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there is no media bias against conservatives, this is a right wing fringe conspiracy

I really can't tell if that post is ironic or not.

This Jew is supposed to be the brains behind google. Bullshit glow in the dark front man.

so being a conservative at google is probably treated with the same hostility as being a racist.

Just look this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google's_Ideological_Echo_Chamber

yeah i mean that guy who wrote the manifesto could have done without going into the retarded biology shit then his other grievances could have been heard that were more legitimate. but he totally disqualified all his other points because he went too far into the darwinian shit.

my opinion is that this stuff is entirely about human nature. When people get a little bit of power they abuse it. google emps and execs are likely to be largely a bunch of people who were bullied, became a global force of tech, and then used their power to bully conservatives and the people that they imagine bullied them when they were younger. same shit different tie (or ugly spinny hat).

Google is a public company. It can censor and educate who it wants.

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Can you get anymore Jewish looking than this rat kike?

It's unethical to trample on free speech when you have a monopoly over ways that people connect.

yeah but a public company that has more social impact and power than any other company in history.

it's not like it's a fucking oil company, buying gas doesn't affect my political judgement. what i read on the internet may.

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Death to the terror sponsor state Israel. Justice for zionist treason.


never forget youtube runs at a $100 MILLION loss a year. just so no one can compete

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> Sergey Brin
((( (((Soviet Jew))) )))


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kek thanks user

Delete this!

Dear Google, take your asses to Belgium. The globalist devils in Brussels will love you. We don't need your traitorous bs in the US. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. God bless the USA!

Just ask James Demore.

Google and rest of FAANG will have to deal with this in near future.


they are going to fall very hard then, with their censorship and their echo chambers the whole content of the platform will be videos of cats and dogs.

i wish i shared your optimism

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The executives will probably unironically get charged with crimes against humanity and genocide.


TIL google's leadership is politically illiterate

what other path would you see? People go to (social) media to discuss and debate. If discussion is not allowed, then what kind of thinking person would want to hang out in there?

Enjoy your endless kittens.

>retarded biology shit
>muh biology don't real
The absolute state of leftie hugboxes

>People go to (social) media to discuss and debate.
maybe we do. most go to promote themselves to as many as possible. they will only go where others are. "alt-tech" is nice, but like i said im not optimistic about it. been more interested in people building another internet then fixing this one at the moment

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What's with the weird pastel colored skivvies?

its to emasculate himself as mch as possible. funny enough thats what the beard is for too

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How do I "unlearn" racism? Is this some kind of brainwashing code word?

>How do I "unlearn" racism?
like this i think?

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I really gotta stop using Jewgle

>Brin was born in Moscow in the Soviet Union, to Russian Jewish parents

Attached: Sergey_Brin_cropped.jpg (638x832, 102K)

He calls himself a refugee in the video. What a faggot.

They're like the evil Wiggles


kek that's the Jew who's married with the other Jew who you faggots send your DNA

you like it more straightforward?

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I still wondering how you can't see anything wrong with information and media concentration.



>Google is a public company.
Public means owned/funded by the taxpayers. e.g public schools

Lurk moar

Please link the video, it's being shut down on every site. (of course)

Still works fine in the OP link.