Why do roasties have men by the balls in this country?

>Be me
>1 year out of college, combat veteran
>$15 K in savings, no debt, single, no kids
>Working at strip club until better job offer
>Get better job offer, $700/ day for Academi (Blackwater)
>While waiting on clearance work continue working at strip club
>Take pitty on stripper, has no place to stay, kicked out of "abusive" boyfriends house
>Allow her to stay at my appartment for a while
>Total fucking nightmare
>Day I was going to break up with her/ kick her out, she sucker punches me while im sitting on the couch from behind and runs out the front door
>I lock door and continue playing vidya because the trash took itself out
>15 minutes later
*knock knock* It's the (((Police)))
>"I don't want to press charges"
>Akctually we're here to (((charge))) you
MFW that was nearly 2 years ago
MFW I still don't have a trial date
MFW the Soliciter JUST gave the discovery, and obviously has nothing
MFW I'm now broke with shit credit and still a bouncer and was temporarially homeless because some bitch who wasn't even married to me punched me in my own house and then ran out and lied about it
MFW my lawyer says this isn't even an unusual case and happens to people all of the time
MFW nobody (to include the prosecution) even knows where she is or if shes alive, and even after I clear my name there is no money to get because she's a broke junkie

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Other urls found in this thread:


No. I don't even like girls but I want a son.

uhh some crackhead stripper is no mere roastie. they operate on a level that far surpasses even the most basic of tinder thots

False domestic violence claims without a requirement of proof, brought to you by this disgusting looking Jew from New Jersey (((Lautenberg))) Every. Fucking. Time.

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>>Working at strip club until better job offer

This is where you fucked up.

Come the fuck on, you worked there because you thought it was cool, not because you had to.

Because reasons.

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Want to know how I know your story is bullshit?

women were a mistake, also you will never hold a gun again

hope u win the case, did u get the job with blackwater? Sending energy your way

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>pitty a stripper
This what you get working at the strip club kek

What are you supposed to see in that picture?

Bitches need to learn their places again


>Take pity on stripper
This was your worst mistake. Women in America don’t deserve pity, not after womens suffrage and especially not when they can abort babies at will.

MGTOW predicted this.
This is why #metoo is a threat. They don't want trials. BPD is feminism's ego ideal.

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Clearly not when OP said he's broke with shit credit. Learn2read user

Who in the US calls a lawyer a soliciter? Much less a solicitor.

If I get convicted, 2 years and counting with no proof doesn't bode well for the prosecution or me not suing the ever loving fuck out of the state for malicious prosecution as there is documented medical evidence from the jail I got a black eye and after seeing the discovery, they have nothing but her word

Is that the one that attached the noguns amendment to VAWA?

The prosecution you pedantic cunt

>>Get better job offer, $700/ day for Academi (Blackwater)
immediately loses all sympathy

Sorry, I've never been involved in a court case, much less one in which I'm facing jail for upsetting a stripper.

>nobody knows if shes alive
>even after I clear my name

You work at a strip club, full of subhumans, so you should expect to deal with subhumans. Entirely your fault tbqh, especially since you took a Borderline whore junkie into our place. Lmao fucking beta.

She probably wouldn't even take her top off for him.
>The ultimate beta

Like you wouldn't go back to killing hajis for $700 a day when you already deployed twice doing basically the same job for like $2400 a month. And call me a piece of shit degenerate scumbag all you want, thats not the point and I know I'm all of that anyways. Point being
A No proof required to level serious, career killing accusations
B Doesn't even have to be your wife or baby mamma, can just be some slag who's at your apartment a few days a week

Huh? What am I supposed to see? Some dude in a tweed coat? The rusty antifreeze that drained out? If you were a good person, you wouldn't post bullshit.

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Yeah and thats another fucking thing; nobody has even talked to her since this first happened. Nobody knows where the fuck this chick is. But they are still pressing an old case with no proof. This should be concerning to everybody with a dick, which clearly some of you anons posting don't seem to have so carry on I guess; the rest may want to take notes..this is new shit, you actually used to need proof to level accusations of rape/ abuse/ sexual assault. It now takes nothing, and this is all within the color of law

You let a whore live in your house. You're a retard op. I have no pity.

If they can't find her, there will be no prosecution, dumbass. This is a slide thread. What thread are you trying to slide? Something on the Jews doing 9-11?
I was told yesterday that you can't make a cell phone call from a plane, even today without a special process.
And, Israeli Aerospace makes the anti-hijacking equipment that allows a plane to be remote-controlled from the ground. Basically, the Israelis just remote-hijacked the planes that had been installed with anti-hijacking equipment. Pretty clever. Only a handful of people had to be involved. The Israeli company is state owned anyway. So, really just a bare minimum of people with a false-flag on their mind. Wait until the entire jewish people pay for this.

>If they can't find her, there will be no prosecution, dumbass
You know I was worried for a second that I had my rights stomped on for 2 years, thousands of dollars spent on a frivilous case where I was the victim, lost a lucrative contract, had my name dragged through the dirt, my credit destroyed, and was temporarially homeless; but if she doesn't show up I suppose all of this magically fixes itself. And nobody else in any way will be able to have this happen. And it's totally not happening daily, like to the point that courts are backed up OVER TWO FUCKING YEARS

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Because you're a fucking idiot. Were you going to have kids with her? No, because she's a junkie. Then why did you ask her in? Because you wanted to fuck her. Women don't have men by the balls, it's just that men think with their balls.

Desperate males who are willing to share their females with 2-3+ other males.
Just wait dude.

Grab what shekels you have and leave the state.
The case will die off if you aren't around.
Head out to Texas and learn how to harvest oil.

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>Take pitty on stripper, has no place to stay, kicked out of "abusive" boyfriends house


you deserve getting fucked over for being so stupid

theres a maxed reply mgtow thread literally everyday

in your defense I went through the bullshit with my last gf of 4 years, but you put your neck out for a stripper.
take it as a lesson

the prosecutor will look at your case and suggest you take an anger management charge if you accept the domestic violence charge. do not accept it, demand to go to trial and lawyer up.

in most cases like these they wont want a trial at all. And will drop the charges , but they will try to milk you for shekels for court costs.

just let it blow over, and never cohabitate with a woman again.

let me add to your stoey with my on personal story.

i am a doctor worked hard to get where I got.
last year of residency land job in southern state im from ankther cohntry on a h1b visa now.

meet girl who has been raped 4 or 5 times she tells me and has had 4 suicide attempts in the last 3 years.

ive looked for years and residency none of the women there want to start a decent family. this girl is down for child bearing.

she tells me she forgave the guys that raped her. nobody was charged or anything. So i think this girl may be cimpassionate christian as she claims to be.

2 years later and a son. we argue i push her one time. she calls the cop and tells them all possible things in the world to get me to jail for life. I lose house car which we bough 4 months before. she drives it for 8 months until the payments default since i had no job. the last thing she yold me that day she called the cops were " ill just marry snother doctor" and "youll never be a doctor again" ( before she was pushed). she would throe thongs at me durig our last fays together to incite shit. I always responded well. well. later a custody battle. i lost all. yhe gov says car is my debt 100%. even though purchased in marriage. i have 17 years of child support left. my face goes to the news. reputation ruined. people disappointed.

when i am in the dicorce proveedings and im playing with my son she asks me "lets have another child". of course after she sent me to jail father of her sson but forgave rapists... she asked me to forgive her about a month after i lost all. immediately kicked out of the hospital. efc etx. it was a well planned thing she did over months. her mother runs 2 shelters of abused women. u can guess her upbringing. of course her mother was also an abused woman... of course they were. its always the other person. theyre just victims.

>if she doesn't show up I suppose all of this magically fixes itself

yes and no, shes not the one pressing charges, the state is, its called VAWA where men are taken to the cleaners by the state simply because a woman whined. Cops can actually lose their jobs if they dont bring the man in.

consider it a pussy tax

>meet girl who has been raped 4 or 5 times she tells me and has had 4 suicide attempts in the last 3 years.

>So i think this girl may be compassionate christian as she claims to be.

youre retarded my guy

take it as a lesson learned, go forth and embrace mgtow

yep. you're new.

fuck off, Texas gets every others states trash cause of oil trash workers. nothing but ex felons and immigrants. they don't even respect the towns they have to live in, even though they are being paid to live there to werk. oilfield trash are comparable to the hordes that are ruining Europe.

Why the fuck would I run from an easily winnable case? If I run it's a federal weapons ban for life, if I take a knee I can rape the state with malicious prosecution charges
All of you fucking turbo autists are completely missing the point: its that a crazy bitch can get you locked up on a serious life altering charge with NO PROOF. When since the WInston Salem Witch Trials has that ever been logical or acceptable?

Already turned down the offer, which was ludacris to begin with and appearently threw me way the fuck back in the docket for trials (800 something cases ahead of mine and its already been 2 years) I've got the best lawier in the state, but it's fucking ruined me financially

>No proof asside from the word of a literal stripper
>Shes got documented mental health issues
>On record lying to female judge already (tried to get an order of protection because she said I tried to burn her house down. Again, no proof. Female judge thought it was such a bullshit accusation she denied the order of protection without even letting me finish defending the slander)
>2 years and counting
>JUST got discovery which confirms prosecution has no case
>Turned down bullshit plea deal
>This appearently set me back 800 cases before mine that I now have to re-wait for a trial date
>Literally no idea when the fuck I can get my life back
Do you see no problems here, or is this all part of the "pussy tax" Like I'm a big dude, but wtf man I was the one that got hit and 2 years later I still don't get to tell my side in a trial?

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>Why the fuck would I run from an easily winnable case?
So this thread is you venting frustration in being stalled out on a future until the state gives up.
>If I run it's a federal weapons ban for life
Good. You are aware of the lautenberg amendment. Are you fully aware though?
>All of you fucking turbo autists are completely missing the point
mgtow monk here. Are you fully aware?
Bonus prize: minutes old DDJ

What a fucking faggot.

>Women in America don’t deserve pity

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What kind of retard would let a literal stripper live with them? You must be a thirsty fucking faggot. I don’t even care about it being a false charge, you’re such a fucking retard you deserve to be taken out of society and put in jail for the rest of your life

Because it's advantageous for the ruling class.

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never associate with anyone who does drugs unless they are literally family and even then proceed with caution

De Ja Vu Lake City Way

Why? Because when a man's life is absolutely destroyed and he has nothing to live for, he has two options; kill himself or kill everyone responsible
Too many people pick the former and too few the latter
That's why it keeps happening

>i am a doctor worked hard to get where I got

>implying most men don't deal with broads with literally just as much baggage for the chance at sucking a tit
grow up, user.

Does it count if they are hot and are doing the drugs off of your errect cock, Nigel?
Nice try FBI

Be honest OP. Was the sex good when she was shacking up with you?

Western women are becoming increasingly feral and/or infected with the femin virus, they need to be put into their place

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That's what you get for getting involved with women in the Western feminized world. It's not worth it. That's why guys are fucking A.I. dolls

you are indian

strippers job is to make men think that they like them while they milk them for as much as they can get. you are a bouncer at a strip club and don't realize this?

I'm head chef at Wendy's, and I make $140,000 a year.

Crazy in the head, crazy in bed
Best reply all thread, thanks user
Dude I was putting her up for a few months while I waited for my clearance work to finish and then deploy to Iraq, I was literally about to put all of my shit into storage kick her out and terminate my lease the second I got word I was cleared to deploy. And yeah no shit it was a bad judgement call, but the point of this thread is less about me being a dumb jarhead and more about the fact that any woman can do this, without proof, and even if they do somehow get a conscience after the fact its the STATE which proceeds with the charges, YEARS later

>taking pity on a stripper
>working in a strip club instead of just a regular bar or restaurant

you reap what you sow retard

Yeah funny because I thought a nice third option would be going back overseas and die with honor not just end up a stain on the wall but you fucking glow in the dark niggers won't let me. It's cool although, I'll just eat you for lunch with my lawier and take the state for all its worth, maybe even set a precident so you faggots cannot lay charges so easily (or think twice with the next innocent man)

You sound like a Sikh. Are you in Surrey?

Op what u posting gay raping clowns we'll bitching about twats?

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>I'm head chef at Wendy's, and I make $140,000 a year.
Are you serious? You mean, you're the head Chef at Wendy's restaurant?

This is pol you dumb leaf, please get a sense of humor or fuck off to plebit

>he point of this thread is less about me being a dumb jarhead and more about the fact that any woman can do this, without proof, and even if they do somehow get a conscience after the fact its the STATE which proceeds with the charges, YEARS later
It is what it is; you have to follow the rules of the game you're playing, not the game you wish you were playing.
For example, the first person to call the police is considered the victim, the second to call (or the one who didn't call) is considered the perpetrator.
Hell, sometimes even if a guy calls the police on a broad for assaulting him, they will still arrest him because cops are mostly Captain save-a-ho.

You have ONE nuclear option in this type of situation:
>gf goes full retard one day
>screaming, crying, breaking shit
>annoying and loud as fuck
>tell her to leave
>she attacks me
>kicking, punching, biting
>backhand the shit out of her and tell her to stop
>she goes into 'poor little girl' mode
>"I-I'm gonna tell the police you raped me and then you'll be sorry”
>take her phone away
>go downstairs and call police myself
>tell dispatcher my gf locked herself in the bathroom and is threatening suicide
>police arrive to screaming crying gf
>when one tells her to calm down she attacks him

She got taken to the hospital and locked up for a 72 hour psych evaluation. Failed with flying colors and was put on a 30 day hold in a proper institution.
No one, not even her parents (her meltdown started because of an argument with her mother over the phone) believed a single word out of her after that.

My best advice with chicks (and the government) is to play dirty; play really fucking dirty because otherwise you will never win.

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>take her phone away
That alone is a CDV 2nd degree; honestly you retards need to heed my warning and actually look up these laws and stop making it about how bad my judgement was letting a stripper stay with me

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>I constantly focus on the wrong details
Good luck with the next stripper you let move in.

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Lol if that shit's real they need to start making an antedote from my blood; I fuck almost exclusively lefties and I'm about as beer chugging bald eagle loving of an American as they come...I think the answer is a bit more pragmatic user, but good science fiction

Pretty monolythic detail brainlet
>Instead, DV 2nd is based on the same low standard as would support a lesser charge, but with an aggravating factor. The most common aggravating factors are:

Children in the same general area as the incident
Taking away a cell phone or car keys during an argument
An alleged victim who claims to be pregnant (regardless of paternity)
Marks on the throat or allegations involving touching the throat

>I fuck almost exclusively lefties
But you don't let them move in, for any reason.
With the stripper, OP activated that borderliner's "attachment system", which means a whole world of drama.
Any protector/provider moves risk activating that can of worms.

I'm guessing she knew OP was getting set to leave, which really brought up abandonment issues, thus the mess he is in.

If the gal has funny colored hair, tats, piercings, she is a DSM cluster B.

OP is also learning where all those gender studies majors are going for work. The court system.

>Taking away a cell phone or car keys during an argument
By your own statements ITT, any broad could just say you did that anyway, fucknut.
This degree of not seeing the ocean because you were distracted by a shiny seashell is why you're in a mess in the first place.

Less thick anons will understand my point.

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>If the gal has funny colored hair, tats, piercings, she is a DSM cluster B.
All of the above, and SSRI's

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Point of the thread is to spread awareness jackass, because I sure as fuck didn't know any of this before




Give him a break, if he was smart he wouldn't be a jarhead.

Sounds unbelievable or you have a terrible attorney. You have a right to a speedy trial and 2 years is an insane amount of time. This would be thrown out if your lawyer wasn’t shit

This. Americans don't call them solicitors because there is no division between the bar and other practitioners in the U.S unlike in most common law countries.

t. solicitor

>because I sure as fuck didn't know any of this before
That's beyond obvious; FFS you let a stripper move in with you.
I merely offered a hail mary for any user who might find themselves in a similar situation, and you sprged out on the stupidest little detail while entirely ignoring the part that could save years of your life.

If your ass is on fire, don't fucking stand around wondering if it's illegal to jump in the lake in front of you.

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>Take pitty on stripper, has no place to stay, kicked out of "abusive" boyfriends house
lol faggot

she deserves everything she got. and so do you. chumps like you make it easy. you are the bad guy.

>its that a crazy bitch can get you locked up on a serious life altering charge with NO PROOF.
everybody knows that, that's why they're calling you an idiot for letting a junked out stripper room with you

>why do women have men by the balls in this country
You mean
>why am i a pathetic cuck that thinks working for the ZOG made me a real man instead of a literal NPC
Only read half your post. Fuck off. Sage.

>References John Wayne Gacy.

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I guarantee you associate with people who do drugs and you won't ever know it so spare the hysteria


>CDV is handled by the Solicitors office cdvlawyer.com/domestic-violence/criminal-domestic-violence/cdv-2nd/

I’ve heard of women winning cases where much farther out of her favor than this hope your in a good state

OP is experiencing red pill rage, because he is getting a taste of just how stacked the deck is against men thanks to feminism and the politicians that pander to them.

He is giving you guys a warning. The system is ungamable. Gals got it sealed pretty tight. They've had 40+ years to do it, and we never seen what they were doing, until now.

A thot can can file a false police report and stall a mans life for years before seeing justice. She probably doesn't even know what is happening with OP. Might not even be in the state.

>don't let strippers move in
Yeah, agreed. But can anons spot a more covert cluster B? Might want to bone up on the tells. Because if the sweet church going gal want's to fuck you over, she not only has the tools of the state, she can be generously compensated for it. It also fits into her power fantasy.


>I'm an alpha brah.
Really. More alpha than Brad Pitt? Can pull more and better pussy than Johnny Depp?

Jolie is so deluded with hypergamy she thinks her roastie self with no tits can actually get better. I'm going to love watching her hit the wall, hard.

Lie with dogs, get up with fleas. Don’t put yourself in stupid and morally questionable situations.

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For pretty much the entire history of mankind women have been treated differently. In the judicial common law court and society for the past couple hundred to maybe thousands of years women were socially elevated but politically dead. It's why women couldn't vote but would always be the first off the sinking ship. They were always treated special until recently when feminism destroyed their place in the world and made them garbage men.
What you're experiencing is a holdover from when women were actually women and men were expected to respect her but with the rise of the roastie we're getting difficult situations where that respect that we used to have is being granted to the word of a whore.
It takes a long time to reverse the laws and traditions built up over forever in court because "that's the way it's always been done" is a far far stronger argument than "that's evil."
tl;dr Women have always been treated special is why you're getting fucked on her word.

same lol

Dumb kid thought with his dick and it backfired spectacularly.
Not the first time something like this happened, won't be the last time.

You took a low IQ underclass whore in to your house, you deserve it for your retardation to be blunt. Until men learn to stop thinkinb with "muh dick" they deserve this shit. Also if you're a college grad what the hell are you doing working as a door brute? what did you major in?

(assuming this isn't a larp)