Women are sex objects, and nothing else

Women are sex objects, and nothing else.


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They aren’t sex objects. That’s what the mainstream media and social media make them out to be. Females were designed to compliment men, to care for children and to be nurturing mothers. Jews have socially engineered them to throw their natural roles away and act like degenerate sluts. They are miserable in these current times

Women are property; nothing more, nothing less.

They're potential wives and mothers but you can't be a bitchboii or they'll run off

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women are NPCs

Go... where..?

Haha, I also hate women.
Fellow gamers RISE UP!

To the ovens

Fuck up, boomer nigger

into the oven.

OP is a faggot ,and nothing else.


Okay I concede, all women are narcissistic whores, society has been subverted to let them run wild and falsely prop them up to be “equals” with men. Which everyone knows is a sham

I happen to agree with this user.

Women wouldn't be like this if the state of white man hadn't deteriorated in a hedonistic lifestyle of beer, sports, and lack of masculinity. The weakness portrayed by the older fools with the collective mentality of, "Oh honey, you can have anything you want (((princess)))," have coagulated into these societies where women have obtained an astounding amount of consumer power.

You give a child too much praise and it eventually believes its always guaranteed it.

Define sex object.

Women are worse than men in every way, shape, and form, except for a few things, which are being a sex object, and being a mother. THAT IS LITERALLY IT

>Define sex object.
ur mom


Now playing

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Not all women are my mom so not all women are sex objects.

no shit
love doesnt exist in a mind of a woman

Incel: the thread

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A majority of them are overemotional, irrational, and easily spoiled.
Very much like a child or a pet.

Men are the true romantics while women are the true realists. That's why it's best to remain stoic in a romantic relationship, keeps them on edge. Show weakness even for a minute and they'll never forget

I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to meme...

The (((Intellectual Dark Web)))

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>Uhh, racist & sexist much.webm of an african american women with moms spaghetti for hair wearing a yellow blouse

Pls don't arrest me, European Union.

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