Even white kids know that the white cracker stole our land

Even white kids know that the white cracker stole our land

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wow, powerful.

Or she's only being punished because she's white, now if she was black there'd be international pressure about presenting her "flatteringly."

Good goyim

>brainwashing works

>"our land"
Wew nigger. Wew. Last time I checked, you aren't an aborigine

>I’m not someone who just obliges by the rules
Yeah, that’s totally how 9year olds really talk. She’s definitely coming up with these ideas on her own with no coaching whatsoever. I’m sure her parents (because there’s NO WAY she’s got a libtard single mother) haven’t had any impact at all on what she should say and act.

Have a shekel

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Her dipshit parents told her to do it. Case closed; who cares.

>I don't follow the rules.
Then you should be punished.

It's funny, she almost certainly has zero understanding of the history, motives, and actions of colonial europe and its colonists, so for her to be doing this she HAS to have been brainwashed about the aboriginals and probably with half truths or outright lies.

Not to mention that as a 9 year old, she would also have had to be told to stay seated by those who brainwashed her, as she would have little way of conjugating the significance of the anthem with her brainwashing. So this is just a PR stunt

Coons aren't black. They are a northeast indian area variant
Burnt yellow is the colour you're looking for

At least one day she can grow up to have lots of inferior abbobabies to the joyful tear-filled eyes of her worthless traitorous cunt parents.


Our women are taught to be race traitors from a young age. At this point a genocide of white women, followed by their replacement via asian girls is the only way forward.

Fuck she's got another 9 years before it is compulsory for her to be involved in politics

Can't kids just be kids

The difference between abbo land and Native American land, is that natives often put up a big fght and became a legitimate political power.

But what is an abbo gonna o? Drool on someone?

Attached: soiBoiDad.jpg (367x550, 31K)

Nevertheless, basic education is a right under strayan law, and freedom of religion/worship/belief is also, so they cannot expel her from any schooling institution whatsoever for refusing to acknowledge the anthem according to her ‘conscience’.
True, she’s 9 years old so it’s not really her conscience on display here, but rather her parents’, but that doesn’t detract from her rights and even if it did invalidate her conscientious objections to standing for the national anthem, then by be same logic she also couldn’t be held accountable for what she did/didn’t do either.
In short, whoever had the brain fart to call her out as expel-worthy should’ve kept his mouth shut because he’s making all nationalists look like idiots and fueling these kinds of articles.

>liberalism is a disorder

Let her spend a day with a couple 20 year old refugees. She will def be on her knees.

Kids need to take a knee during the national anthem

>obliges by the rules
lmao the yids over at hollywood goofed this script

ah of course

Shouldn't the liberals that are against taking land from native peoples, give their own land back and go back to where they are historically from. If they agree to this, perhaps we should all group together from where we are originally from. Nazis.

>liberal ideology actually making sense
Good one lol

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Little shit has grammar to match her manners

Typical Aussie faggot right there.


> look at dis kid our massahs have been telling all her life dat we wuz kangz
> after years of telling her over and over, she now also says we wuz kangz
> obv this is proof we wuz kangz where be our reparations

>kill off all mega fauna
>turn the land into a desert
>the white man turns it into one of the greatest places to live

Abbos are worse than niggers

Lol send her to naru


is this what all australian families look like

Yes you are. You are a hall monitor of the elites

Anyone confirm the (((identity)))?

type of girl that jumps from a tower when you tell her not to do it

Nigger, you never claimed it, and there was almost always a casus belli

*if you did

Its good to question authority, the only problem is shes questioning the authority of the rebellion against the authority.

>be 9 years old
>parents are already over 50

All 3 have autism?

Your land? You mean the land of the Indigenous Americans, you are also a fucking immigrant. The thing is that what matters now is the population of today, why do you think ethnic nationalism is rising in Europe? Because we don't want to become a continent full of immigrants that replace our population and rewrite our history, which is what happened in America.

Abos had no concept of ownership before whitey

>they were here first so they have a greater claim to belong here
>what do you mean immigrants are less Australian? They're as aussie as the rest of us, even if they just got here!

>being this deluded
Fucking aussies man. Sunburnt white trash

Spank the lil' shyte hard.

Sound like a fuck load of assumptions from a dumbass cunt..

Her parents don't look white. They look like Jews or people with nigger admixture.

>the quintessential aussie

...and the kikes have so fucked things up here we are about three days from giving it all back to you and blaming you.

Teach her the bell curve and where aboriginies with their 65 average IQ land on it... maybe she will understand that it's basically just colonizing land where animals live.

they should send her to a native tribe for a month, i bet she'll sing the national anthem the first evening

And those Bush nogs stole from the roos. You don't see them protesting like whiny cunts.

>"I'm not someone who just obliges by the rules"
And, that, ladies and gentlemen is why you beat your kids as soon as they can take it.

Abos probably weren't the first people in Australia anyway

Another white man raping children. Probably.

The weird thing about the Australian school curriculum is that every year kids have to learn something about Aborigines. This also includes political ideas like "understand the importance of land to Aborigines".

Meanwhile they do not learn a single thing about Great Britain, and practically nothing about white Australian history either. Absolutely nothing about European or American history. But every year something to do with Aborigines.

In my daughter's school they play a version of the national anthem that has digeridoos and rhythm sticks mixed in behind the lyrics. And the majority of Australian primary school fly the Australian and Aboriginals flags together. Even though they probably have less than 1% aboriginal students.

I don't force my view on my daughter, but I subtly guide her, like when she asked me why is there so much stuff about Aborigines I told her it's because people feel sorry for them.

we should all fuck niggers, have their mutt spawn and violently break up with them

Attached: niggers and ranger have a fight.png (659x859, 978K)

REMINDER: If the Dutch never landed on Australia (followed by British settlements) the Abos would have died out in the 1800s because they never knew how to hunt and burnt whole areas of the rainforest down and ate what died in the fire.

Thats why Australia is mostly desert and barren. Abos.

>muh noble savage

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Wowsers, the left truly have no morals. Using children to push your far left commie agenda. Child abusers, oh wait, they identify with that... Fark!

So because he is black and was a child soldier, his rights come above a woman who is a lawyer rights?

blacks want to be abos, the only lifeform lower than them, now, to get more oppression points

No, she should of known how this works, he was never going to stick around.

australia was uninhabited when the british got there

abos are not human

I believe this is true genetically but scientists wont admit it

I'm pretty sure not even the blacks do this sort of thing.

When plundering and taking shit hundreds of years ago is bad.

Most famous Australian soldier was Jewish so it doesn't surprise me

Future Feminist. Kill it.


It's not like Abbo cunts are truly apart of society. Everything in their culture is temporary and secret. Take their art for example, they only keep it around for a select amount of time then destroy it.

She will be single with black child by the age of 20, called it

Its not real. Just 'savage' propoganda to dehuman the abos.

and muslims don't throw acid on britstanians.

Let me guess, the mugshots of the grooming gangs members were white man airbrushed to look Pakistani too.

Do you have a loicense for that comment?

Based youtube.com/watch?v=grqEjSfVuBg