
Why shouldn't I like black girls? Why shouldn't I love Indian girls?
Why should I be ashamed that my paternal grandparents, who are great people, are Jewish?
Why shouldn't I study Zen Buddhism, when it's the most insightful religion, just because it wasn't invented by whites?
I'm all for the wholesome family model for myself, and I'm all for living on the land. Why shouldn't that make me a communitarian? Why should that mean I have to have a problem with gay couples living in the city?
Why should I hate people elsewhere, when I've met many good people in Africa and Asia?
Why are you so hateful? Why are you so afraid of the world? Why are you such losers?

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Cuz wypipo are becoming extinct u retard

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>black girls
their faces are hideous

I'm actually for the integration of Palestinians into Israeli society.

Again, I'm for living off the land. I'm against processed junk food

>studying zen buddhism
cringe and boomerpilled

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Hello. I also like black women. Would never impregnate one though, couldn't raise a child that doesn't look like me, makes sense my American friend?

niggers are disgusting

A lot needs to improve in the black community in the US, that's true.

most of the slavery in Africa is actually Arabs owning black slaves, as in Mauritania.

This isn't a refutation, but the AIDS statistic is because of its prevalence in a few specific regions, like southern Africa

I should add, while I'm for immigration in the US, I would actually be against immigration if I were Swedish, because I think it's absurd they've flooded their country to the extent they have. I'm more against immigration for Sweden than I am for Israel.

If you are really following what these clowns say, you're letting them control your life.

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Hair weaves.

Not really. I've known mixed race kids who primarily looked like their black parent.

That said, I have to admit, I probably don't want half-black kids. But I'd be fine with half-Asian or Indian kids.

That's actually a really important point. I need to disconnect, I've been following this site too much this last month.

Nigger detected.
Thread autohidden.

*like their white parent
is what I meant to type

I'm white and quite pale, actually

this has happened always in history, the only reason people have become radicalized is because of too much migration towards the west. people inter-married before, there was exchange of culture in the ancient and medieval times

what's happening today is this displacement of peoples that's sad.

>wanting your child to spend 9 months in the belly of a nigger

That's a good point. Given the amount of migration happening because of the easiness of travel and environmental destruction, this kind of backlash is probably inevitable. I'm concerned about the violence it potentially brings, though

Like who? Post pics lol. As most mixed couples produce some sort of untermensch.

You really going to walk around in public with little niglets? Doubt it mate

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you are quite retarded
if you sympathize with basement dwellers that hang out here


i would fuck some of them but not produce children

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>getting toasty over a 1/4 white girl dating a white guy
and I thought white people got upset over this shit.

Why cant you accept that not everyone has to give a fuck about your bullshit to the point that its government enabled and in some cases enforced? Want to be a dumb shit? Do it on your own time and in your own house, dont bring your absolute faggotry to society then expect not to be abused as the existential threats you are
Fucking kys you absolute faggot
t. fucks non white women

YOU'RE the one who wants to control the way others live, not the other way around. Nobody wants to stop your white family. We won't even harass you, because we're not pieces of shit like you.

You say that then enable laws that steal children from parents because they dont want their kid taking hormones after the school has started medical proceedings for the kid without parental consent. You idiots are playing a dangerous game and you will see the reality of fucking with peoples children. You're cancers on society and when given an inch you take a mile, now idiot children like you have grown up in the decline and know nothing but it, and think society was always this march towards "progress" when in reality western society is being dismantled from all angles with help from useful idiot trash like you. Fucking kys you absolute faggot cunt

Children won't look like you they'll appear as complete strangers. It's jarring and uncomfortable when your son who looks nothing like you calls you dad. Everyone assumes that it's not your kid, and that you're a step father taking up for a black woman. It's embarrassing.
>t. My life...

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Why should I like black girls? Why should I love Indian girls?
Why should I be shamed for being a white straight male that hates social justice and loves my country?
Why should I study Zen Buddhism and believe your subjective bullshit you spout as truth about spirituality?
I'm all for the wholesome family model for myself, and I'm all for living on the land. Why should that make me a communitarian? Why should that mean I can't have a problem with gay couples living in the city when pic related?
Why shouldn't I hate people elsewhere, when at the end of the day they put their own first and will fuck over my country if it becomes us or them?
Why are you so meek? Why are you so afraid to stand for anything and only have thoughts you are told are socially acceptable? Why do you assume you've accomplished more than me when a spineless pussy like yourself would never have the balls to achieve greatness in any form?

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Jews blacking themselves. Hoist by your own petard.

Kys kike

There is absolutely nothing wrong with love and black gfs

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I know that feel, kind of

I'm pretty sure I've already achieved more than you ever will. I stand for plenty, and a lot of it's in opposition to people like you.

Any black women in Estonia? If so, how many of them are there in comparison to Deutschland and France.

It's that fuckin Estonian again

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>Top part has an avacado
I'm surprised the bottle didn't say "onions" on it too

do whatever you want mutt, stop shilling your degenerate racemixing niggerlovin shit here

Nobody is stopping you, dumbass. The Jews even encourage that shit

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Nah, I know you're type well. I accomplished more my first 2 years in the Army than you will your entire life. Only weak men think like you. If you ever have children your wife and kids will lose interest in you. Specially your kids they will probably become like me just to spite your faggot ass.

I'm against giving kids sex change hormones. I never said anything about that. You're a moron who needs to project things onto me to even argue, and that's pathetic.

I have a master's, I've worked in other countries. If my kids grow up to me in the military, that's fine. What's not fine is if they grow up to be bigots like you, and they won't.


Holy you win the kike award of the day, congrats

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you're pathetic

Yeah nice sidestep nigger cunt as if it fucking matters considering you're here shilling pro LGBT views which evolve into targeting children without fail, either you're disingenuous or just truly an idiot but either way you're a fucking cancer on society that will browbeat others over their desire to be left alone while pretending to be the altruist
just fucking kys you absolute trash

You're pathetic you stupid fuck people like you are fuelling the nationalism surge globally, enjoy it dumb shit

Yeah that's what my parents thought too, turns out living your whole life sheltered in the safe white suburbs is far from reality bud. You'll see things my way if you ever grow a sack. I bet I've seen more countries than you, I bet I make more money than you too and never put on debt to get it. Lmao I'm still waiting for you to defend any of your claims in the OP or tell me why I should think you like you. All you said in response to me is "bu...but I went to school and I bet you never done anything with your life".

>why shouldn't i have standards
>why should my kids look like mutts
>why shouldn't my kids have white skin and a monkey face?
Ask yourselves those questions,also because of this

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>Study written in 2004,
>references 2012 crime statistics.

OK, yeah, sure.

Would you ever live in a brown majority country?

fact you are here discussing this nonsense instead of accomplishing something or doing something productive puts you on the same boat as the rest of us. nigger meet faggot.

ideology doesn't matter. You're trapped in hell with the rest of us bud.

Based Estonian nigressposter

Nothing wrong with this you fucking NEET virgins

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I'm a sucker for qt negresses


Zen Buddhism is dumb. I agree that mahayana buddhism is a perversion of the way, but non-stop meditation doesn't bring true insight and enlightenment.

Also some black girls really get me going until they open their mouth.

Her IQ is like 90 at best.

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Yeah. Having kids is the bad part you fucking kike

You should do whatever you like, as long as it doesn't cause suffering to others.
I mean, just look at the pathetic answers you've received from Jow Forumstards. Their argumentation tactic is solely based off 'muh, Jews', 'muh, shill!' and so forth. This place thinks it's the bastion of rationality against SJW's, yet it's full of edgy faggots LARPing as Nazis, promoting climate change denial, Holocaust denial and flat earth. So much for facts over feelings.

true, but more often than not, the rest matches

>Why shouldn't I study Zen Buddhism, when it's the most insightful religion, just because it wasn't invented by whites?
tell me literally anything about zen buddhism.
I'll even count copy pasting from wikipedia.
Tell me how inspriing you think it is.

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Dont race mix

still waiting for you to tell me even one thing about zen buddhism OP.
>inb4 deflect

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It's only gotten worse.

black girls are unattractive apes to me but there is some attractive indian women but i could never buy into her culture

I don’t inherently care about any of that. But whites are dying off with extremely low birth rates. Almost everything in media promotes mixing and white women are so trashy it’s next to impossible to find a good one.

Buddy, I literally left the thread.

I've found Zazen extremely helpful for focus, and reorienting my mind so that all the unimportant stuff falls away.

I like the Soto interpretation of the four noble truths, basically being that the suffering it refers to comes from wanting reality to fit your idea of how things should be. Once you get rid of wanting the world to be your own distortion of it, you can see clearly how the world actually is, and then figure out how best to act in it most effectively (the Zen interpretation of right action and right thought).

I also like the basically panentheistic outlook of everything being interconnected, so even though I don't believe in an afterlife, everything I value about myself and those around me continues because we're all just expressions of a greater whole.

I've liked reading Dogen, Shunryu Suzuki, Shohaku Okumura, and Brad Warner.

I've participated in Soto, Kwan Um, and Tibetan/Dzogchen groups. The soto ones were the best in my experience, and I honestly had a pretty strong distaste for Kwan Um.

Oh, and by the way, I know you think you're some gatekeeper for zen because you live in Japan, but I really don't give a shit to hear your superiority complex. I've been studying Zen for about a decade, and I doubt you have much to offer, given your attitude.

Because in all likelyhood, your kids will be vastly dumber than you.

Stage 2: Bargaining.

No, I'm blatantly rejecting the reactionary perspective. I've studied conservative ideology a bit and discovered that I'm actually something of a traditionalist conservative on aesthetics and western liberal thought and institutions, but there are also some vaguely left wing economic ideas I agree with, like co-operative worker's control and ownership. I haven't completely reconciled by left wing and right wing views yet, but the more sympathetic I get to some conservative perspectives, the more repulsed I honestly am by reactionary ones.

I should add, the conservative philosopher who's most appealed to me is Roger Scruton.

You're a Jew, so a non-human. You can like whatever beasts you want. If you want to kibbutz, go to Israel. We don't want your Commie bullshit in the civilized world.

The only loser here is you, the Juden parasites. Your people are hell-bent on destroying everything decent in the world. You are parasites. If whites were to disappear overnight, you'd be destroyed by your non-white pets. You are literally alive but for the grace of whites.

You can but it's weird
White girls are tho most attractive

You're a moron and I'm much more human than you. I'm for basic human decency. You're for degrading anyone who doesn't look like you. You should kill yourself.

fair enough

>I've been studying Zen for about a decade
>the jew cries out in pain as he adds more lies and deflects
also probably the least zen thing you could have said OP.

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You hate Jews. You also didn't respond to any of the content of what I said, indicating that you don't know anything about zen.

You don't have to do any of that,user. Go be you, the best you can be.

how does hating jews and not responding to your other points mean I don't know anything about zen?
can you enlighten me about that?

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Thank you, I'm going to leave and go do that :)

just an observation about your evasive, pathetic behavior. You're fitting anti-semitic stereotypes much more than me now.



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>disown your own daughter for fucking a Haitian nog
>don't talk to her for over a decade
>she leaves the country in shame, taking her mixed-race abominations with her
>you and all your friends agree that you did the right thing

>the abominations proceed to achieve a level of play that has never been achieved by a """pure""" (i.e. a Yayoi/Jomon/Ainu mutt) Japanese
>they win millions of dollars and pen lucrative long-term endorsement deals with major corporations
>suddenly even the prime minister of your country is calling her a great ambassador for Japan
>your heart comes around and you love your daughter and her granddaughters again

Do racists even realize how duplicitous and hypocritical they are?

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when you smell them you'll change your mind

Itt virgin neets think their stormfront propaganda against black cuties will sway anyone.

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>Why should I be ashamed that my paternal grandparents, who are great people, are Jewish?
As though anything you had to say mattered after this. Lmfao
Every time.

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reminder that most black women are bald and wear wigs and weeves at the tune of over $1 TRILLION a year