A high school in Germany has now introduced unisex or "all gender" toilets...

A high school in Germany has now introduced unisex or "all gender" toilets. They are open for students as well as teachers and other staff. What could go wrong?

Also look at these kids. Generation Z is already lost.


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yeah we've had these for a few years now, it's to cater to the trannies

I'd love to fuck that girl with refugees welcome t shirt. She'd love my BBC.

We had unisex toilets in Gymnasium in the 90s. What’s the problem?

She’s one of them Ukrainians refugees.

All around universities in Copenhagen as well

What's wrong with that?

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>mfw overdosed on onions and state propaganda

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In Belgium they're mandatory in primary schools now. Like Gen Z are all trannies or some shit.

"Gen z is based!!!!!!"

Only napalm or white phosphorous can cure these hopeless faggots.

At my work we do not have a mens washroom. Womens or tranny, take your pick

We have unisex toilettes at the University but nobody cares

why do people think that unisex toilets are new?

I legitimately believe theres something in the water making us feminine or gay

>save the white race they said
>breed with white women they said

*forgit picture

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It's called Onions

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Nothing is wrong with unisex toilets.

What is wrong is that they made it into political topic instead of realizing that who poops next to you is not that important.

Is that a guy holding the sign?

Refugees welcome

Lets just say if anything happened to her she'd deserve it

Oh fucking god
Them left wing teachers really brain fucked white kids

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Nigger, not all of genz looks like that.
I unironically can count the amount of black people that I know on my hand. And that includes black people I see in person more than once. Matter of fact, my highschool had like maybe 4 blacks; within a school of 1000.
Maybe ten asians?

I'd be in there pissing all over the seats every single day. They would be demanding separate bathroom swithin a week.

Also, I would expect a prude repressed burger to be OP, not some European who is aware about family & friends taking baths together.

what we need to accomplish, is a mandatory refugee assistance program. There would be no opting out of it, everyone pays their fair share.

Which is you put out a questionairre asking if they support refugees and illegals. When they do, their apple shit, ipads, macbooks, iphones, idildo, all of it confiscated and handed to the "refugees."

Oh, also I don't mind all gender toilets.
People are gonna be fucking retarded and embrace their mental illness. Let them do it in all gender restrooms.
As long as there is male and female bathrooms, and they are kept MALE and FEMALE, I'm fine with all gender.
Hell, maybe make trannies use all gender if it is offered. They've cut off their junk and are some in between of male and female.

Jesus Christ kill me please.

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>What could go wrong?

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Gen z here
wtf this is fucking sick
I hope this is only because of the massive buget lack in german education


Pervert detected

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imagine being in high school, and having to take a really big, smelly shit, and as you do a few qts come in and recognize your shoes..

shit lmao

The urinals will be fun.

On the other hand, you can catch the bodily smells of qts if you go in after them.

>you can smell shit, piss and also tons of perfume
great. Believe me the air on female toilets is far worse than you can imagine

>the "girl" you like suddently standing next to you

Hi there welcome to Germany! Would you like my wife or daughter this evening?

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>A fucked in the head tranny taking a massive shit and jerking off whilst your 6 year old daughter uses the toilet next to it.
>Nothing wrong.

Righto mate.

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The german people have evolved to unhinge their jaws in order to eat as much shit as humanly possible

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Which state?

> jerking off whilst your 6 year old daughter uses the toilet next to it
Sure, it would be impolite to not order her to go on him, and let him use all her holes after that.

I almost forgot that we're on Jow Forums, sorry.

You seem to miss a dick you would use to masturbate to the smell that is left after well developed young woman with child birthing hips and a suitable fat ratio who has her period detaches a thick wet pad from her puffy vulva after multiple hours of wearing it.

Posd vaguu.

Unisex toilets are actually a better use of resources anyways. Small businesses for example then have 2 restrooms a person can make use of instead of only 1 that a person can use and 1 that a person can not.

Unisex private restrooms or unisex stalls with shared washing facilities are a smart move.

notice the lack of boys in that picture. They know

>Ivan the menstrual pad enthusiast asking for pics of my pussy
what a time to be alive

Cooome on!

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I wonder why they think these high waist jeans look good i see this alot, german libtards dressing in old cloths of their parents its weird af

Fuck of nigger, the girl belongs to Us Muslims


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The fuck now I want to immigrate...

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stay away, we have enough niggers

Or, you can look for the girl shoes, push and grunt really loud, and have an enormous, wet, smelly shit where you talk and coax yourself through it. Once this catches on the bathrooms will go back to normal.

Or, you could just sit down and say, "Hey. I'm pooping. You pooping?"

this will cause basically no issues, other than for the mudslimes and nogs who will hang out in the bathroom creeping on the ladies.

In both my middle school and high school in early 2000s all WCs except in locker rooms were gender neutral. There was never any troubles and I never even thought it could be problematic to just go to the nearest toilet.

On the other hand it was still time where being a public deviant wasn't encouraged and toilets weren't about identity, they were just places where you piss or shit without thinking about it any further.

In high school my buddies and I would laugh when we'd piss under the stall at each other. Girls get all mad and upset when you piss at their shoes.

>They are open for students as well as teachers and other staff
+ anyone else who feels like it, probably.

Are you kidding?
If you are a white, making eye contact with a girl in the toilet will be considered unwanted sexual assault
You will be expelled from after being found guilty in Ms Trendy's kangaroo court

Next on the agenda: why leaving the toilet seat up is a hate crime (unless done by muslims).


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German men piss only while sitting.

> he doesn't creep on the ladies

I want normalfags to leave. It's embarrassing.

You're just shitting. Not making eye contact. No law saying I can't announce I'm shitting or inquire if someone else is. If I'm accused of sexual assault I'll just say I'm a woman.

Atrazine you dumb nigger
Jones was right about it
The luciferians want to turn everyone into trannies because it’s part of the ONE world order. No more man and woman, no more family, only the state ruling over trannies and brown mutts who mindlessly consume technology and will hooked up to the machine kingdom
It’s all very clear to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear

Wish I had a wine aunt like that...

Yeah that’s not the case in most of America anymore Indiana fag

Kill your women and save your country

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Actually it depends, if you live in CA or Texas you're going to think that for sure but theres still really fucking white places.

I live in Minnesota and I grew up in all white state. It’s 2018 and there are Mexicans and niggers and poos than you can imagine
Obama purposefully flooded small white towns with section 8 housing and immigrants

Dude, most of those kids are white, and they're only a little degenerate; nothing they can't grow out of.
You've got not excuse to be blackpilled. Be like the men who nearly freed Europe only 70 years ago.

when they all look as androgynous as each other it really doesn't matter.
German genetics BTFO

my school has this and people just fuck in them because they are single occupancy and lock

get this
>Linus Steinmetz, Schülervertreter am Hainberg-Gymnasium, war gemeinsam mit der LGBTIQ-Gruppe des Schülerrats treibende Kraft hinter dem Projekt zur Einrichtung der Toiletten:

The student council has a fucking faggot group and this Linus Steinmetz was spearheading the whole thing. Think to myself that it's basically guaranteed this virtue-signal faggot has an online presence somewhere. Find this one quick google search later

>Links-ökologisch GJ
>14 Jahre
>Schüler mit Stolz
>Loving international relations and Adorno

>Left-ecological GJ (meaning Grüne Jugend/Green youth)
>14 years
>student with pride (what a fag)
>obviously this shitface is an Adorno fan

This twitter is fucking odd, he posts like a politician, I am 100% sure at least one of his parents is a Green party member

only people here that ever thought zoomers would ''save the white race'' were trump dick sucking neck beards .

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Gymnasiums are extremely white as shitskins are too dumb to get in those.

Likes Adorno. LEL. Frankfurt school. These people/leftists are against borders on EVERY level, even when it comes to toilets, yet they go to a Gymnasium and are thereby taking advantage of a segregated school system.
Also notice: Almost no boys there, just your typical roastie.


>Principal Erik having a shit.
>Student Erica in the next seat, crapping her hands so that it wouldn't make any noise.
>Eriks's farting sounds echoes trough the hallway
>Erica gets out first
>Everybody laughs at Erica
>Erica kills herself
>are you happy now faggots?

>crapping her hands so that it wouldn't make any noise.

Women actually do that. They put paper on their hand, craps on it, drops it silently to the toilet.

fuck off niggers these white sluts belong to beaners

Probably because they're not Nazis anymore


The butthurt over rhis is insane,do you not realise that you use unisex bathrooms every day?Its called your home bathroom

Gen Z will absolutely destroy the world as we know it, which will turn the average pol poster into that crazy uncle everyone has, babbling about political stuff from aeons ago at the dinner table. His grandkids will whisper to their friends: "yeah... don't mind grandpa".

when I was in school they had a separate toilet but it was called the retard toilet and only them and kids in wheelchairs would use it

>this ends up with horny teenagers having sex in between classes before they shut it down
you can like bet on this 100%

If they're single unit shitters it doesn't matter.