

Eh,grandma is a college proffesor,cant be that bad?

If you like the lifestyle. And want to get at least a master's. By all means. It's a lazy life post grad.

Do i get a lot of money

My greatest fuking fear

What every potential uni fag must understand is you are paying for a service. If you believe the benefit outweighs the costs for what you want to study then by all means. If you don't, then look for something else. Don't fall for the uni is the only path meme

be a truck driver. then u can poo in the sleeper cab

I'm living it, not PhD but some post grad. I cant get a job cleaning up peoples piss and shit.
Pretty sure national average salary is like $60k. So have at it.

so if you get into electrical, chemical, mechanical engineering, you can probably get a job anywhere in the world and get paid well.

i wanted to do chemical engineering but i ended in medical school.

What did you study,fucking basket weaving?


maybe college is a scam nigger but don't skip grade school

Only niggers skip grade school

Geology with a geospatial cert. Natural resources and utilities are in a bad spot. A lot of hiring freezes. Which is why networking is so,important.

You sound like my uncle's wife who studied rocks as a degree

Minerals and geophysics. But yea :(
