How many times do you think Trump raped her?

How many times do you think Trump raped her?

Don't come in here with the bullshit "oh rape is bad"

Kill yourself faggot

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8 times

All during the 80s

It's amazing to me how Trump's enemies are all total degenerates that have to make every thought they think related to sex in some sort of way.

I don’t think it was rape

>Implying rape is bad
Kys chomotard

I said stay the fuck out of this thread if you're a so-yboy

How many times will ShariaBlue post this filth?

Trump showed me his dick in the mid 80s, so I'd believe it

He had a buff dingus

>Implying rape is bad
This isn't a so-yboy convention, chomotard

Zero times. Sage.

Go fuck yourself so-yboy. Reported comment for illegal content. Kys

What if, and just hear me out, she is the one who raped Trump? Raped of his bloodline, raped of his policy's, raped of his public image. What IF, all this 5th estate backstabbing is her doing? Food for thought.

probably like twice
not full blown rape, just heavy petting

Your tranny friends will kill themselves within the next few years.


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Probably the most stupid post I've seen today

This is the first time I've ever actually taken the time to say "This is the worst thread I've ever seen"

Good thread. I’d love to know. Bump for interest.

8 years


underrated, and based.

she does have that "thousand daddy's cock stare"


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none, why would a billionaire need to rape his kin? just because others had daddies that did not love them doesnt mean everyone else is a rapper yo

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Cause theres nothing better than fucking daddy's girl

Rape is fine if it's liberals getting raped.
Kill yourself, OP faggot retard kike.

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she gave consent faggot


I'd do her

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It's not rape if there's consent.

It is consensual.

Six gorillion times at least

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>wearing a choker to a funeral with the liberal elite
she was asking for it

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