"We didn't invite none of you here. We're the only native Americans here."

"Get on with your bogus arguments. We're the only legal ones here,"...."You're all f*cking illegal. You're all illegal,"


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Then Europeans should be allowed to kick out all non-natives as well

that shirt is cultural appropriation
and those pants

You bring up a great argument against immigration

> we didn't invite....cough cough...
> you Euro....cough cough
> we are Nati....(wheeze) Nativ (wheeze)

dies of Small Pox
lol....dumb faggot

Okay. But which tribe does any specific area belong to? Before whires finally took the land over it had already been fought for thousands of years. So who is the rightful owner?

While you figure that out whites can hold the land for you.

Yes... he should remove them immediately. The belt can stay though

Listen to a race who genocided themselves. By the time Columbus came to America most of the tribes where dead from wars between tribes. Maybe if they were civil they'd still have this land. They mostly eradicated themselves not the white man.

How can we be illegal if your stone age nomadic asses were too fucking primitive for a system of law?

You look cold. Here, have a blanket.

Native Americans didn't found the US. They found the Mohawk nation, the Seneca Nation, etc... I've never lived there.

Redskins sold and ceded their territory. Once a nation does that, too fucking bad. You no longer have any say. Your argument is stupid and defenseless.

They had no concept of property until the white man came and conquered their land.
We didn't steal it, we fought a war over it, they lost, therefore the land is ours now. Same as every other war in history.

Geopolitically is the same place.

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Actually we arrived first and built civilities when you were raping and eating each other down south. Then you bumped into us, and we killed you. Learn history faggot.

Check out this Shoshone song, it's based af:


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what immigration law did the Europeans violate when they came to America?

We'll be taking the wheel and written language with us. Also the trillions of dollars of infrastructure that lets mouthwash come to your reservation.

>"You're all f*cking illegal. You're all illegal,"
Nullum crimen sine lege

The natives didn't have immigration laws for us to break.

The same one that the Mexicans crossing our border are violating right now: The non existent one. We need that wall and our immagration fixed lads. It will bring us all together as Americans when it happens.

Overlapping geography, but so what? Amerindian tribes would conquer other tribes and take their land. It's how things worked.

Fuck you prairienigger I was born here and if you want me to leave the you better summon up the testicles to make me leave.

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>Didn't invite none
So,you invited all of us,then.Thanks,pokeheranus

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

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Reminder that we bought New York from their dumb fucking ancestors for 12 beads
It's not our fault they were such a weak and stupid people that we were able to hand their asses to them in a high hat.

If their so mad about their people getting replaced because they weren't intelligent enough to repel foreign invaders of a different race, why would they begrudge anyone else of the ability to stop the same thing from happening to themselves?

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You're from Mongolia, idiot

"Fuck you Redman!"

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faggot squaw lost the war too bad for you

now your entire existence is raping and murdering each other, molesting each others children to the point they all kill themselves, and getting drunk and stealing even though you get government benefits out the ass\

fuck natives, should have been completely exterminated. worthless people

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>"Native Americans"
Asians that traveled to the Americas.

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how can we be illegal if you retards didn't have any immigration laws to begin with

Better summon those spirit testicles to force 100 million gun owning people to leave.

Too primitive? They formed hierarchies in tribes. "too primitive" would have to be literal braindead hunter-gatherers that don't know how to use tools.
If Native Americans were treated as landowners from the get-go we'd have a better meshed society - with colonists marrying in and inheriting/sharing land or territories and propagating from there. But nah, easier to just kill em.

Drop the meme flag you aren't american at all.

1 post by this ID. Hit n run slide thread.

>implying modern Native Americans don't have any Solutrean ancestry

The Puritans and Quakers tried this; however, the native leadership resented losing control of their injuns, and this culminated in king phillip's war in which the natives attempted to exterminate the Puritans.

I would assume they didn't cede all of it, yeah? Bargain's a bargain until force is used to take the rest.

Ya you were here. Then we came and fucking murdered all of you and now we're here. That's your peoples legacy. You brought sticks and stones to a battle with cannons and rifles and got wrecked in the process.

>Inhabit next to no territory in the US
>Nomadic at that
>Stuck at a very basic yet sustainable level of technology
>Rape, pillage and kill each other before the white man even arrives

I feel for Native Americans with all the problems they've had to endure and that are still going on into the current day, but holy fuck they need to stop twisting facts.

We conquered you fuckers.
We should have exterminated you.
We won't make that mistake again.

>But nah, easier to just kill em.
No it's fucking not you idiot. Why do you think the native Hawaiians weren't slaughtered by the same British wholesale in the same vein? Because in spite of still being in the stone-age, they had a feudal society with advanced social concepts like decreed laws and legal land ownership which made it possible to communicate and do business peacefully, which is a cleaner and more profitable solution than genocide. Native Americans had none of these social concepts, and a tribal hierarchy is nowhere even close to law and order, it's fucking pre-neolithic.

You get a free ride basically stop complaining. You may not have your land anymore but you get to be NEETs. Not sure what you would do with all the loud mouthed arrogant niggers once you got rid of all the White people. Many of you have our European blood by the way, not sure what you want to do about that.

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OP isn't Native American. They are allied to the Fascist cause.
t. Knows many here.

>which is a cleaner and more profitable solution than genocide
wow you mean leaving more goys to enslave is better than preventing your children from being killed by redskins?

I want to eat one.

The Buffalo that is...

Would America still have been a first world country if it wasnt for the European settlers?

He's right and that's what happens if you can fend off an invader.

I mean if you can prevent your men from being eating AND leave more goys to enslave that's preferable to picking just one.


Your ancestors were the ones who made the mistake of trusting Spaniards like they did the Nordics. Your ancestors also warred with neighboring tribes that wanted nothing more than to be peaceful. The only one of your tribes that really is worthy of distinction is the Hopi. Warring native tribes tried to kill them too. Not all natives are alike. Now fuck off.

You can't do both, more goys to enslave means your grandchildren will be eaten because the jews only want goys.

Hm, I'll read into that.
Alright. Though it does make me wonder - perhaps islands are a good place for culturing civilizations? A compact area, surrounded by natural defenses/a natural threat(water)... Meanwhile, on continents, it's comparatively huge - more territory to explore, and if groups spread out and get comfortable on the land, languages break apart, long-distance communication slows, and people can get lost. As examples, I'll cite Japan and Hawaii, with GB as an "almost", as it was settled by Latin-speakers, if I recall my history correctly.

Hes a chilean nigger dont try to explain anything to him.

Did the natives have a legal system a state or even a country?

What precisely are your lands?
>These are the where my people lived before you whites first came.
I don't understand. We whites were not your first enemies. Why don't you demand back the land in Minnesota where the Chippewa and others forced you from years before?
>The Black Hills are a sacred given to my people by Wakan Tanka.
How very convenient to cloak your claims in spiritualism. And what would you say to the Mormons and others who believe that their God has given to them Indian lands in the West?
>I would say they should listen to Wakan Tanka.
No matter what your legends say, you didn't sprout from the plains like the spring grasses. And you didn't coalesce out of the ether. You came out of the Minnesota woodlands armed to the teeth and set upon your fellow man. You massacred the Kiowa, the Omaha, the Ponca, the Oto and the Pawnee without mercy. And yet you claim the Black Hills as a private preserve bequeathed to you by the Great Spirit.
>And who gave us the guns and powder to kill our enemies? And who traded weapons to the Chippewa and others who drove us from our home?
Chief Sitting Bull, the proposition that you were a peaceable people before the appearance of the white man is the most fanciful legend of all. You were killing each other for hundreds of moons before the first white stepped foot on this continent. You conquered those tribes, lusting for their game and their lands, just as we have now conquered you for no less noble a cause.
>This is your story of my people!
This is the truth, not legend. Crazy Horse has surrendered... with his entire band. And by his surrender, he says to you and your people that you are defeated. And by ceding the Black Hills to us, so say Red Cloud and the other chiefs, who demand that you end this war and take your place on the reservation

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>Arrived in North America from land bridges
>It's our land!!

>continued owning slaves after white people ended it among themselves

You have a lower IQ than white people and lost everything because you didn't know how to build a civilization with every natural resource at your beck and call. You have every benefit from the government because you wanted to remain your "own peoples" instead of joining the winners and now you're all drunk, homeless, prostitutes and fucking disgusting.

Oh- and you wasted most of the buffalo.

Madagascar is a perfect example, even today they are pretty isolated.

It's why goddamn injuns almost hunted these things to the point of extinction.

Civilisation wasn't their thing, ebil whypypo forced it down their throats

Most cases yes, the Incas and Aztecs had a very advanced yet brutalistic legal system

>the ancom fag arguing about private propety

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>They formed hierarchies in tribes.
Lolwot? You think hierarchies prove they aren't primitive? You understand hierarchies exist in natural among all social animals, right?

Might makes right. If the Native Americans wanted to keep immigrants out, then they needed to be better at fighting them off. If they couldn't do it, then sorry kiddo, that's just the way it goes.

I'm a certified Native therefore as a Native I welcome all whites and only whites. Problem Solved.

I thought most were dead from disease that massively culled the population.

Wat do you make of the Chinese infiltration of traditional Wakashan land?

What sorry?

Like the crackhead who lived in your now-reclaimed and gentrified white zone, one needs pay only as much attention to such whining as is necessary to avoid being shanked.

(OP) #

How many of your friends are dead because of alcoholism?

Deus Veult!

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But I'm mixed race Native. You can't punish me because your beta men were unable to satisfy your own women.

>be native americans
>here for millennia
>still live in tents
>never mastered the wheel
>get wiped out in a few centuries
tell me more how you savages deserve an existence

The Algonquin Native Americans have always claimed that they came from the east, meaning they probably migrated from Europe.

From what I have heard, the pureblood Hopi are apparently killing off the mixblood ones.