Fellow Kekistanis we thoutght it wont come to this...

Fellow Kekistanis we thoutght it wont come to this, but im here dreadghtfulliy reporting to you that article 13 has passed. We need you to fight against the very ones that wish to undermind our existence. This meme war is not fought for a political cause or any form of gain but we are fighting this one for our very survival. The Kekistani Meme Forces are calling on all abled voulenteers to come forward and fight against this threat. Our foe is relentless and wont stop at nothing till all our memes are deleted and all memers captured. Fellow Kekistanis outside the EU your bretheren need your help to fight against this oppressor that wishes to destroy us. Veterans of the first great meme war are called in to serve in this one, lets not let the EU delete our memes, i know you are exhausted from the first great meme war but this one is for our very survival. Rise against the this oppression of meme and free speach. This decision of the EU parlament has shown to us that people of the EU have no influence in the decisions that will affect their lives, we must not allow these bureaucrats to go unpunished for this catastrophic decision, let us meme them into history, we cannot allow them to destroy our memes. May Kek guide us thrugh these dire times into a better, brighter future for all memes

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How are they actually going to implement this though?

Attached: EU Copyright Directive.gif (817x1091, 201K)

they wont

This is a shit show, there are options either 1. Filter all posts and content or 2. Outright ban content that is copyrighted either way it is shit

They stole my memes.

offs this is Jow Forums, not your personal f***ing army.

Strike #1
In all pictures of nazis replace the nazi flag or symbolism with EU's flag and symbolism


Fuck you cuck get fucked in the ass along woth your faggot primeminister

>fellow kekistanis
Stopped reading after that...

I mean it is. And the democrats are basically Nazis too.

Fascism isn't a synonym for authoritarian.

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(OP) fucking rolefag

>Count dankula


What actual measures does the government have to enforce it? VPNs aren't hard to come by, and I never got the impression they weren't cracked down on because the government lacked a reason, more just because they're too dumb to

Indeed, it's only one type of authoritarianism. As science fiction author and radical Libertarian Robert A. Heinlein once said, "Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

Yes, but a fascist is also one who strives for a return to tradition and social hierarchy., the exact opposite of communism, which is exactly what the modern left is heading for. It pains me to see uneducated retards at Fox News paint everything authoritarian as Fascism, when these retards are all for "progress" not "tradition".

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Every idology that claims that "know sthe truth" or is the truth is authoritarian, there is never "the thruth" a one sided thing that paints things black and white, everything is mooshy and kinda grey. Yes there are exeptiona for this but they are rare to come by and in an ideological stand point a ideology that claims that knows "the truth" is really authoritarian.



Some sources frome the EU parlament claim that lobbies are trying to rush the final 3rd round of voting for article 13 before january possibly in december or november if they are successfull. I dont know how mutch these sources are to be trusted but it is quite possible watching them scramble to vote in article 13.