This is the next President of the United States of America...

This is the next President of the United States of America. Just listened to the Rogan Podcast with Tulsi Gabbard and she will wipe the floor with Donald "No wall" Drumpf in 2020.

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You'd know. Living in England and all.

She looks like that guy from Jizz in my Pants

Literally a poojit

>Went against the DNC
>Voluntarily gave up vice DNC chair position and lost all funding
>Personally went to Syria and met Assad
>Beautiful and smart
I like her.

Just another cunt.

Nope. She's half-american half-samoan. She only follows Hinduism. She isn't Indian herself.

A woman president? Hahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahaha

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The FIRST woman President.

If they run her, we will vote for her.

Newsflash: She stepped down as #2 in the DNC to support Bernie (they told her it would cost her the job, she said 'take it'), and establishment libs hate sane military members of their own party. She'll never make it to a general election.

She surfs and is super cool and kind of hot. I'm voting for her on 2020. See y'all later drimpfies

La Goblina

You mean like Hillary was going to do? Like the blowout of '16? Kinda like that?

Here is the Podcast for anyone who is yet to see it.

Attached: tulsi-gabbard-major3.jpg (1800x1181, 348K)

Nobody wants women in positions of power anymore, sorry

are these two related?

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No she is a far better candidate than Hillary Clinton. She already has the support of Berniebros and the serving members of the military. Meanwhile Trump has lost support every day in office that his wall isn't build.

she would never get past the dem primary, much like Jim Webb. Sane democrats have no place left in that party.

>She'll never make it to a general election.
Sadly this.

After the DNC and likely the GOP as well is dissolved by 2024, super delegates are done away with, political donations and "lobbying" are HEAVILY - AND I MEAN - HEAVILY fucking regulated we can return back to a fucking constitutional republic and do away with this absolute clown show called "government" aka globalist elitist hacks(both sides of fence) that absolutely do not give a FUCK about us.




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No. We CANNOT split our vote. We MUST ensure a Republican president for 2020 by voting for the more popular choice, Trump. If we win the 2020 election again, we gain an even stronger hand in the culture war.

>mocking SJWs is worth invading Syria and Iran

Dude. As blissful as that would be, it's a pipe dream. It won't happen in this century or more. For now and for a long time, we're fucked. They have control of the Internet and they control the narratives.

This. Burgers, whatever you do, don't split. There is a Trudeau waiting in the shadows for you to make a mistake in every country

Makeapp that bitch. That is one withered cum dumpster.

There's nothing about her I don't like. I don't agree with a lot of her positions, but she's sincere in her beliefs, and the fact that she left elected office to go BACK into the military still blows my mind. Her character is superb.

If its Trump vs Grabbard then there isnt a Trudeau waiting. It would be more of a risk for Trump to face Schumer or another establishment shill.

It's way worse than that. If we lose the midterms and the presidential election, we lose our freedom of speech and 2nd amendment, immigrants will flood the country, and white people will quickly become a minority.

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Leaders make the world change and it doesn't have to be a President. It could be any one of us. The populist uprising is here and it's not going to stop.

I can't speak for you but I am able bodied and ready to die fighting for what our forefathers fought for - true freedom and a proper government. The old vile Emperor Palpatine type fucks are dieing off now and the internet has given rise to large amounts of knowledge. If the Trump administration fails us it is going to be civil war. Complacence is nearing its fucking end.

Look at Antifa - they're largely paid to be absolute faggots in the streets and throw bricks through grandma's cookie store.

Now imagine us - the red pilled constitutionalists rising the fuck up and banding together. The silent majority. Imagine what would happen just imagine if we all stopped showing up for work and we took the streets. This nation would be changed *very* fucking quickly.

she could probably actually do better than Bernie if given the chance

I would support her if she had a VP like Jim Webb

I love Tulsi, one of the few politicians in either party that isn't insane when it comes to foreign policy. It gives me hope for the world that she's alive now while McCain is dead.

She’s an interesting choice & I’ll definitely support her in future elections. I’ll have to see Syria’s fate before I vote for Trump again in ‘20 since I’m a Syrian Christian

If she got a fair shake at the dem nomination, and if she won the dem nomination, she would easily, EASILY win the presidency. Sadly those are two big ifs.

The Jews will never allow it. NEVER!

You are out of your mind if the Jews will allow this.

The Intellectual Dark Web will start a Bolshevik Revolution before this happens.

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Still looks better than 99.9% of Congresswomen

A vote for the Dem is a vote for big government. I will never vote for her

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literally who?

womp womp


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She's the only actual anti-war democrat, so at least she has THAT going for her.

>we lose our freedom of speech and 2nd amendment
I don't think you understand. We are on the brink of civil war. If they tried some shit like this it'd be 1776 all over again dude.

the last democrat with a brain, basically.


Well without a molecule of doubt we lose our freedom of speech on the internet if it happens. That is a fact.

Seriously. I will vote for the best option to kill communists always. Fuck all of you republicants and democriminals.

The DNC will wipe the floor with her first. There's no way they'll let her get anywhere close to the nomination.

oh, a gimme dat democrat.
Argentina here we come.

No, also The Game.

She supports endless open borders and socialism. There’s nothing at all worth voting for here.

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You have a gimme dat "republican" now

Bitch moar

>Well without a molecule of doubt we lose our freedom of speech on the internet if it happens.
Agreed thoroughly and fully. Undeniable.

Now... what do you think would happen shortly after that? I think some people may not show up to work. I also think that some democrats may get targeted the same way they've been targeting us. I also think that there's millions of Americans redpilled enough by Hannity/Tucker alone to know there is some *serious* corruption in our government that is undeniably treason at this point.

>The FIRST woman President
If this is gonna make Hillary more miserable than she already is, I'm all for it.

Attached: Hillary-Huma-Pepe.jpg (620x466, 84K)

>non white


The DNC would stonewall her worse than bernie for being woke by the Iraq War to jewish shenanigans.

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Implying Trump is going to do either of those things. He knows they'd bushify his presidency and it would be over.

Jews need a new warhawk now that Hillary is gone and they need it in the DNC. Tulsi isn't getting that job because DNC is owned by ashkenazi.

Tulsi is a bad ass - I'd vote for her 100%

>Nobody wants women in positions of power anymore, sorry

watch people that change their mind when a hot woman is put in front of them

The DNC will never let her run.
She would actually try to reform it.

Don't believe me?
Look up her record with the DNC.

>actually anti-regime change and anti-war unlike Drumpf
>spoken out against the migrant crisis, doesnt want it to happen like most ZOG politicians
>served in the military unlike most civilian/draft dodging politicians
>combat medic so knows first hand how serious the military is and not something to use for personal gain
>would NEVER make fun of a POW like Dotard
>military industrial complex will get btfo
>was against TPP unlike most democrats and cuckservatives
>against giving billions to saudi arabia like most americuck politicians do
>called out cowards who refuse to call out the wahhabism garbage they push like Obongle
>harsh stances on (((big banks))) that are a tumor on humanity that all other politicans worship
>homeschooled so was never brainwashed by the american education system
>doesn't say shit against guns like every other dem
>based Hindu, not a Christcuck jew slave/atheist who pathetically pretends to be christian
>will destroy Shillary forever by taking away her "first female president" meme
>will further erode Obamas legacy if he's not the only POC president
>enjoys the actual physical activity sport of surfing and not non-sports like golf like most amerifat politicians
>first politician to tweet that the Hawaii nuke alert was a false alarm, actually cares about her citizens unlike most useless politicians
>dude weed lmao

truly /our girl/

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This sounds great!
She is actually more of a threat to the DNC than Bernie.
Even if she were allowed to run, they would simply nix her during the primary.
You think her biggest opponent is Trump.
Its not. Its the DNC.

She is so hot.

>would NEVER make fun of a POW like Dotard
mccain is a fucking traitor faggot

>Now imagine us - the red pilled constitutionalists
>rising the fuck up and banding together

lol dude you've over-romanticized this hypothetical scenario to the point of whimsical absurdity

>If the Trump administration fails us it is going to be civil war

what does that even mean? what does "failure of the trump admin" even look like to you? im sincerely interested in your opinion on that

>you've over-romanticized this hypothetical scenario to the point of whimsical absurdity
And people like you are people who don't ever stand up and doing anything about the problems in the world and wait for someone else to do it for you. You have no vision, no drive and you're afraid to stand up against the evil. I am not. I have been fighting this fucking battle tirelessly since before Trump was elected.

>what does that even mean? what does "failure of the trump admin" even look like to you? im sincerely interested in your opinion on that
I'll make it simple. If the pedophile occultist fucks aren't purged from our fucking country and Silicon Valley is allowed to continue their sedition and treason against our country then Donald Trump will have failed us.

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> She's half-american half-samoan
Which half is going to blow up like a balloon when she hits 40?

both desu

Haha what a British faggot

As a white nationalist. I will contemplate voting for her over trump, even though she is anti white.

She's further left than Hillary so that ain't happening(and thats a good thing)

imagine being this paranoid

>I just listened to rogan cast hurr

Such a shame. Good luck in life boyo.

>As a white nationalist. I will contemplate voting for her over trump, even though she is anti white.

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It all sounds shitskin to me.

thanks lad. the elon musk one was quite entertaining too. the rest lately have been garbage

pretty based honestly .

>people like you are people who don't ever stand up and doing anything about the problems in the world and wait for someone else to do it for you

lol dude I'm a natural resources lawyer, I sue federal and state agencies for a living. All my firm's clients are "redpilled" natural resource industry participants in ag / timber / mining and 100% republican counties/municipal governments. Not saying im some angel, but standing up to the government and asserting constitutionalism is - literally - how I spend every day.

>I have been fighting this fucking battle tirelessly since before Trump was elected.

so tell me, what have you actually been doing to fight "this fucking battle" (other than memeing)

>If the pedophile occultist fucks aren't purged from our fucking country

Explain that more - does that mean exile? extrajudicial executions? criminal prosecutions? what?

>Silicon Valley is allowed to continue their sedition and treason against our country

What does that mean? Are you suggesting the SEC start getting involved? Should the DOJ start carrying out antitrust suits? Are you calling for the government to seize the reins from private corporations? That's - in every way - at odds with constitutionalist principles.

>implying she will win the primary
Yeah no

She will have Bernies endorsement.

Bernie had Bernie's endorsement and he lost

>follows Hinduism.
>isn't Indian
so shes retarded

>Spoken out against migrant crisis


She is against kike wars in the middle East which flood Europe with niggers and shitskins.

Europe is white man's Homeland and needs to be protected and preserved at all costs.

>I'll make it simple.
>If the pedophile occultist fucks aren't purged from our fucking country and
>Silicon Valley is allowed to continue their sedition and treason against our country |
>then Donald Trump will have failed us.

These are memes. Do you mind extrapolating what they mean in a functional context?

No Bernie endorsed Hillary Clinton and she won the primary

Naw, he forced it to the convention count. That's as far as you go trying to beat satan.

Geroge bush running again?

Hinduism/Buddhism are religions created by white men followed by shitskins today.

>so tell me, what have you actually been doing to fight "this fucking battle"
Spreading mass awareness of the vast corruption that infects this nation along with investigating said corruption.

>Explain that more - does that mean exile? extrajudicial executions? criminal prosecutions? what?
"Extrajudicial" will become an arbitrary statement when the DOJ continuously fails as it has been non stop since Trump has been elected. The DOJ is an enemy of the people at this point as far as millions of Americans are concerned.

As far as what should be done about it go ahead and refer to the founder of our country. Ideally prosecution would be held by constitutionalists that are active in our government but when our government no longer serves the people removing those people from government becomes our constitutional duty.

>>Silicon Valley is allowed to continue their sedition and treason against our country
>What does that mean?
What do you fucking think it means? Silicon Valley is committing treason against our country.

Treason is punishable by death - so at the very least these pieces of shit need to be locked the fuck up already.

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what have you been doing

what should be done
>generic boomer fantasy detached from reality

what does it mean that SV is committing treason?
>it's treason duuuuh everyone knows this thing i can't explicate even in short

lol, the state of anons

>These are memes.
They are not fucking memes and anyone with half a brain knows that the government has became violently ill and corrupt and I don't feel like explaining it to people who can't see that for the 1000th fucking time.

Look at what the entire "other side" of the political spectrum has done to prevent our President from enacting justice. They are traitors.

Our government is filled with traitors. Anyone who has half a fucking brain knows it at this point. Tucker/Hannity literally spell it out for millions of Americans every fucking night on nation wide television.

You don't even have to go down the pedogate rabbit hole to see that people are BLATANTLY committing treason against our country 24/7/365 since President Trump was inaugurated. It is literally blatantly obvious. The media is literally the enemy of WE THE PEOPLE

Use your fucking head.

Finally milf president.

You are employed by an agency which pays you to post stupid fucking shit like this or you are actually completely fucking brainwashed.

If the former - you are a traitor and will be tried as such. If the latter, god help you.

Go back to tumblr

She’s a gun grabber so she’ll never get my vote.

Can she run a Fortune 500 Company? Then fuck her

Buddy, please don't OD on your bloodpressure meds.

Is that the zit faced Hawaii chick