Should Western countries adopt Christianity as state religions

Israel is a Jewish state. Egypt is officially Islamist, Saudi Arabia is Wahabist Islamist, Iran Shia Islamist. Why isn’t Germany an official Christian country giving preference to Christians?

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We still have it as a state religion, but Bartholmew and his ilk are trying to change Orthodoxy into some sort of eastern Novus Ordo,it's sickening at this point how the churches have fallen

Are Christians prefered citizens like Jews in Israel?


Well yeah, the state never took kindly to muslims and has denied to build a mosque in the capital, despite decades of lobbying, however with the socdems in charge they're buckling...

The problem with Christianity is that they try to convert anyone, even niggers in Africa. With Judaism there is a better screening process if you try to convert. So billions of niggers will flood Germany as soon as you have a law of return like in Israel.

Put it in your constitution.

Christianity, to be quite honest, makes a shitton of sense. If we were all be Christians, wars and problems would essentially be over.

It actually is, unlike the other countries in Europe it is counted as the one and only offiicial religion of Greece, with others simply being tolerated. Let's hope they don't change that any time soon

Yeah, we should remove the Church and have Christianity as state religion in European countries. Evola describes the reasons in "Revolt against the modern world".

Well, if everybody was a Christian AND actually observed it's precepts than presumably war and strife would peter out.


This is somewhat true. Arab Christians here don't act like the Muslim ones who commit the vast majority of crimes in the Arab cities. But Christianity is also not perfect. There will always be a divide based on nationalism, or the creation of different sects. Like how Catholics and protestants fought in Northern Ireland.

Christianity is what built this civilization and christianity is what protected it. We all can observe what has happened as it is declining. We need it back.

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Christianity is bullshit. I hate both Christcucks and Muzzies. My ancient ancestors persecuted you both for a reason. Guess who they were?


>My ancient ancestors persecuted you both for a reason
Such fucking cringe.

Western Christians today don’t fight.

fuck off christkikes
all abrahamic religions are garbage paradigms that shit all over spirituality and encourage the killing, subversion, and control of others who differ in ideology, even if they are of the same blood
abrahamic religions believe in destroying our planet for the coming of their semetic savior and they sincerely believe that they will be -certainly- the ones who survive while all the other heathens/sinners/blasphemers are killed and sacrificed so that the world can be remade and heaven can occur.
christkikery is a disease, a subset of the abrahamic viruses which will invaribly destroy our planet because they are so in love with their prophecies

I'm just stating facts.

You're a Persian?

they had their chance but they ruined it by being pedos

it's because Christianity as a believe is dead.

>I'm just stating facts.
The fact that you have thus failed your ancestors?

13 is fine in the bible

>as a believe

That’s fine then

Maybe instead of converting everyone, create a new sect of Christianity that has a better vetting process like in Judaism. There are millions of niggers in Africa who are Christians and they still face the same problems as the rest of Africa because of their culture/race/whatever. Same as Catholics in the Philippines who are completely different to the Catholics in Europe.

If you want to immigrate to Israel by being Jewish, you can do that, but you have to show commitment and they'll test you for at least a year by making you study. You can do it if you're black, but it's extremely uncommon. Never heard of a case like that. Probably because of their culture, not necessarily racialism. But I met a few whites, some even from South Africa who converted to Judaism and now live in Israel.

>none shall come to father except through me
>except of course for the jews

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Nope, we need to convert everyone to be Christians, if necessary by force.

Orthodoxy presents the solution of ethnic churches, like all-serbian or all-romanian churches with their own language, rites and days. It's a good system I believe and we should enhance it

Christianity is retarded. You worship a literal Jew who most likely didn't exist. Earlier Christian sects tended to docetists who viewed Jesus as celestial spirit, and early epistles were modified to "euhmerize" Jesus into a historical figure.

All of the Abrahamic faiths are shit with nothing of value.

>You worship a literal Jew who most likely didn't exist.

Have 5,600 sources of the bible, fragments of the new testament go back to 90AD.

>Oh noooo, die 10,000 of contemporaries of Jesus Christ all make up Jesus and his life because.... REASONS!

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Jesus didn't exist. The early epistles and Paul treat him as a celestial being that people know through divine revelation, and the Gospels were altered a lot in the beginning by early Christian rival sects to give the impression of Jesus being a historical figure (ie "Euhemerism").

Tacitus, Jospehus, and Tallus are not reliable evidence too for obvious reasons.

Also, there are way too many parallels to the death and resurrection savior gods to take the Jesus myth seriously.

I recommend videos of Richard Carrier.

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Dude, so you are saying thousands of early Christian followers were young dudes who believed in a non-existent dudes and didn’t believe older guys who actually said “there was no such guy”?

Jesus, people are delusional.

Muhammad didn't exist either. He was a composite of various warring Arab tribes that the Rashidun made up for imperialist purposes. Koran was a bastardized translation of an Aramaic Nestorian Christian text into Arabic. For example, "72 virgins in heaven" translates into "grapes on a vine" in Aramaic, which thematically makes sense.

Neither Muhammad nor Jesus existed, and even if they did, they were both shitty, stupid people, much like yourself. I'd crucify both you Christcucks and Muzzies if I could get away with it. Jewish filth and myths should remain exclusive among their filthy kind.

>Also, there are way too many parallels to the death and resurrection savior gods to take the Jesus myth seriously.

What does this have to do with Jesus living in the early 1st century in palestine?

I have a serious urge of making a lamp shade out of your flesh.

Yes, West Eurasia has historically been spiritually depraved compared to the East. This is more from a historical perspective.

Neither Jesus nor Muhammad existed in all likelihood. West Eurasia has historically been spiritually depraved.

>Fringe guys youtube lectures.

Ok. There are 2 guys who wrote a book about why the years 700 to 999 were invented by European monarchs so they could celebrate the year 1000 AD... doesn’t mean they are right.

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>being this much of a brainlet
>doesn't understand how scholarly debate works
All you Christcucks are the same.
Christianity is a shit religion, I'm sorry. I'd say the same thing to a muzzie fyi.

That's because you bought in to the church doctrine and probably believe that Christinaity is synonymous with what some priest or the pope says.
>Muh turn the other cheek
>Muh Racemixing
>Muh other bible wuote read out of context

The Bible is shit, and everything metaphysically in Christianity is filth, much like your mind. There is no validity to any of it.

Neopaganism is shit
Christianity is shit
Islam is shit
Judaism is shit

And last but not least, your mind is shit

what specifically is filth?
Fyi atheism is degeneracy is it's filthiest form.

>others simply being tolerated

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>Fyi atheism is degeneracy is it's filthiest form.
Correction, reductive physicalism and moral nihilist forms of atheism are degeneracy.

No, son. Atheism as a concept or not believing in a deity in general is degeneracy in it's filthiest form. I would say that even goatfucking muzzies or babypenis sucking kikes live more meaningful lives than some fedoratipping faggot.
Now answer my initial question, what in the Bible is filth according to you?

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Christianity will not solve anything at this point. Both the Catholic and Protestant churches are beyond cucked. Look at the Pope: a marxist who kisses the feet of refugees. Our problem is not that we are less Christian.

You are an icchantika that's not worth my time.

>Why isn’t Germany an official Christian country giving preference to Christians?
Merkel would disagree.

Merkel "Islam is part of Germany"

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Just as I thought. Now gtfo back to plebbit or come at me with something that can actually be debated.

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I doubt you've ever read a single philosophy book like by Hume because you are a simple-minded POS.

Our problem is that we let the kikes or cosmopiltan faggots infiltrate the church during the 60's. We need to go back before that and actually start reading and applying the bibles rules and words for what they are, not how the bastardized vatican interpret it.

Whoever they were, they definitely were not the same race.

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If Hume is your role model than you must know that he actually never doubted that God exists.

Because religious fondamentalism is inhenrently evil. Why force something you have no proof of existence?

Gtfo you damn dirty stinking pajeet.

>Why force something you have no proof of existence
You mean like atheism, evolution and other scientific "Certainties"?
Chrisitianity is not meant to be forced upon anyone otherwise God would never created free will.

I don't really believe anyone has come to the conclusion by reading the old and new testaments that liberal religious pluralism and secularism is somehow what God wants.

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I think so, yes.

Because of culture. I rather live in a Christian state than a Muslim Caliphate.

You missed my point. First off, I was making the point you are a poorly read idiot. Second off, Hume was an atheist, which was not my point though.
Not a pajeet, but I respect them more.

That's right. You really have to do mental gymnastics a la Schlomo to come to those conclusions. Even the most hated verses (Of course by pagans, natsoc and other wannabe tough guys) like "turn the other cheek" or "Let refugees stay and treat them well" can be easily debunked by just putting them in right context. When our nations where Christian they were great, once secularism took over they started fall apart.

>You missed my point. First off, I was making the point you are a poorly read idiot. Second off, Hume was an atheist, which was not my point though.
What point you little brainlet? Hume wasn't atheist you retard, he was agnostic who literally wrote about the possiblity of Gods existance. He was against religion not God himself. You really proved that you're a wannabe smart guy who can't even undertsand what you have supposedly read. kek
>Not a pajeet, but I respect them more.
That's because you're a hippie-fuck who are mad at God because he doesn't condone you sucking off Rajesh penis.

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Because Jews and their enablers (all the anons in this thread screeching Christcuck for example) work to destroy Western culture and tradition and supplant it with the "Nu-West", something detached from history that exists only to fulfill shallow materialistic goals.

Nigger in Israel arabs are being over represented in universities

Pagan nigger

Because youre all cucks, simple

The materialistic ones are the pagans, worshipping a fucking tree


Yes fuck nihilist crypto-kikes. Except it cannot be Protestantism because that's just kikeianity.

Yes, of course.

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No, being a Christian should be a choice, it separates the true of faith from the ilk.
It's like having a draft during war, the ones who volunteered are wanting to be there, the ones who were drafted either do just the bare minimum or derelict their duties.
Forcing a mass majority of folks to abide by spiritual values will most certainly have a massive blow back.