HAPPENING! False Flag attacK

Chemical weapon attack will be in Jisr al-Shughur


Attached: gas-attack.jpg (600x400, 43K)

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umm how can i get some alone time with the bodies of those little girls?

for..you know, science and stuff h-haha

>(((chemical attack in Syria)))
50/50 they are all still alive and well.
I know, what a disappointment ...

Even better.

how come they always got like 50 kids all together like that to get gassed?

Oh my fuck......
they actually murdered all of those children that went missing.
Anyone have some of the pictures of the missing children that can be linked to this image?

This false flag needs to be shown for what it is.

Attached: Observant shitposter.png (362x352, 21K)

Why do they always lift the shirts of these child actors in these propaganda photos?

Kids look more innocent if their belly button is showing.
why do you think they take pictures of African kids without shirts?
there is no clothing shortage in Africa.

Based and red pilled.

Who killed all the NPCs?

Whats with this shitty NPC meme?
Damned sheeple and their nonsense conspiracies.

>be false flag deep-state nigger
>sneak into kiddie day care center
>wait until nap time
>toss a bunch of talcum powder into the air so it looks dusty
>take photo
>send to all mainstream media outlets, claim it is chemical attack and 600 KIDS ARE DEAD
>liberal media doesn't give a fuck about fact-checking sources, they want anything that makes Trump look bad or weak on Assad/Putin
>they run the story all over tv, social media
>all the brain-dead liberal dems cry about it and publicly demand Trump take Assad out once and for all to prove he's not Putin's puppet
>mfw the democucks are now pro-war
>mfw we're inching closer to WW3 and the only man preventing it is Donald J. Trump

wew lads. take a moment to bask in this timeline. it's real. in fact, the above has already happened last year. HURRR ASSAD IS WINNING BUT HE'S GONNA USE CHEMICAL GAS WEAPONS ON THIS RANDOM SMALL TOWN FOR NO REASON

goddamn it. just let it all burn down. i'll stay alive for the happenings. not for "christ" not for "muh white trad wife and white children". no. i am not bringing any innocent life into this world. it needs to crash. we need a civil war here and in europe. we need a hard reset. we can't keep doing this. everything is so fucked there's no way to fix it. this isn't "blackpill", it's reality.

forgot pic
if you're in the EU, frenly reminder to pls save imgs you like because you are on your last hours here on this site. expect your ISPs to shoah your access to Jow Forums soon.

Attached: stressed pepe.png (1000x946, 535K)

Give me a quest.

Attached: uncletedbirb.jpg (639x395, 28K)

Yep. I tire of the whole charade. Good post, fren. Burn it all down. Start again. The fire rises.


Wow it happened again?
What are the odds? woooooooooooow



Ww3 soon
