The EU empire?

>The European Union must turn into a major sovereign power on the global stage making the world in its image, Jean-Claude Juncker has said, setting out plans to make Europe militarily and economically independent from its traditional ally the US

>In his state of the union speech, titled The Hour of European Sovereignty, the European commission president appealed to MEPs and heads of government to give the EU the powers and characteristics traditionally restricted to states

>Explaining his expansive vision, Juncker said the EU should aim to surpass the dominance of the dollar in the world economy and challenge China in its attempts to become the ascendant influence in Africa

Shall they succeed?

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what is the point of the EU and how has it gotten this far?

Total goddamn AIDS infected cancer.

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it seems like nobody takes it seriously and then they just keep doing shit. like just stop. nobody wants this. with america you can at least hate us for a reason and world domination and all that shit but like... what the fuck is the EU?

This guy has to be Satan incarnate.


the Canadian True North Strong and Free BVLL will storm the beaches of Normandy and




Even its citizens dont take it seriously. Junker also claims europe wants to get rid of daylight savings time. It turned out only a handful of german speaking people were asked about the subject. Jet junker claims all of europe is callimg for it. Its turning (if it wasnt already) into a dictatorship. The EU politicians arent elected but appointed. The european parliament is the most undemocratic organization on par with north korean systems. Their bubble will burst when they realize europe isnt united in the way they think it is. We share common values but they represent something else entirely.

The European Union is just a set of trade deals between memb--

I agree with almost everything the EU does desu, all european countries should be abolished if we can to be relevant in geopolitical scenario of the near future

I'm not andalusian or spanish anymore, I'm european

you're a kike with a meme flag

Fuck EU, Czechout now.

Why does this fucking site not work for me, godammit

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Try changing your dns?

Europe should just become a federation desu.

Individual states(countries) like France and Germany and shit get relative autonomy while being loosely governed by a european federal government. Then the U.S.E. could finally enforce it's will in disputes with Russia or Turkey n shit

Europe's biggest obsticle is that a bunch of incompetent Boomers are in leadership positions throughout the EU.

if the EU is sovereign, then its constituent nation state governments aren't. that's how sovereignty works, there is only room for one. i've never seen a more cowardly attempted takeover of various countries before in my life.

i hope your right bro

Emperor Palpatine/Soros has come home to roost. He is behind the European Union as the shadier head, whereas the President is the public representative.

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Germany finally dominated Europe, but now unfortunately Germany has been hijacked by anti-white globalist corporate lunatics bent on turning Europe into a non-white shithole.

Ironically enough US states have more power and influence than EU countries within the EU, which is why this shitty project is going to implode sooner rather than later.

God I can't wait to fight you fuckers like my grandpa did.

Is this German for Globohomo?

You'd be surprised. An empire that wants to remake the world into its image. It's the newest incarnation of Babel and they're not even hiding it anymore.

It's a masonic, globalist structure from top to bottom entirely steeped into esoteric and occult doctrines.

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>i've never seen a more cowardly attempted takeover of various countries before in my life
It's scary how easily it works, though.

That piece of shit will pay the ultimate price after he dies.

I'm thinking of enlisting in the Russian army at this point.

EU and what army?

you wouldnt be too afraid to show your flag if you were, fuck off.
Nobody in the EU wants to be ruled by another nation, we're genetically and culturally distinct from one another and all have different priorities. You cant force us under 1 banner.

This, but we should cooperate to a better degree. No one should surrender its national sovereignty to an unaccountable institution.

we dont need the EU to co-operate. we've operated with alliances and pacts for fucking millennia.
With the inter-connectivity between our cultures thanks to the internet and the external threats presented to us we shouldn't have an issue with that. The only think an organization like the EU should be trying to do is find some kind of common ground for standardization of equipment and protocol. But the EU is clearly shown itself to be completely incapable of this and is clearly just serving its own fucking agenda. fuck the EU.

Wow that's good.

>I'm not andalusian or spanish anymore, I'm european

No, what you are is a coward and a slave

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This alcoholic scumbag needs to be destroyed

The EU is ran by (((them))). They want to mongrelise us, and use us to fight their wars, like they have done with the USA.

you are thinking like peasants, don't you want europe to be more powerwul and have better live conditions?

do you trust the chineses, russians and mutts to control the world economically and military in the next decades? do you want them to impose you the sanctions they fucking want whenever we don't please their demands?

we should be the ones imposing the norms worldwide as it had been since the roman empire, don't trust barbarians

[Your image has been reported to the European Union Copyright Bureau. Under Article 13, you are forbidden from posting copyrighted material. Violators will face fines and penalties.]

I wonder who could be behind this post.

the eternal *nglo must be destroyed, every mutt should be lined up and shot in the head and england must be sanked into the ocean

death to you suckers, you will be hanged as traitors, GLORY EVROPA

thankfully a few poltards in a malaysian website are not representative of the common thinking in EU


The EUSSR to oppress the native tribes and mix them.


look at the damage control of the *nglos and mutts here

>stop thinking like a commoner
>in a democracy
The EU doesn't make us more powerful, it makes us powerLESS and at the mercy of a giant un-democratic monstrosity that does nothing but devour our money and will the moment it gets the chance send our young to die in wars that serve their interests, not that of the people on the continent. They're the ones forcing us to take in immigrants against our will and letting our women get raped and our boys murdered.
We controlled the god damn globe without the EU for centuries and we dont need any outside help or a giant overarching monstrosity of an organization to do so again.
also the Norwegians and Swiss are both doing better while NOT being in the fucking EU.

Show your god damn flag you coward.

To be fair its a cool looking building

Do you not have self preservation?
Do you not see how the EUSSR is terrible for your people?

>implying Europe and the EU are the same and should be conflated terminologically

Dumb Magyarposter.

It is known from people taking care of the EU institutions' sewage lines that they are high as a kite on exotic drugs putting american consumer grade LSD to shame. Junkie-er needed bodyguards to help him up onto a podium when he wanted to go on one of his deranged rants.
>challenge China in Africa
This Luxembourgian German is supposed to be representing the people, instead he calls them idiots, and the Germans already said his replacement will be no one but a German from Germany (hello Merkel my old friend)

Anyone trusting these anti white jews is a foolm

It's just Germany conquering Europe, through diplomatic methods rather than military might.
England has always been right to try and get out of this, the subversive elements will do everything in their power to stop this from happening though.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this

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I fully agree that Europe should be a single state fully integrated and represented, with an ethno centric state, I don't agree the culture, and nwo ruling class and so since hitlers downfall I seek only the downfall of the EU and praise its divisions and destruction.

huh. i guess the EU really IS the beast out of the sea

>European Union must turn into a major sovereign power
>make Europe militarily and economically independent from its traditional ally the US
FR+DE elites did not like USA telling them what to do

Once again, I live in the crash space between the n-th Reich and a re-powering Russia.

The EU is aristocracy, elite of a few technocrats. Indeed it makes the stupid ''democrats'', the uncultured peasants and masses feel powerless, as it should be. They must stay away ever from having a wrasp of control or look what happened to our countries, feminism, marxism and degeneracy is everywhere.

Only the unprepared and ignorants will die fighting for our interest. If we are taking immigrants right now is because europe right now is completely divided and weak.

And of course our countries controlled the world centuries ago, there were no other powers to stop us, but now we have mutts, russia, china,india and even africa -yeah laugh now, but they are in the path to being united as one in the future-

>this post
When are you guys going to stop?

The vote was open for everyone in the EU and only ~4 millions voted for it.

pffff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>pass the most Orwellian Law outside of China
>floods continent with violent shitskins
This kike is exactly what Orwell warned us about

>Jean Claude
Nigger do you even know anything about Luxembourg?

You live between the eternal junkie and the eternal mongoloid in denial, literally high fuhrer vs chuvaks larping as slavs...
I'm surprised Poland hasn't been depopulated yet

I know whose cock he sucks, that's enough

EU is the fourth reich and it's our responsibility to put it down

This is literally Trump's fault.
Those eurofags we're boot licking every president we've had and we're our allies. We are supposed to be "first among equals" yet Trump comes and spits in their faces and gives them the excuse they needed to break away from the US. Its fucking ridiculous were gonna not only lose the empire but most countries are mad at us. We're driving our friends away and into the arms China and Russia.

Weak bait

Juncker, more like Junk

>I'm not andalusian or spanish anymore, I'm european

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We should never have tried to rely on the USA the first place. You're our ally not our fucking babysitter.
The USA is right to tell us to fuck off after how many years we just let them foot the bill for OUR defense.

4th Reich, basically.

>uses fallacy as argument

congratulations average poltard, it sure took you very long

The Germans declared long ago that junkie Junckie's replacement will be a literal German (lolwut is a democratic process). They aren't hiding the fact that they'll have to hold the Union together by force (sound familiar?), 2/3 of the EU would probably like to skin those crooks alive were they not protected by armed mercenaries. You can still bet on the Slav countries being full of "attic rifles", but sadly, the others are completely cucked and can be held by the balls by an army using broomsticks for MGs

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>enter thinking you're joining a trade union
>get roped into being a part of the jewish reich

>europe wants to get rid of daylight savings time
based and redpilled

>Jew trade union descends into an autocracy

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The EU must die in order for Europe to live!

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America don't let the filthy yuros in as refugee, they must suffer

Protip, here's a massive redpill that you neocons need to understand: the French and Germans absolutely loathe you. They despise every fibre of your being and have done so since your generals allowed De Gaulle to march into Paris and denazified the German state in name only. Your only true allies in Europe, or at least the groups that will push your interests to some extent, are those bonded by culture such as Britain or those who have lived under the spectre of communist tyranny like the Poles and Latvians. You've been cultivating the wrong axis in the form of the Franco-German alliance. They want to fuck you and will use any opportunity they can. The EU's unelected bureaucracy, that also has the exclusive power to propose legislation troubling enough, is just another layer to this dynamic.

slav(e)s work for the german man, your retarded little uprising fantasy would only mean you come under the boots of russia again, or even better, OURS
fucking non country

A true union between European states could be a good thing. Together they could rival against the big competitors, but there are too many differences and regional interests for a real union to ever happen.

*nglose must be destroyed

You're an African!

>dreamer Arpad hit 'Post' on his smartphone with a smirk on his face
>from his job in the Slovak half of Komarno
>assembling mopeds for minimum pay

It's fun being lumped together with the NPCs who genuinely believe EU is a good thing and who would never vote for an eurosceptic party because the MSM says they're neo-nazis, omitting the fact the talking points are the same that the conservative parties used to hold 20-30 years ago and not the modern cuckservatives

I'd never leave this plot of clay to become a refugee but cut some slack, this shit started way before most of us were even born

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>Shall they succeed?
FUCK THE EU. Regressive Shitpyre

They think the EU is good because it stops europeans going to war all the time. Except its the fucking kikes that make us goto war over their banking bullshit.

Every european war since we became Christian has been over kike bullshit. Overthrowing all the monarchies for (((democracy))) and then WW2 to destroy the last stronghold of anti-zog control.

If the EU and the kikes fucked off, I doubt countries in europe would go at it again for a very long time if at all.


daily reminder that source of all problems in Europe is germany and germany alone. Even austria, as cancerous as it is on its own mind their own, but germany doesnt. They feel like they must tell everybody else how to behave, what to do, what to sell, what to buy, how to take islamic migrants etc etc.
I urge to remember this post when after inevitable fall of EU in next 10 years germany will start yet another world war because they wont be able to pay for their comfy life for their pet shitskins, and I want for nobody to allow them to exist anymore, as situation will repeat infinitely if they allowed to live

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I would fucking kill you in a heartbeat if your ilk tried to abolish my homeland.

>Eu has been crumbling for years
>Bro we need more power, people want it ayy lmao
Hope they all burn in hell.

jews jew around, steal, cheat and live as pimps
after war:
jew have their own state, steal, cheat and pimp entire countries

great job adolf, stellar work germany

>all european countries should be abolished
why not all countries? why not abolish all art while you're at it?

juncker is the perfect stooge of the globalists
hes got vices like alcoholism, probably sexual deviancy like being gay, into femdom BDSM, or fucks kids.
hes clearly completely compromised, hes also unelected and can do whatever he wants and has no problem with authoritarianism.

not to mention he, as almost all EU officials is mixed in some crooked scheme back in his home country
Juncker in Luxemburg, Tusk in Poland, and probably all everywhere

>EU parliament building is literally a metal tower of Babel

And again, thankfully your opinion is completely irrelevant

The EU will keep its course and unify all european countries into a single entity

That would be that ideal thing and what we are aiming for. But right now is just an utopia

If there were no wars in the world and all nations got along with each other, don't you think we would be exploring, conquering and colonizing the space already?

>The EU will keep its course and unify all european countries into a single entity
nah, it will break itself on first try because not everybody will sign "EU constitution" , germany and friends will throw hissfit, somebody will leave, others will try to bargain, etc etc, few years of shitshow and it will be over

>In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and secure society!!!!

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>tfw born in a totalitarian shithole
>tfw just wanna serve america
roman military system when?!

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