Ukraine is literally a white ethnostate/still a shithole

Not White Enough? The ukrainian gdp per capita is currently $2185

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Pic related, the hohol flag.

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could be a great country

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ukraine was pillaged all the fucking time i bet you couldnt find more than 100 years of peace in that land
from fucking attila all the way to todays war

Hard to be an ethno state when half the population isn't Ukrainian


>implying Nazis care about economics

>only slightly richer than THE CONGO

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hoholand is rightful russian clay

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fuck you now i wanna eat salo and thanks to all the kikes infesting my country it's hard as fuck to find any pork products

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100 times safer cleaner better infrastructure etc
Op says their gdo oer capita is 2k, congo is 400 dollars

Ukrainians aren't humans

nice tripl
kill them all and replace them with salo :^)

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holy fuck i posted that post just after posting
i got trips twice in a row are the digit gods smiling upon me ?

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>0 debt
>Russians invade
>Eu sanctions
>Eu blocks them from trading or having diplomatic relations with it's members
Still produces the best boxers in the world...Klitschko Brothers,Lomachenko,Usyk
Still win a amazing number of olympic medals
Good in almost all sports
One of the most badass soldiers in Europe
Still a beautiful,functioning country,with great cuisine,sights and people.
Also it's rather safe.

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I like Ukraine, aside the land grabbing, jew government stuff... How the fuck are they so poor

>100 times safer cleaner better infrastructure etc
you have never been to ukraine

You've clearly never been. I have been to both the DRC and Ukraine. There's nothing comparable to Kiev or Lviv in DRC, you deluded Moroccan.

Neither did you Dutch boy,most of the cities are clean but the infrastructure is dated.
Stop spouting lies atleast,Amsterdam smells almost as bad as Paris.

>100 times safer cleaner
>better infrastructure
It's soviet infrastructure and it's crumbling. Almost nothing new has been built, only pillaged and ruined.

slav(E)s are racial filth and not aryan. They are immigrants. It doesn't matter if you have been 1 year or 1000, all racial immigrant filth has to go

>0 debt, Russians invade
Where? In your fucking dreams ? When did Ukraine not have debt? 1990 only and that not for long. If Russia invaded and you are fighting them in a war, why are you only fighting farmers in donbass and not Russians, with whom you are at war, in Crimea, where the Russians are? Ffs stop being this retarded

Still better than Congo!

All white countries have an over average hdi including ukraine. I would still would to live there instead of any other non white country.

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It's common knowledge that Russian government is backing those "farmers" with weapons and other military shit like tanks and vehicles. Ukraine is still a corrupt shithole tho.

Are you fucking stupid or something you moronic leaf.
Canada-2 trilion debt,debt to gdp 78%
Ukraine-110 bilion,debt to gdp 70%
Canadian rat,you consume more than you are worth,trucks of peace incoming soon enough.
And you are a country at peace,war even small invasions cause distability that scares investors you faggot.


Why do you even post?If you are from Canada,Germany,UK or France,you are from a rat/leech country worth less than you consume.
that didn't take long

It’s been under constant imperialism and wars for centuries retard

For centuries? You mean milleniums

Ukraine was poor enough to had Candydoll.

Based and redpilled

Is that why every Israeli I have met seems to eat pork without a problem.

You leave Israeli for some time and gorge on pork?

Because the practice of their religion is literally about fooling their god and working loopholes.

Except the genocide and enslavement of others. They're completely on board with that.

i think you meant
>bankrupt with debt
>decide not to pay debts
>get rekt

yet they always end up losing everything because of their selfish nature and gluttony.

It is their only flaw, they always end up losing.

that should be their national motto


>Visit Ukraine, at least we have trains! (for now)

It could have been good with some better management. Individual Ukrainians are okayish people.

Imagine being an ex-communist white nation that instantly got flooded by crony capitalist Ashkenazi (= Irano Turkic Khazarian) ''jews'' and shills and not being able to develop and not having a single strong leader, like Putin, to kick out at least the worst kikes and their shills.

>believing hohol propaganda

theu don’t even know how to color their provinces right

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That's what we're hoping for.

Oligarchs at power, instead of reinvesting money into infrastructure they buy properties in Eu/England you name it. Same in Russia, but they're slightly better because of oil/gas.

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Russian leeches like you deserve to be shot, get out of my holy land or go clean my fucking toilet Ivan.

KYS, Ashkenazi (= Irano Turkic Khazarian) false kikes and shills. You are not welcome here.

God another one, go back to your shithole

This kills the JIDF

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fuck off, g*rmaNoid, khazars are our greatest ally

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> turko-mongol-tatar-jewish mutts
> white

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you can get pork in israel but you gotta go to special russian supermarkers where everyone speaks russian and they only sell russian\ukranian import shit . like top shelf kolbasa,salo,kvas
most non russian israelis dont even go anywhere where they can buy this stuff so when they go abroad they gorge on it

i even corrupted some religicuck friends with delicious bacon in the army .

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jids love salo u cucklord
it is rivaled only by holodetz

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30% of Israeli Jews are from Russia alone, you fucking uneducated Mizrahi nigger.

And a large portion of them are Polish too.

Ukraine is only good for one thing, and that is to fill up the pockets of Jewish diaspora oligarchs, kek.

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Ukraine is a deeply troubled country with a society that was hijacked and manipulated into becoming the grounds for a proxy war between the US and Russia.

Damn it feels good to be a Crimean.
EU will drain Ukraine's workforce and ontain it's rich soil. That's all Khokholand is worth for.
Just imagine what it might become under Russians rule.

fucking katsaps are mad that they live in a shithole and that their godking is an incompetent loser pedophile.

also salo is some delicious food and it is one of the things I love the most about ukraine.

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If you ever have the chance, try Pig Knee...yes pig knee. Had it at a German restaurant, probably the best pig part I have ever tasted.

They take the pig knee, break it open and cook it on the BBQ with onions, serve with beer.

The meat inside puts bacon to shame.

Jews are trying to weasel their way back in. Very few goyim to exploit in Israel. Like any country with White people there is massive economic potential. Jow Forums knows jews have fucked up the country.

this is the limitation of white people, they dont realise that they're sex meat for the planet.

*pork knuckle not pork knee.


how does it feel to go from a prospering european tourist destination to a backwards shithole of a despotic totalitarian state? oh wait you can't tell me lest the authorities find out.

Great country with massive potential if you can keep jews out. Needs more Germans to become an economic and agricultural powerhouse.

>posting brit propoganda posters
they looked pretty based desu.
and yea you're right , my last 2 workplaces pretty much 75% were russian speakers and the rest learned basic russian form proximity , basically all technicians\engineers i interacted with in my company and those in others spoke russian

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why dont you have russian flag if you're crimean ?
is moot a russophobe and places your IP with cuckranian flag ?

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It’s shitty due to communism and Jewish oligarchs.

Since they were one of the last to leave the Soviet Union, they saw the immediate consequences of radical privatization and got spooked into not doing lustration hard. As a result, corruption never even began to get rooted out.

Add to that the fact that they’re constantly fighting with russia while getting little support from the West and they’re getting dp’d hard.

ukranian wymin are exported to israel for sex slavery

I think we can take a guess why

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god I love the US.

is this real ?
crimea is part of russia obviously since 2014

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so whats the real answer here bois?

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It's a fake.

Of course the ukrainians are poor, anything under russian influence is in a shit state.
Just how america has muh democracy and consumerism to keep the populations under it`s influence obedient, so the russians have powerty and demoralization to keep the populations under it`s influence obedient.
That`s why belarus armenia or kazakstan will always be poor and depressing.

pic related

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Everybody knows that Ukraine is a nation of traitors. Traitors to their slavic brothers, traitors to the white race.
Being a hohol is the worst punishment you can imagine.


Ukraine isn't even a real country, it's barely existed for a few dozen years. You're just rapebabies of other empires.

Russia isnt even white... Same shithole as Ukraine

pretty much this. one of the best things that the president managed to was to put pressure on the government so that it would not put pressure on ukraine's military industrial complex. and hell would you know that it is like the only industry that is flourishing right now in ukraine.

I bet obama is shitting bricks because ukraine is again becoming a major exporter of weapons, which is one of his main fears(which is why senator obama visited ukraine and paid us to destroy our weapon stockpiles more than a decade ago)

dont hide behind your meme flag mutt

Hohols arent white

Lol nothing is 'flourishing' in Ukraine right now you mutt. Ukraine is obviously on its way to becoming Europe's Somalia.

Actually yes, they are increasing their arms exports.
Apparently being is a state of war makes you produce better weapons

>In 2015, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko set an ambitious goal: to bring Ukraine into the TOP 5 of the world's major arms exporters.
>According to the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which analyzes the control over arms transfers and global disarmament, in 2016 Ukraine increased military exports by 53%, to $528 million, and was 11th among the world’s arms exporters.

>produce good weapons

t. never been to ukraine

France was the ruling white ethnostate but then they got cucked by 3 million shitskins

It's not a white ethnostate. I reckon you've never been in ukraine? It's invaded by gypsies and other impure races. It's not the biggest problem. If you had your head out of your ass you would know that ukraine is ATM and has been for years in a violent war againt russia, battlefield style. 24/7 armed conflict zones. To this, add the EU jews undermining and subverting the country. It's in a very bad spot yes, and it's certainly not a "white ethno state"

hehe I bet the people in ukroberom are kicking themselves for their naming covention.
the t-84 is an old model tank.
the t-84 oplot-m is a different tank entirely(the tank ukraine exports).

Anime led to Jow Forums which lead to Jow Forums which lead to throwing off Jewish oppression.

(((Communism))) = kike control

Look on the brightside, when the rebels capture a few oplots they won't be able to use them against you because they'll break down.

It's the same chassis but with an extensive modernization. Its current problem (which is why you failed to export it to Thailand 3 times and they had to sever the contract) is that most of those parts are good, but are imported and the chassis doesn't synergize well with them. The t-84 Oplot struggles with its stabilization and loader, and its French-made thermals are expensive to import.
Note: I may be getting confused with some of the features because your T-84 Oplot is different from the plain BM Oplot (which is the new one you made and is based on the T-72 chassis). The T-84 Oplot has the stabilizer issues definitely but I don't remember if they both had the French optics and if the Thailand contract was for the T-84 or the BM

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> Ukraine is a shithole!!!1

Ahead of Thailand, Vietnam, Paraguay, Indonesia etc. It's poor, but still better than about half the countries in this world. Which should tell you how much of a mess most of the non-East Asian world is outside the West.

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Pick one

Says the pole

How can you even afford internet still?

I'll pick the one that puts me in the other bag than the American...oh wait they both do

lived there for three months while working on a project. Was pretty nice, a lot better than I expected and almost no niggers/arabs. Hot as fuark girls. Don't be mad.

the only people who managed to capture anything were the russians because they are the only ones who had successful military operations were the russians and that was only because ukraine was over extended.
fuck it is the t-84 mbt. either way the contract is done. thailand has 49 new ukrainian tanks

Does Ukraine still recruit foreigners fighters ?