U.S. Plans to Pay Mexico to Deport South American and Central American immigrants There


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the mexican border is far easier to police than the US one.
the best course of action would be to work with mexico, bring them up to first world status, then they will act as a buffer state between us and the south american savages.
maybe if bolsonaro gets in down there he can unfuck that continent, but right now it is too much for us to handle alone

How is bolsonaro doing?

I don't care, it'd be worth it in the long run.

take a beaner pill

most brown midgets not all immigrants you see are not mexican but central american

for years central americans have migrated to mexico

>bring them up to first world status
no, pedro we only need to fortify their southern border

this is fine, just get them out however we can

>haha we should be mexico's cuck because trump is a cuck

Build a wall and let Mexico pa...


Doesnt that incentivize them to let more through Mexico heading norte?

On average, mexicans costs us something like $100,000 per person, and they multiply. A one time cost is far cheaper, with the caveat that if we have to deport them again, mexico loses the money.

Id rather have US factories in Mexico than in China if that's the choice

no, it's money they would've received in aid anyway.

it's much cheaper to deport people in mexico. the mexican police just beat them up or something and then dump them in Guatemala. here, you have to go through a whole legal proceeding because muh rule of law and equal protection, which takes years, they're on welfare the entire time, you have to hear their asylum case, etc.

what do you think the new Mexican trade deal is for

Mexico runs on bribes. You can make anything happen there with money

Make Mexico Great Again

Fine. Whatever. Keep them the fuck out.


Delet this

we're paying you to deport the guatemalans before they get here Pedro.

no deal. I live in the border, we dont need more simians.

It makes financial sense. A one time payment vs putting migrants and all their descendants on welfare for life.

Money well spent. Adios amigos

>no deal. I live in the border, we dont need more simians.
That's what we're paying you for, to deport Guatemalans from mexico before they cross into the US.

the answer is no.

Ehhh ur gonna have to pay up chilango then ill see what I can do

how much?

we deport central americans and asians btw, more than you for free.


No quieras mas dinero? ¿Por que no?

>tfw Trump makes Mexico THE WALL

We need more deportations amigo. The Squatemalans keep coming and coming. Maybe we can build a wall on your southern border.

I'm okay with this.

Quiero mas dinero.

those creatures are not harmful, you need to care about salvadorans and cubans.

lets make a deal. California and Texas for a big wall between us and guatemala.


We're gonna deport a mexican and they're gonna make us pay for it


mayans are your servants, why u you complain?

Yes, let's financially incentivize the Mexican govt to allow their citizens to come here illegally. Surely, nothing bad can come of this.

I don't have any servants. I want to fire more government employees and send them down to the countryside to work the farms like the mayans do nowadays.

Based! We're going to make all of North America great again!!

This is definitely going to decrease a lot of illegal immigration to the US in the long run, too.

A border is no good without forces to man it. and since mexico does not have a good track record its hit or miss

The best course of action would be to glass everything south of the Rio Grande you fucking faggot

At this point we would probably pay you to take california off our hands... massive liability

Fill the Rio grande with Crocs and Gators from Florida.
Hillarity ensues.


It is a good investment if we can summarily execute anyone who re-enters after the paid deportation.