A reported found almost a million water bottles given by FEMA to the local Puerto Rican government, abandoned. They were never delivered and they are not good anymore.
Contamination. Fresh water sitting out in the sun is the perfect environment for bacteria and other pathogens
Matthew Brown
Plastic bottles of water sitting in the hot sun for months. All the toxins from heated plastic contaminate the water.
Henry Collins
by sitting in bottles unprotected in the Caribbean heat causing the plastic to leech into the water.
Bentley Howard
It's probably mostly good. But sitting in direct sunlight for months probably degraded the plastic
Juan Edwards
that's thinking with your jewjilligents
Isaiah Torres
Plastic toxins bleeding into the water ok I can see, bacteria and whatnot I highly doubt without them being opened. Thanks.
Dominic Russell
The bottles are some of the cheapest plastic container material, it doesn't last very long when exposed to the elements. It might even be a brand that is made to biodegrade, they left them too long regardless.
Blake Flores
Sun breaks down the plastic and it contaminates the water.
Mason Nelson
>Fresh water sitting out in the sun is the perfect environment for bacteria You're wrong. Solar water disinfection.
it's impossible to stop algae growth in water containers without adding bleach or treatment chems, especially when they're exposed to the elements. 7-8 months left exposed is plenty of time for it to go bad.
Plastic with liquids left out in hot sun release chemicals into it.
Grayson Walker
I'm Puerto Rican, and I agree with you guys.
This San Juan mayor is a disaster.
WE DO NOT HATE TRUMP. We are culturally conservative, even when we voted for retarded leftists just as all latinos.
Please forgive us. I'm right wing, Christian, light skinned (not white) and I love and respect the US. Independence is OK for us when you decide we are an unnecessary load.
Andrew Ward
The water isn’t sterile and pasteurized in the bottles. Eventually a mini ecosystem will grow in them and algae will grow.
Hunter Hill
>What is mold? Jesus are you allergic to peanuts too?
Aaron Reyes
If you live in rural areas in Oregon, Washington, or Californian, you're basically going to be FUCKED UP THE ASS by liberals if SHTF because they'll cut you off from supplies ukraine Bolsheviki style, if you only have 3 days supply.
You better have enough supplies for life if SHTF and you are red in a liberal state.
but don't worry, word on the street is the military is training to blockade cities, so people can't get out and leaving rural alone.
Andrew Butler
You're Americans too, and it's fucking ridiculous that your government gets away with all this bullshit. They need to bring the hammer down on your whole corrupt system for how they handled the FEMA supplies in general, this water not being given out should be the final straw.
John Martin
Trump's recovery is coming here, even in the darkness of these stupid politicians.
The new death toll includes everyone that died from natural causes over the last year. They are saying their deaths were indirectly related to the hurricane.
So new death toll is FAKE NEWS and LIES!
Ayden Walker
PR increases USA national territory and waters, independence is not an option.
Oliver Clark
>You're Americans too >brainlet detected They're not American citizens.
Colton Wilson
If this is legit then Trump should just oust the governor. He has the power since PR is a territory.
>You're Americans too This faggot doesn't speak for all of us. You, Mr. Puerto Rican, are American merely by ritual, by bizarre custom, by paperwork. You are American in the same sense that a dog is part of the family, and a lot of us want you gone.
they can always flee to deep red states like idaho and utah if the fighting gets bad.
Nathaniel Green
>The new death toll includes everyone that died from natural causes over the last year. They are saying their deaths were indirectly related to the hurricane. If a person dies from a natural causes during the course of a natural disaster they are generally included in the Death Toll. This is true for every natural disaster. The reasoning behind it is that a person should be able to get better treatment if it wasn't for the natural disaster.
Yes they are you fucking idiot. Don't try to tell Americans about their own fucking country
Isaiah Flores
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Justin Thompson
Is it true that the government of San Juan was charging residents for bottles of water and emergency relief supplies?
Angel Bell
The fact is that FEMA just dumped a bunch of supplies and expected the inept local gov't to take care of it in the first place, which is incredibly stupid.
Why didn't Trump deploy tens of thousands of US National Guard / Army / Navy / Air Force personnel to puerto rico to distribute supplies, clear roads / restore infrastructure in the first place?
Julian Ross
>y-you're only americans because the american government said so
There is a lot more to this story than FOX provides. For example, the water was not in a high need area, FEMA dropped that water off at an access point then told the local government to distribute it. The locals had no way to do that because the country was out of power, underwater, and suffering major infrastructure damage.
It would have been like China delivering sandbags to Arizona after hurricane Katrina. Like great, thanks, but why the fuck didn’t you put it somewhere useful?
That’s not to say the local governments weren’t inept. Everyone was inept. But FEMA fucked this up on a lot of levels as well.
Sebastian Sullivan
Water doesn't go bad. Water in plastic bottles can't become so toxic that it can kill you. The stuff is steam distilled, it's sterile. Nothing will grow in the sealed containers, and the worst risk is drinking some plastic. No more plastic than you ingest after drinking bottled water for a year.
Jonathan Peterson
So a 60 year old that dies 6 months after the hurricane actually died from the hurricane????
Lincoln Peterson
I've read that they claimed (apparently) that they didn't want to hurt local businesses by distributing the water bottles.
Wait what? Then why are they a territory? I assumed that was a description for areas of non citizens that the US controls, like the Philippines.
Isaiah Barnes
Christian Green
>Why didn't Trump deploy tens of thousands of US National Guard / Army / Navy / Air Force personnel to puerto rico to distribute supplies, clear roads / restore infrastructure in the first place?
Are you retarded? The president cannot do that. It would be militarization of civilian zones.
The national guard, which is controlled by the governor, can.
Owen Ward
They're so lazy they can't be bothered with distributing water that was given to them..
What the fuck is wrong with you puerto ricans? Do you really expect everyone to feel bad for you stupid slobs?
Leo Miller
Nah, reddit spacing is doing after every full stop.
Like this.
Nolan Anderson
Communication was hard, but there is evidence that the authorities knew about this.
Juan Peterson
How would you have broken up that post in a way that your autistic brain could handle?
Jace Kelly
They have their own National Guard to do that shit.
Jackson Green
Generally yes. There may be some exceptions, but in most cases this is the case.
It's the same reasoning for why a soldier who is killed by an enemy, and a soldier that dies from say malaria during a war are both considered casualties.
All territories have citizenship excluding American Samoa, which is a special case.
American Samoa, and Compact of Free Association members have easy access to becoming citizens, much easier than other foreigners as they either are territory of the US(A. Samoa), or an extension of the US by proxy (COFA)
Not true. The president has full authority to order around the National Guard as they are seen as a part of the overall military. But they generally do not do this because of the principle of limited government, among other things.
Dominic Harris
Yes they knew about the water. You can know about something and still have no feasible way to do anything about it because, like I said, your whole country is underwater.
Gabriel White
When's your next election? Think she'll get replaced?
Owen Martinez
This. Fuck everything about Puerto Rico.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Your people, your officials, ect.. seriously didn't know there was an airport runway filled with fresh water bottles...
Really? No clue multiple shipments that massive was left right there in your faces?
Fuck outta here
Brody Sanders
It may surprise you, but we have helicopters here.
That zone was probably the safest to put the water because all was covered in trees.
What was the point of that goblin mayor killing her own people to make Trump look bad? Puerto Rico isn't a state and most Americans don't care if we help or not. That's just the truth, you don't care about Puerto Rico as an American unless you are a virtue signalling fucker or you're from there.
Aaron Nguyen
The American government also says any brown baby that gets shat out on our magic dirt to an illegal immigrant goblin that can't speak English, or in our airspace to our future chink overlords is an American citizen, too. Thinking the way you do is what got us in the predicament we're in. The people make the nation, not the other way around. You're right technically, but you'll never be right in the true sense.
Evan Hall
They where trashing supplies to say that trump forgot PR.
James Parker
pretty shitty thing to do, let your suffering die just because you dislike the current president.
Isaac Sanchez
>What is mold? Something that grows in the absence of sunlight, brainlet.
Or you live in an area in the US with Puerto Ricans and realize they're not a tenth as bad as the niggers who are reproducing on american soil. The parades are a bit much, but otherwise I'd take Puerto Ricans over nogs any day.
>You're right, but you're also c o r r e c t, and that is infuriating
Fucking Hawaiians am I right? Bunch of fucking brown people daring to call themselves US citizens. MAKES ME SICK.
Wasn't there something going on at the time in the US that prevented the national guard from being sent out in full force? Something with the budget maybe. Sorry I don't remember the details, but I know there's blame on both sides for those supplies not getting out.
How are things there now by the way? Is it getting better or are things still in disarray?
>and they are not good anymore. water bottles don't expire nigger
Alexander Scott
They do. In fact, they have the date. Specially if they are exposed to UV rays like those from the sun.
Dominic Campbell
They do if they're not reprocessed, and doing that would cost more money than just shipping in more. But it'll be all useless because the leaders of that Puerto Nigger island are being niggers. Kill them all first, have the country exclusively run by Whites (and directly from the US; no local Puerto Nigger leaders at all), and punish any insubordination with extreme prejudice and harsh punishments. They need to be reminded that they are owned by the US.
David Ortiz
I have some friends in Puerto Rico and they told me about a lot of corruption there from the mayors. Latest I heard was that they caught the mayor of Aguada giving out the fema aid boxes already open, and when he was questioned as to why he was opening the boxes he claimed "to put more food in them", of course he was actually taking things out of it. A lot of mayors are hoarding the boxes instead of giving them out, and of course giving them to friends and family.
Henry Morris
Not really, we are American citizens like anyone else (whatever mainlanders like that or not) and that suggestion would imply a military government on civilian land, which would be considered a violation of constitutional rights by the supreme court.
If we are too expensive or a load, just give us independence. We didn't ask the US to take care of us or even give us citizenship. All of that was decided by 100% white Americans when America was over 90% white.
We did have an American military governor in the past and it was OK, but they made us American to get more soldiers.
We already have a board, established by the US, to supervise us and make us pay our debt, so don't worry, we will pay for it soon or later.
I'd be fully behind giving Puerto Rico independence if it included stripping US citizenship from them all
Zachary Foster
Link to tweet? I didn't see it on his twitter.
David Wood
If we let you go you would go the way of haiti and become a even larger burden.
The only solution if to build actual sustainable shit, then let you go.
Isaiah Baker
>We already have a board, established by the US, to supervise us and make us pay our debt, so don't worry, we will pay for it soon or later. You will literally never pay that debt considering it's an island of corrupt sub80 IQ mud people who were living off US welfare even before the hurricanes struck