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Hungary, as so many other members of the union want the benefits but not the costs. They are literally in it for the gibs.

Need basic gestalt on what this actually means in practical terms. No symbolic measures etc.

>ebil jews
>freedom loving Hungary (who's in fact ruled by an wannabe autocrat)

Fuck off, shill.

Kudos to the Visegrad group for saying no to migrants. That still doesnt justify trying to implement autocratic rule.

When was the last time an EU citizen was beaten with whips and thrown in a work camp for protesting their government?

>Hungary, as so many other members of the union want the benefits but not the costs

Good ... i hope they bleed Germany and france dry for resources and then leave

>"wahhh they're autocrats wahhh"
Go back to your cuck shed

UK literally supporting nigger behavior at this point. Why am I not surprised.

>UK literally supporting nigger behavior at this point. Why am I not surprised.


If your darling autocrats ruled the West, board like pol would be the first thing to get shut down.

Rt.com is literally the Kremlins propaganda channel.

Lots of shills. Kinda crazy how fast they cropped up. The concerns levied by the article are valid and so are the quotes.

It's no surprise RT (russian media outlet) supports Hungary. Russia sees an opportunity to expand its sphere of influence.

> Hey Hungary, you want gibs?
> Okay...I guess
> Okay, now in exchange you all have to purposefully impoverish yourselves and drive yourselves to extinction.
> Riiiight. I'm gonna have to say no to that.

In reality though, this doesn't matter whatsoever.

Eu would just re-vote for whatever directive they want.

This just helps redpill normies, GJ EU!

Not how it works

How does it work, ((Wouter))?


Any current or future member of the EU has to have a healthy economy, and needs to meet certain criteria. If you can't manage your own economy you will be tought a lesson by those who can. Crying about it won't make it better.

Well, if they keep alienating their menrbers, they ll exit and either go to the USA sphere or the Russia sphere.
The fun part? They don't even realize this.

This is a dangerous move for the EU, particularly now, with this economic situation.

based hungary

> join Russian sphere willingly

Russia? The world's leading producer of natural gas, vodka and kiddie porn?

Yeah I'm sure EU countries are scrambling to ditch what economic development they have accomplished and suck Putins dick instead. The former eastern bloc countries who joined the EU are way more prosperous than Russia right now.

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shut the fuck up EU muhummads

God you people are up your own fucking arse

jesus christ it truly amazes me how politically illiterate some of you are. In order for article seven to pass, ALL of the EU countries have to vote for it and that will simply never happen - disregard the rest of the countries that are part of the Visegrad group (like Austria, who already backstabbed Orban), but you have Poland who already made clear statements that they will never vote against Hungary and viceversa. This is just another virtual signalling attempt of the European Union that will backfire immensely, as they have essentially turned Orban into the poster boy of the entire European right-winged spectrum.

Next year's MP elections will truly be the turning point of the European Union. If Orban manages to form an alliance with Salvini (as already stated by both of them + Bannon), most of the right-winged populist parties will rally behind them. What does this mean? Second largest political block in the European Parliament with chances of even surpassing the EPP in a short to medium timeline.

If you truly want to know how fucked the European establishment is, look at Macron's approval rating (already lower than Hollande's). Heck, the first one in the polls in France is Melenchon, who is essentially a fucking communist out in the open. The future looks either grim or wonderful - it depends if you like balkanization and a prospect of a full out civil war starting or not.

tl;dr wait until next year and for the love of god, prepare in the meanwhile. Our generation = the lost generation, if you want to compare the current timeline with history.

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My country isn't perfect. We got problems no doubt. But we're still light years ahead of the corrupt shithole, superpower-LARPing nation that is Russia. Liberty has its flaws, but it's preferable to an autocracy whose opposition figures tend drop dead from poisoning.

tommy robinson comes to mind, sans whips but honestly i'd rather take the whip than go through what he did

why isnt soros being stripped of his US citizenship?

Based leftie.

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>blah blah blah muh ruskis
into the trash

Yes. That's the problem with the EU. Either you have leftist feelgood liberals as your politicians, or autocratic Putin lovers. There's no rational middle ground where we protect democracy but also refuse to yield to extremist forces.

Shut up and move to Russia then.

they don't LARP as a superpower they ARE one. Meanwhile you have the most feminist government in the history of the world and zero power. The difference between them and you is that their govt will do it while your govt will ignore it being done to you by shitskins.

>centrist status: radical

>huuurrrr if you dont get butthurt about russia you should move to russia u fukin bigot
into the trash

Shut the fuck up surrender monkey lite , this country is going to be an islamic state in 50 years , around the time it takes that drunker faggot junker to do anything constructive.

And where does replacing your population with foreigners for minor momentary economic benefits comes into the whole thing?

Wouldn't you rather you government act with "nigger behaviour" then being a bunch of proud cuckold goys?

Russia has a population of 140 million, and an economy the size of Italy. Without nuclear weapons, Russia would not be able to project power at all.

The EU numbers 500 million and is the world's largest economy. The only reason Russia can LARP as a military superpower is because we let them. Europeans would rather spend money on welfare than the military. Though that will change soon as we are gearing up for war again.

>turn your nations into sandnigger ridden shitholes devoid of cultural and genetic identity or else!
>if you elect a government that won't do that, it's undemocratic! so we will have no choice but to remove your right to vote in the EU!

anyone that thinks the eu isn't just a dictatorship is retarded

who isn't?

When does article 13 come into affect?

They are retarded. Hungarians hate the eu, so the way to make them love ue again are sanctions.

I dont think he supports non-European immigration to the EU. Nor do I. If anything, the outer EU borders should be guarded with lethal force.

But nutjobs like Orban are using the migrant issue to push for his autocratic power grabs.

and that is a good thing

unironically us, our bureaucrats are so god damn retarded that we literally can't access EU non-refundable funds, which pretty much puts us at the bottom of the list when it comes to gibs.

Thanks for you input, Oz. At least we haven't been infiltrated by the Chicoms.

I'm not happy about the azn invasion. You seem quite happy to have the EU continue to pump Muslims throughout western Europe though. Nice election results by the way.

So that's what the stars in the EU flag represent. It's a circle of assholes. Nice.

2021, look up the original 2021 agenda, it's now 2050 but it also jumped to 2030 at one point. All of this suddenly as we enter the grand solar minimum, and they are not revealing the predictions yet to the public. We already know now through to just 2021 is going to be like flipping the current weather upside down.

Please point out to us what's wrong about the comment you are replying to. It's true isn't it? Southern and eastern Europe want to joint the EU for the gibs. That's a fact.

I'm not happy at all. The EU must guard its borders, and shoot anyone who tries to trespass.

I just don't see why we need to turn autocratic to do so. Democracy and liberty is the very essence of western civilization. It is what separates us from the rest of the world.

But I agree that we path we're heading towards is not a bright one.

Democracy here is already a farce. Why wouldn't it be the same there? It seems like it is with what your leaders are putting into motion.

>we enter the grand solar minimum,

>According to a 2010 study from Feulner and Stefan Rahmstorf a new Maunder Minimum would lead to a cooling of 0.3°C in the year 2100

so its fucking nothing

The EU has been the only thing stopping Europe guarding its borders. The propaganda machine over there is something else. Good fucking lord.

>2010 study, ha!

The volcanism is just one part of it user. The drought Europe experienced this year is more like it. Famines that will kill many people.

You take your freedom for granted. The mere fact that you can shitpost here is a privilege few in this world have.

The problem isn't democracy, but that cultural degeneracy has corrupted the West. If the people embrace destructive and hedonistic values, then it will lead to the abysmal politicians we're seeing now.,

>replacing your population with foreigners
If we have to cleanse Spain from its foreign DNA there will be nothing left.

And for that we should dismantle the EU? Seriously?

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Nutjobs like Junkcker are the problem. Not the EU. We're seeing unparalleled peace and prosperity in our continent, and I'll be damned if we squander it just to jerk off some nationalists

I've seen Russians use this site, the fuck are you even talking about?

yeah right, thats why you have a PUBLIC VOTE
we objectively hat more liberty under communism than you sven, and you know this

I'll kill you if Achmed doesn't, I swear.

Nothing wrong with dismantling an organization that only wishes destruction of its own nations.

Why good people dies and S*ros still on earth?
Why devil hesitate to take him?

you arent allowed to wave your fucking flag in malmo, you fucking cuck, there is no one and nothing in the entire universe worse than you

do you think the devil wants muzzie refugees in Hell? I think not

> if Achmed doesn't
pozuri onda, moras biti brz

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so paying ahmed isnt enough for you, and you want the liberty to pay pavel, konstantinos, Janos, Mihai, Ante and Atanas as well?

You didn't have communism.
You had what China has now - state operated capitalism.

the point is we had more liberty than sven
medieval serfs had more liberty than sven

>Though that will change soon as we are gearing up for war again.
As soon as EU stops handing out the gibs it will cease to exist.

You mean like your propaganda mills that the sheeple in Swedenistan believe with their hearts?

Well Germany likes to take gas tubes into it's ass

Coming from a fucking Croat lol. How did that genocidal YoggieSlav war go in the 1990's?

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most of those benefits go to the connected few not the people buttercup

It's still their main reason to want to join the EU though. No shit it's not for regular people. The European population doesn't even get a vote.

>The EU numbers 500 million

Most those nations will not go into a war with Russia and many would probably secede from the EU if they tried to fight Russia

Plus you can take 65 million off that number when we leave

>The EU numbers 500 million and is the world's largest economy.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!(It's not even quarter)

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Niggers aren't the ones forcing western states to give them GIBS, the Jews are. If anything this is Jew behavior. Which is good. Let the Jews in the EU get a taste of their own poison.

"the people"
Fucking villager commie nostalgic detected.

Gibs is a form of dependency to excercise power.

They aren't forcing it. They are expecting it. Now the EU is saying NO. It's actually pretty based.

It sure is but all those countries knew this when they signed all the documents. If they don't stick to the agreements then don't be surprised if the EU sanctions them.

nigger fucking everyone connected is draining funds meant for farmers

No its pretty jewy and a consequence of the hungarians not opening their country for migrants.

This is because that's the type of people we are.
You think "the people" who moan about not getting gibs are any different than the connected ones and wouldn't do the same if they had a chance?

Also, a lot of these so called "farmers" expect that Boyko will come in person to each village to check how they are doing and if they need some help. If yes, he would take out directly cash from his pocket and give them as much as they need for rakia and cigarettes.

you don't know what you're talking bout boi

We are all hardworking and nice people.
Second smartest after (((them))) and so on.

> i and everyone i know is lazy faggots so everyone else is

Still better than having your race and people genocided though.

the next generation of those who did it is not going to accept it, but rather fight it

If their reaction is to leave the EU then so be it. Nobody is forced to do anything. Get enough anti-EU votes and make it happen, like the UK. It's not impossibe.

Trying to get gibs is better than genocide. Yes I can only agree with that.

Jewy? If someone you have an agreement with doesn't do his end of the bargain, it makes you a jew? Interesting.

What if the fight is for the meaning of civilization?

Oh come on. When have voters ever voted for the meaning of civilization. They want what's beneficial to them now. Or at least, what's promised to be beneficial to them. Nobody thinks long term. It's human to seek out instant gratification. We vote selfish and opportunistic. That's why democracy is and has always been a bad idea.

If that was broken though..

do you have the proper license to post that lingk to an ARTICLE my friend? I dont want to report you to the cyber police.

> people itt actually supporting the EUSSR

Democracy can only work in a completely homogenuous voting base.
IE: only men of the same ethnicity can vote. And they must vote for people who are also part of the same ethnic group.

This is not the doctrine of the racist US. Its actually directly from Aristotle. Any deviation from this turns democracy into a short sighted cycle of self destructive voting interests between different ingroups like you are describing.