Woman in pic is a British Canadian girl with a Bachelors of Science in BioChemistry and Engineering.
She’s also a fitness model and has enough time to be an Instagram whore (making money just for being beautiful).
Perfect Aryan Goddess.

So...explain to me why we aren’t just cloning and genetically engineering females like this, instead of the rampant animalistic reproduction of low IQ nig mudskin mutts.

What will it take to stop the overpopulation of garbage people?
When will we switch gears to a society that only allows reproduction of the best of us.
Who says you mongoloid Neanderthals haveca right to reproduce?
If anything, as we approach a future resource shortage, unsanctioned reproduction should be illegal.
Illegally born mutts will be exterminated on the spot.


Attached: F9D26A02-7582-46B9-B2BB-E27C0A6BFCE6.jpg (1048x1377, 431K)

>those nails
Why do women love that shit so much? Literally crypt-keeper claws. It's like they woke up from a 500 year long sleep then painted their nails.

clone them and send them to syria for peace offering please

Pic on the right is darker overall. Nothing is true, nothing is real.


She’s got weird knees

>literal whore selling out her body
>obsessed with vanity and gets fake tits
>only has a BSc which anyone turning up for lectures could get without difficulty
We don't clone degenerates.

>cloning canadians

Affirmative action user, not really impressive when they lower standards for wahmens. And shes an instagram thot after all that education.. Kinda proves my point.

she fucks the dog

>cloning a degenerate
are you retarded

shes not even pretty

also sage spam thread

lmao someone is frustrated

thats the fucking beauty creme she's advertising

>most likely insane
>likely atheist

Wouldn't procreate with.

Because I said something true? Calm down, son.

I meant the entire pic is darker. Look at the background you stupid NPC nigger.

Biologically speaking diversity actually is strength, you need a variety of kinds of people so that you get niche types for every situation that may come up. Too much homogeneity can end in disaster, like relying on a single staple crop that can be wiped out by disease.

That said, careful eugenics in the broader sense may be a good idea.

Your DNA doesn't determine that much about your appearance. It's much more closely related to diet and environmental factors.

body is 8/10
face is 5/10

t. Jow Forums scientist

Based german cousin.

if you clone someone, does a new soul rest within the body, or does it clone the soul of the original?

ah i getchu

What if her mouth makes an annoying sound?

Butterface. It just shows the internet and social media was mistake. In the 80s and 90s women match with men who had the same looks. Now ugly women with "nice" bodies think they deserve a CHAD.

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So does that mean brownies are brown cuz they eat shit from the day they’re born? Really makes me think.

>We need smart women
No we don't.
Being able to run a home and raising children responsibly is no easy task, but it certainly doesn't require one to be a genius.

Attached: o6npazGZrr1rol1m7o1.jpg (1024x1387, 258K)

Within a nation there is enough biological diversity for it to not be any kind of problem.

Stop making shit up you huffington-esque communist faggot.

>When will we switch gears to a society that only allows reproduction of the best of us.
>best of us.
You're not part of the genetic elite faggot.

question is not is it ethical
question is why haven't we purged all niggers and kikes yet

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (1200x1936, 348K)

I let my nails grow out and sharpen them on my left hand only, then I act like it’s demon possessed like in the Evil Dead movies.

That’s actually another good idea, but you understand Syria also participates in the program.
That means only the most beautiful, intelligent Syrian girls are produced and exchanged with us.

No, memeflaggot!
This is an important sociopolitical discussion about the potential for eugenics, cloning and genetic engineering programs to control human populations.
We also need to pick a better future generations, instead of leaving it up to retarded lottery of luck.

>She’s got weird knees
You wanna know how I know you’re gay?
Straight guys never even saw her knees.

t. Fat tranny transgender studies program graduate who can’t find love.

Did you remember to take your medication today femanon?

Attached: DvNITRDI_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Obviously as we enter a new generation of enhanced, carefully chosen future eugenics program humans, we will see less and less nigger culture in our society.
Please, try to think outside the box for once, normie.

>fake tits
they're a bit small to be fake. she could easily make more money if they were larger.

>not even that pretty
Homosexual confirmed.
>Spam thread
This is a good topic concerning overpopulation of ignorant masses, which affects our voting systems and political outcomes.
If more and more intelligent generations occurred, we wouldn’t have the liberal virus destroying our countries today.
Again, please learn to think outside the echo chamber of repeated similar daily threads you expect.

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>She’s got weird knees
I was about to write that no one would want to procreate with your Muslim refugee fat ass...but then I realized you’re Satan.
Heil Satan.

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>Within a nation there is enough biological diversity for it to not be any kind of problem.
I never said there wasn't. I was arguing against a society of clones, not borders.

Boy, you didn’t just swallow the Jew multicultural pill, you’re literally gargling on kike semen coming out your ears!

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>Your DNA doesn't determine that much about your appearance. It's much more closely related to diet and environmental factors.
>American education
My goodness, this is comedy gold.

Attached: C4D7EF52-4883-4AAA-BF9A-344B3ADB1C9B.jpg (4256x2832, 297K)

>body is 8/10
>face is 5/10
t. Pic related

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Bachelor of Science is like high school level education.
Fitness modeling harms her fertility so that she can appear more fertile. Retarded, self-destructive behaviour that ensures she will have fewer than 5 children, ironically robbing the world of her own beauty.
And she's a whore. Fuck off nigger Sage

It’s a new soul in the clone body.
Unless you do what some advanced alien civilizations do, which is to inhabit more than one clone body, as one soul...
....but you have to be really smart, like playing multiple avatars at once in a game.

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I bet you're fucking crazy in the sack

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>What if her mouth makes an annoying sound?
A real man learns to tune out the sound of a woman’s voice, Virgin.
You’ll learn one day.

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It doesn’t matter who you “deserve”, it only matters who you get.
If you’re fat and ugly, with a hot girl or boyfriend...more power to you.
Don’t be hatin!

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She queefing kibble?

Attached: 5E76A816-183B-46E8-9A4E-07BF7197BACA.jpg (307x307, 33K)

>wanting to procreate with a low IQ retard
Good luck having all those retarded kids, dumb dumb.
Didn’t think that one through, did you?

>So...explain to me why we aren’t just cloning and genetically engineering females

Just wait...

Attached: siwilhan.jpg (1000x1309, 246K)

>You're not part of the genetic elite faggot.
Let’s see...
1) White
2) Blonde
3) Green blue eyes (rarest on Earth)

Yup. I am actually.
I’ll post my skin, now you post yours, “Nazi white man”.
I bet you’re brown.

Attached: D997213A-0479-4D80-A1AC-FDDF83A40FF1.jpg (3000x4000, 1.8M)

Did she ever make anything of her 15 minutes of fame?
I bet she’s dating a nigger and pregnant, working at Walmart now.
Genuinely curious.
She’s probably a coach now actually.

Keeping humanity diverse is actually an argument against multiculturalism.

I’m...I’m a dude...

You guys are all really virgins.
The memes are true.
She’s wearing a push-up bra, retards.

Attached: 87C91FD9-30FD-456C-9626-1A2C824E5544.jpg (1125x1104, 253K)

10/10 would suck her toes

>Keeping humanity diverse is actually an argument against multiculturalism.
I’m not even joking when I say that we can literally see the Jew jizz oozing out of your ass hole like a water faucet, my friend.

Attached: B9794D5A-4D44-40EC-9C62-F76485B76D20.jpg (841x1024, 187K)

t. offended mixed ethnicity mutt.

Dat filename tho

Attached: hmm.jpg (335x401, 31K)

Even accepting genetics as having a large influence in your offspring's IQ, the only thing they'll be inheriting is the possibility of said genes begin expressed to their full potential thanks for the appropriate environmental conditions and related factors. You can take the child product of the smartest man and woman breeding and if you leave him abandoned in the middle of fucking nowhere to be raised by fucking prairie dogs he'll turn out dumb as a rock, quality of his genes be damned.
Your mate doesn't need to be smart, just to have a good linage behind her, so it's far far more important to look at the quality of the man in her family.
The only dumbass here is you.

Attached: 7.jpg (1141x1600, 223K)

>"Guys, believe me!"
>MAGA faggot

Attached: iPBO9.jpg (1280x885, 104K)

If you can fit those snowshovel toenails in your mouth have at it

>my friend

Apple screenshot, kraut

its the dumb animals that cant see all things in a picture

Biochem is a girls degree you retard

go away fat positive roastie

Please confirm thats a girl... please...

Do the same thing with a hot woman that is a convicted child rapist and see what happens.

Attached: 1346622717946.png (1190x906, 257K)

hi Joan, ya fatty

Literally built for BBC. Jesus christ

I bet you like dicks

Attached: 1534888319313.jpg (367x451, 30K)

This is what I like user, I have finer taste then most, and the knees are important. Kinda like looking at auto design, some cars just aren’t right.

Attached: 91BEDB84-298F-4605-81FE-1647BD38CD46.jpg (750x1334, 730K)

Her hair roots are awfully dark for an “Aryan goddess”.

>we should clone soulless vapid thots

Not even that hot or pretty.

Tell me more.

Attached: DB6E871C-A83B-4B76-B85C-2AE8B0FD3075.jpg (1209x1048, 1.18M)

>She’s also a fitness model and has enough time to be an Instagram whore

I see two reasons right there

Human reproduction is literally built on creating enough genetic variation to stave off the invasion of parasites, cloning in humans would be extremely risky as the parasites would "crack the code" and win out
t.Invasion of the Parasites

Attached: inv.png (1366x768, 983K)

Shoot yourself, fucking nigger. Literally zero racial pride or loyalty. I guess I'll support reproductive restrictions as long as you are excluded. The White race doesn't need traitorous trash like you in the gene pool.

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That is the ugliest bikini bottom I've ever seen

Attached: Screen Shot 2017-01-22 at 20.30.05.png (598x704, 875K)

Is that your fucking Jew fingernail

>>only has a BSc which anyone turning up for lectures could get without difficulty

What makes you think that?

watch out guys - we got a fashionista over here

>mixed ethnicity mutt
Stop right there, Muhammad.
Aryan White with green/blue eyes coming through.
Check out my blue veins of Valhalla.
I bet you can’t even see your veins.

Attached: BB6C1B91-6A13-4D61-96EC-F84122426B5B.jpg (4032x3024, 2.03M)

iPhone screenshot and PicArt app, retard.

t. Angry mudskinned subhuman

>its the dumb animals that cant see all things in a picture
Whatever helps you sleep at night, closet tranny.

No, 99% of people are genetic trash and absolutely should not be shitting up better people's genes. Society should make it illegal for an inferior person to be with a superior.

>Biochem is a girls degree you retard
Biochemistry AND Engineering, you absolute abortion.

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you have clearly never had a whore scratch your balls/back/inner-forearm/neck or youd know. its a sign shes know how to make guys she likes feel good.

Damn she is going to be single for a looong time. She's going to want a guy that is even more alpha, good looking as fuck and super accomplished career wise. Not many of those guys to go around, and the few guys like that play the fuck out of women. But if she aims down, she will feel like settling.

shes holding bronzer you fucking moron.

>I have finer taste then most
>Using Boost Mobile on AT&T service

Son...this is me Now, your turn.
Let’s see that monkey skin, nigger poster.

Attached: 06F7946C-E2AC-47FF-A662-169EBA13B3DB.jpg (1125x1675, 367K)

>100% straight
>”Ewww, that bikini bottom is simply atrocious, you guys!!!”

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