New Holy Roman Empire: How do we make this happen?

GDP: 3.3 Trillion
Capitol: Rome

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Of course, it has to be an Amerimutt who proposes this.

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>nigger eagle
>muslim turk austria
>brown italy

fuck off

>>nigger eagle
lol you mean roman eagle?

>Half of the area was never historically in the HRE, while leaving the other half that was in it out of it
>bragging about its GDP when 99% of the economy would be located in Bavaria, Austria and northern italy, with the rest being just a net drain in every respect

Truly the most based & redpilled of posts

Ridiculous. We need a Germanic Empire yo :)

You need the Visegrad group to rise again.

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>t. N*rd

Don't call me a fucking nerd.


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its based of the areas of the more redpilled catholics reside today not necessarily the previous HRE boundaries

This would be far more appropriate, far more demographically sound and economically powerful.

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absolutely disgusting.

Well that country would be an economic superpower, but it also would be a sandnigger superpower

you left out all the based catholics and added a bunch of lutherans

Your just mad because you got Anchlussed Nederlander

What to do about Flevoland though? add it to the empire?

we can make it half white half nigger just for you

It would have been part of the HRE back then too, but you crafty lanklets didn't have the technology back then

Nah thx mutt....

I would unite with my Polish, Slovak and Czech Brother and reconquer the land that was stolen from us and make a great Slavic country like once was. It wouldn't be called fucking Roman empire...

Slava Perunu! fuck off cigani

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the holy roman empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire

there's better states for you to revive

This right here. The liberals and globalists in Babel, aka Brussels will NEVER give up. They are ideological zealots that, as Juncker said himself, want to reshape the world into THEIR image.

You either exit and form a Visegrad Union, or you'll perish just like western europe. It's the ONLY choice that remains. Make it ASAP.

Remove us please.
We belong with the based ancient greeks.

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>repeats kike revisionist history

I'd take croatia into the HRE too if we were doing well, but kick you out if we're doing badly

You deserve to do better than you're doing now

An amerimutt who mispells Vienna, no fucking less.

what we really need is a new scandinavian empire with danish politics.


I'm not sure i want to be in a country with so many Muslims.....

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why? theres only 13% catholics?

the ultimate goal:
get rid of them

That's why I said if we're doing well

If this nation would survive mid-term would almost entirely depend on its migration and deportation policies

Long-term it would probably always go to shit, since I don't think germans, italians and french in a country would be very stable, but the swiss did it so who knows

seeing youre probably orthodox or atheist, youll be thrown out

this. its half the point of forming the empire