What country will Jow Forums relate multiculturalism and racemixing to failure after we elect Bolsonaro and purge crime...

What country will Jow Forums relate multiculturalism and racemixing to failure after we elect Bolsonaro and purge crime and leftists?

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4 years is not enough to undo all the shit lefites did here. It'll take about 50 at best to leave the "shithole" label behind so stfu.

>implying that a new constitution, rampant privatization and a government system change won't come out of Bolsonaro's presidency
4 years is more than enough my friend

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First we purge the favelas and the univerities, then we purge Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia.

As to the question. Im pretty sure the muts is gonna get it. I mean, kek, look at them.

>implying all the criminal niggers are gonna evaporate once the the better part of brazil gets their shit together.

Unless your plan includes pushing them all into the amazon. You're all gonna get robbed for the forseeable future.

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>Using north american native shit

Ours were much more aesthetic

>Bolsonaro is the first step towards a legitimate government that will be able to solve brazil problems

The restoration is soon at hand


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Purging crime and leftists is a job that'll take a couple decades at least.
Unless you're considering killing masses of people, it will take time.

We gonna go hard on them Duterte style

why do you fags post these nude jungle shitskins every other day

grug think paint tribe butt air smell good

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I'm afraid you might need deeper changes.
On the legal and economical level.
That and finding a way to get rid of mental favela-niggers.

>once we elect this based spic mutt we will turn into a functioning european-style state
this is what turning into a mutt country sounds like, this is how they think

its much, much too late for you. He will do nothing but be corrupt and Brazil will remain a shithole full of nigs, mutts, and filth as always. Nations are really just a collection of people, the higher quality the people the better it is. Who controls government is essentially meaningless

This desu. Got blackpilled after traveling to the southwest and seeing truly how many spics are here. It's hopeless.

Same, well, I live here so its a daily blackpill. They blackest of blackpills is seeing gen z and the amount of interracial relationships. Its INSANE. It used to be only low tier white girls would get with the muds, but now? Average even cute girls are. Not even exagerrating, I would legimtately say half of white girls have nonwhite boyfriends. I about killed myself after visiting my brothers college and looking around at the 18 year old girls. Seriously. Brazil is coming in 10-20 years tops. Gen Z is completely not based

You fucking retard, as soon as he solve the crime problem and stabilize the economy, the following election will again elect the next leftist that pander to low IQ niggers and nigger-mixed with promises of welfare and quotas, the only reason the right is rising is the complete collapse of the country

the non-white majority that IS the source of all of our problems will remain and elect the left so they can reap the result of white productivity, as always, as everywhere, unless he takes action on promoting eugenics on veiled ways

America is a continent not a country you stupid beaner