hue kurumin

Fellas, I need updates and i need redpills.

>How many hues here think Bolsonaro will actually win?

>Ok, and for all the hues that think he will, but don't treat him like a God or something, do you think he's actually going to do something?

Those are my two main topics, but I also have two fewer important ones:

>We all know that our Empire was one of the greatest, economically, technologically etc
Do you think the restoration would get us out of the ditch, once and for all? And btw, do you even think that it'd be possible any time soon?

>Finally, do you think the army will pressure government for a invasion of shitland Venezuela? Maybe if Bolso wins? We need to bring order back to that oil-rich cuckland, and if we want to rule SA, it needs to be us who does it, not the US. ONLY THEN WILL THIS CONTINENT BE RID OF THESE COMMIE SCUM, and we'll finally make it great again.


Attached: aveimperio.jpg (795x646, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Ciro is going to win.

He's a fucking retard, but then again, so are most of the people.

Attached: retard.gif (308x320, 1.93M)

Is Brazil white?

>Light Blue = Whites
>Green = Brown (African blacks mixed with whites)
>Blue = Blacks (African descent)
>Yellow = Asian (Mainly japanese)
>Red = Natives (and mixed)

>data from 2010

Attached: graph.jpg (214x380, 24K)


Attached: please.jpg (459x418, 39K)

Still very inaccurate because A LOT of brown people declare themselves "white" to your census. It's hilarious. Brown hair in Brazil is "blond."

15-20% white in reality


Ciro is winning, stupid whore, faggot cock sucker sissy bitch

HURRRRR We all think the restoration w know that our Empire was one of the greatest, economically, technologically etc
Do youould get us out of the ditch, oncnally, do you think the army will pressure goe and for all? And btw, do you even think that it'd be possible any time soon?vernment for a invasion of shitland Venewe want toCUM rule SA, it needs to be us who does it, not the US. ONLY THEN WILL THIS CONTINENT BE RID OF THESE COMzuela? Maybe if Bolso wins? We need to bring order bacwe'll finally make it greatk to that oil-rich cuckland, and if MIE SCUM, and

TL;DR monkey

China is the future. Someone has to literally feed China and that could be Brazil. Ciro will make deals with China and make Brazil grow as fast as them. Forget about muh guns and muh degeneracy, Bolsoshit can't fix that because he has no support in the congress and public security is not a federal problem. The economy is the most important thing. Also, Bolsoshit support the kikes and will sell our country for pennies.

>Ciroshills on Jow Forums

Attached: 1536098051735.png (396x548, 128K)

Ciro will win

if ciro wins prepare your anuses for 1 usd = 6 brl

>Brown hair in Brazil is "blond."
But a lot of blacks are brownlattos too.
20% of 200 million = 40 million.
seems legit.

That is day one, six months in and we will be Venezuela. We already had a taste of it when the trucker went on strike, there's almost nothing keeping us from going into madness.

is uma delicia still a fresh meme?

>Someone has to literally feed China and that could be Brazil.
nope! China already bought Africa as a whole.
They are trying to buy Brazil[and latin america by extension] just to STARVE EUROPE and USA

O que aconteceu com o 55chan??

espero que tenha fechado

você está tendo um AVC cirofag?
only if fresh monkeys were used

>Brown hair in Brazil is "blond."
LOL no
I never saw any brunette being called blond

So what? Your Mcburger ful of strogens will become more expensive? We don't need Apple™ Iphone shit when we can have vastly superior Xiaomi and Venezuela's oil.

Africa don't have enough arable land.
>They are trying to buy Brazil[and latin america by extension] just to STARVE EUROPE and USA
And how is that a bad thing? The west is literally controlled by kikes.

>Do you think the restoration would get us out of the ditch
The Empire was great, but we are already too mongrelized to become great again, but the situation would improve a bit.

So it is China.
By starving the european white natives, there would be no other strong people to oppose the jews.

i don't know how long it will take, but i definitely feel like ciro winning can potentially lead us into catastrophe. his ideas are all retarded and will lead us into greater economic ruin, which will only worsen everything else

i don't have any hope for him to get impeached either, at least not early enough, since he'll try to bribe all politicians the same way he did in ceara. when the situation gets drastic enough, i could see him getting the boot like dilma did, but i think the damage will be done by then. and even dilma, incompetent as she was, still took a long time to fall and also had eduardo cunha as nemesis due to the investigations

so, yes, i think we are fucked. people don't want to accept that their productivity is low, they are unqualified labor and this lifestyle doesn't go along with welfare state

The only good thing about Ciro winning is a potential military coup.

A military coup would be way more easy with Sargent Bolsonaro and General Mourão.

>Africa don't have enough arable land.
you are not very good at math,apparently>And how is that a bad thing? The west is literally controlled by kikes.
since Kissinger, (((they))) control yuan too, smartass, besides that many jews are intermarring the epigones of communist red army, at least since the end of the 80's

They wouldn't do a cup if they are already in power.

they've said countless times that they are not interested and that they don't feel like the military should bear the burden of fixing politic problems caused by incompetent politicians

i understand where you're coming from, since the politicians have essentially kidnapped our public sector and are suffocating any attempts to fix it. but it doesn't seem like the military are gonna fix it. and desu, part of the problem we have is that people always want the easy way out. and hoping the military fix everything is definitely the easy way

i don't think so. only way a military coup can happen at this point is if we reach economic collapse and things go to shit because of that. and ciro's policies are the most likely to break our back (even moreso than pt's, surprisingly)

I don't see Bolsonaro as the greatest president ever, but if he doesn't win we're all fucked up.

Cangaciro and Hadad have no brain, if one of those win we'll become the same of Venezuela or worst.

you have to be retarded to think bolsonaro being president means the same as the military in charge. the congress will still cockblock any significant/relevant changes with him there

haddad is a shitter, but he's incompetent. that's the thing. if he wins, he's not gonna amount to much. we'd still be in trouble since we need a president, but he's less likely to lead us into economic ruin, though he could break some things

ciro, on the other hand, might bribe all party leaders, approve all sorts of abysmal things and he's articulate enough to speak with big/complicated terms and appear as if the retardation he's proposing/doing will actually fix things. he's very dangerous, and if he wins, i think we will reach the point of no return, because he'll destroy our economy and then we'll have real rioting (the truckers' strike being just the tip of the iceberg)

>same of Venezuela or worst.
way worst. ciro have a revolutionary[in the worst sense of the word] mindset.
if things going bad in economy under ciro, probably he'll go full mao/trotsky and start to mass shoot opponents.
haddad will destroy the bare minimum of descency, and to be a tranny/trap will be mandatory for every brazilian citizen.

>you have to be retarded to think bolsonaro being president means the same as the military in charge. the congress will still cockblock any significant/relevant changes with him there
i didn't say that, but already having a military in the Executive Branch means that there will be no reason for a coup. A coup doesn't happen from nothing.

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>How many hues here think Bolsonaro will actually win?
Certain in all scenarios.
Mourão will make it so.

i don't like his chances. so far it seems whoever goes up against him directly will win. bolsonaro's rejection among women seem to be too high. i think historically (across countries too), rejection is really hard to overcome, and this year's campaign is even shorter. it's highly likely that the second place in the first turn wins, which imo means a lot of effort should be put into making sure ciro is not that candidate (any of the other 3 -- marina, alckmin and even haddad -- being lesser evils)

>that filename
joanposting is weakbaiting

We worked hard to try and get the commies out of SA. argentina did it, bolivia did it and we also did it. WE CAN'T GO BACK

brazil will never come back, the future belongs to chile

To be fair the polls are totally made up, right after he was stabbed it shows his rejection among people grew and his support diminished.
Which makes no sense no matter how you look at it, no one would take him being stabbed as anything bad thing, and the media went a lot softer on him after that. He should have had at least a temporary boost in popularity. I don't think he will win, but because the elections are fraudulent and have been fro a while now.
That's taking out the fact that everyone I talked to either as voting for him or not voting at all, but that's anecdotal and doesn't mean very much.

if you think that way, then it's already over. "the polls are rigged" and "the elections are fraudulent". what is even the point of democracy then? not like our laws work either.

if you genuinely believe that, then we are better off with bolsonaro losing and full riots, because we're already past the point where things could've been fixed by a single man being elected

If we get fucked we are draging the whole of south america down with us, the shear number of criminals going to your country will end it before you even start to deal with civilian refugees.

>then we are better off with bolsonaro losing and full riots
The last redpill we won't swallow. But if guns are liberated, our future riots would be more effective.

>e A LOT of brown people declare themselves "white" to your census.
Alot of brown people call themselfs ack too

we have already dealt with this, no more illegals and refugees coming in.

we will rise from the ashes of south america

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maybe. there is one truth that all brazilians need to accept though: there is no easy way out. this isn't going to be fixed by a single man in 4/8 years. even if our entire population came together to try to fix things now, it'd still take some 50 years for us to get anywhere

the easiest way really is to leave brazil. anything else is delusion

I don't hate bolsonaro but he is dumb as fuck. He will just esquentar a marmita pra outro mais esperto que ele. Who will be this "outro"?

Ciro is ok but he is harvard educated and I fear he thinks he knows it all.

The point is that if there's a clear majority of votes faking it is harder. I'm 50/50 on the whole fraud on the elections thing, dilma winning the reelection seems weird to me seeing how hated she was at the time, but it has been proven hacking into the voting machines is easy and the counting of votes done in a way that fraudding it is easy.

The fact that the polls have been messed with is something every one can see. And there's been reports of several fraudulent behavior done by "data" collectors on several different publications.

And you are right on the fact that electing him will do shit, that's why you need to vote for people that will "help with the cause" or are favorable to his government.

Fucking Chile, makes me laugh.
You're gonna throw you're vine around and make a scene? For god's sake, you speak Spanish for starters.

Mate his English is worse than mine and I didn't finish collage, his "Harvard education" means absolutely nothing but the fact he paid to have a degree.

Acho que o lacraram por estar influenciando as eleições

Good luck just keep in mind we outnumber you at least 10 to 1, and that is if we spread out to other countries and they manage to keep us at bay instead of joining us in a massive wall of people heading to chile.
What I'm saying is... You better have a lot of ammunition.

55chan is hosted in brazil? oh amateurs

>Di I just hear...50 years?

Attached: jucelinokubitschek.jpg (300x300, 26K)

Your country will get there in a few generations

Minus the part of being christian

br autism is BANNED

Only chance of Bolso losing is rigging the voting machines. VB is Mourão's nigga tho, and I'm 99% sure the army is ready to step in if they find any evidence of the machines being rigged.
Knowing this, I believe the TSEtards will just put their tails between their legs and just Bolsonaro take the win

How can he win
Too many Mulattos and Mestizos
Are their numbers growing there
Is there much affirmative action/mandatory token nigger action going on in Brazil?

>Do you think the restoration would get us out of the ditch, once and for all?

Only if the monarch is a God fearing one. It seems that the royal family is very religious and traditional, so that's no problem.

>And btw, do you even think that it'd be possible any time soon?

No. Brazil is an immoral cesspit. It deserves the rulers it has. Only with a change of attitude the empire will be restored.

i dont know where it is hosted, but wasnt anonymous boarding, the person had to register and logon.

Daciolo is right

Attached: daciolo.jpg (711x716, 174K)

>Mulattos and Mestizos
many of those are evangelical christians, which tend to vote more rightward than not, fellow potato.

>How many hues here think Bolsonaro will actually win?
I do know but I believe he will win
>Ok, and for all the hues that think he will, but don't treat him like a God or something, do you think he's actually going to do something?
He won't fuck up our economy even more like the other candidates. He recognises that many things have to change in our tax system and retirement system in order to not make us colapse, I believe he will follow it.
The other candidates have strategies that will make our economy even worse
Also I hope he makes it easier to own guns but I am not sure if he will be able to do it but at least he is in favor of gun rights while the other candidates are not
Do you think the restoration would get us out of the ditch, once and for all? And btw, do you even think that it'd be possible any time soon?
No. Brazil will never be a good country. Just try to find a single country with as much african population as Brazil that ended up being a good country.
It doesn't matter which form of goverment we have, we will always suck. Look at USSR, they were commies and it is one of the worst systems but even with that they could invent many things and give good conditions to its citizens because of their genetics. Now look at African and Asians countries with free market and many resources, even with a capitalist economy they can't succeed
Only 5%~10% of Brazil's population is european, we are lost. It is not about government, it is about genetics.
If you take a look at all the europeans that came here during the 1900s you will see that they worked hard, got good jobs and made their families honestly without commiting a single crime. On the other side niggers have been here for ages and they are still living in favelas and commiting 90% of the cimes. You can't blame it on "racism" because Brazil is the least racist country

Attached: EJ0baxL.png (1000x1000, 604K)

Fuck. I am tired
>How many hues here think Bolsonaro will actually win?
I don't know but I believe he will win
>Ok, and for all the hues that think he will, but don't treat him like a God or something, do you think he's actually going to do something?
He won't fuck up our economy even more like the other candidates. He recognises that many things have to change in our tax system and retirement system in order to not make us colapse, I believe he will follow it.
The other candidates have strategies that will make our economy even worse
Also I hope he makes it easier to own guns but I am not sure if he will be able to do it but at least he is in favor of gun rights while the other candidates are not
>Do you think the restoration would get us out of the ditch, once and for all? And btw, do you even think that it'd be possible any time soon?
No. Brazil will never be a good country. Just try to find a single country with as much african population as Brazil that ended up being a good country.
It doesn't matter which form of goverment we have, we will always suck. Look at USSR, they were commies and it is one of the worst systems but even with that they could invent many things and give good conditions to its citizens because of their genetics. Now look at African and Asians countries with free market and many resources, even with a capitalist economy they can't succeed
Only 5%~10% of Brazil's population is european, we are lost. It is not about government, it is about genetics.
If you take a look at all the europeans that came here during the 1900s you will see that they worked hard, got good jobs and made their families honestly without commiting a single crime. On the other side niggers have been here for ages and they are still living in favelas and commiting 90% of the cimes. You can't blame it on "racism" because Brazil is the least racist country

Whites in brazil

Attached: DEC9F58B-5AF1-4A21-9D71-ABE44AF980CD.png (701x678, 77K)

Bolsonaro has been on the rise since he was stabbed. He's raising so much that even Ibope and Datafolha are being obliged to report his growth.

I hope his campaign knows how to capitalize this momentum and keep it going. Some dare say he has a chance at winning in the first turn (I'd love that but don't believe it)

As for brazil getting better, I'm not holding my breath. Bolsonaro will have a tough mandate for the first two years, and will probably only be able to do something on the last two. Even if he does well, there's no guarantees he'll be elected again.

Personally I plan to leave the country anyway, I had enough. If the Mito doesn't win, I'm hasting my plan to leave still in 2019, instead of late 2020

Where you travelling to

if you remove all the people with SSA and amerindian DNA that declare themselves white that number will be a lot lower

Attached: 1510086118815.gif (490x400, 43K)

Anywhere where I can get a job first

Fortunately I'm in a company that has a good prospect for me in germany, and starting in october we'll have a lot more interfaces with teams in the US, so there's a chance to get known there and ask for positions there.

But honestly, I wouldn't mind becoming a leaf or anywhere else...


>muh império
>muh DNA
just nuke this shit thread



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Why is it always brazil that rekt webms and executions come out of? Are people just that desensitised to gore?

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How white is Hue/pol/?

Vamos pro brchan ou pro 27, caralho. Deixem os americornos com o chan deles.

Cause we arent basedboys

Average Brazilian woman

Attached: 1536018990812.jpg (1080x1206, 94K)


Stop lying

There are more Aryans in Brazil than in US.

Attached: Brmodel378.jpg (313x470, 15K)

fr tho?

Unless he dies, Bolsonaro WILL be president.

Either now in 2018, or else in 2022. He is going to win. There's no way out. If Ciro wins this year, the country will become a catastrophe and Bolsonaro will win in a landslide in 2022.

>b-but Brazil will become like Venezuela and Ciro will be dictator

Hahaha! No way. We have something the Venezuelans didn't have: an EXTREMELY PATRIOTIC and RIGHT-WING army. If Ciro wishes to play, you just need to bomb the fuck out of him and his parliament.

Brazil is almost wholly Pardo, you guys just have warped views of what race is because well....it's a melting pot. A man can be considered black just because he is dark with curly hair yet his lighter sister can be considered white, it's different.

Bobby's world.

No, they're usually fat fucks.

No. The 'Brazilians aren't white' meme is actually true.

Also, many white girls aren't really white, it's just that white genes are much stronger in girls than in men. I have a classmate who has light-brown hair and fair skin, but her brother is clearly mixed. The parents are the same.

t. castizo (white with a little Indian and some Jewish heritage)



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>what is even the point of democracy then?
Good point...

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thats just gonna turn brazil into a fucking colony where China will rape everyone as they usually do. chinks should be nuked.

So sexy

Would let myself be taken advantage of for a green card.


We need Ciro in order to be able to justify a military coup. Only Ciro could fuck things up so badly that the average insentão would turn to the army and Bolsonaro for help. If Bolsonaro loses, I want the dollar to go up to 6, 8,10, 15 reais in the least. I want to spend a few weeks eating bread and water. I want things to fuck up so bigly that the whole army will revolt and Ciro, the STF, Vladimir Safatle and Marilena Chaui will be publicly hanged to the delight of the hungry populace.

Why don't you do it, then? Trump is a sissy. Bolsonaro might be dumber, but he's ten times the man Trump claims to be.

porque eu estou ocupado aqui comendo hamburgers o dia enteiro.

I mean, if any politician have a chance to do something is definetly on his first year, like, everyone knows that.

Attached: ursal.png (418x335, 132K)

Vai chupar piroca e vote Bolsonaro.

O Tio me leva na disnei ae