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That's where your wrong, I think Temple OS is the ultimate red pill as it's perfect compared to any other OS and faster than anything on the market.

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never thought about it but its kinda true

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shut your bitch mouth, Terry is a saint and zoomer faggot cucks like you who were born with a smartphone in your hands will one day be forced to come to the realization of the superiority of free, open source, public domain software.

>Unironically using IOS
Nice job sheep.

God bless Terry, nonironically. Taken from us too soon.

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maybe but not all situations would even be remotely similar so.....

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I'm not a techie guy, but even I know you're talking out your ass.

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terry makes a good pepe

Holy shit I honestly think this isn’t pointed out enough. And the Russians may or may not agree

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>Makes things smoother
What the fuck are you on about? Any way you can quantify that for me bud? Because from where I'm standing you look like a fucking retard.

But temple OS is indisputably the most streamlined and optimized OS ever developed by man.

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For real tho. Why is modern architecture so ugly?

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When the fuck did I move to Europe?

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No you can't play games on Temple OS retard

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Seriously guys what the fuck is going on?

wut the fuck is this?


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Just get a VPN LOL that's how I got around the Australian ban on torrenting.

I see Jow Forums has been raided by pricks again
>post it again
>post it again
>splurges in pants