If Russia is so based why is it poor, full of AIDS, organized crime, alcoholism and drug abuse?

If Russia is so based why is it poor, full of AIDS, organized crime, alcoholism and drug abuse?

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Cus if it wasn't everybody would fucking move there and white man's paradise would be ruined

People here call us based for the sole fact that we kind of act against muh NATO, "cucked western government" etc. RT is really doing it's job overseas.

Name a nation in the west that isn't full of those things

the country is 25% muslim

> white man's paradise
I have bad news for you



they literally fucking spread communism everywhere if you think russia is based you are a delusional retard

Sweden is nato, so the aids thing could be a psyop.

Communism in Russia ended in 1991, and the communist party was even banned for a short while
Learn recent history, boomer

Modern Russia isn't the USSR brainlette but I agree, Russia is shit. It's like a ghetto version of Alaska.

the united states spread aids in russia then bragged about it on national television. also western europe sends it aids patients to russia. russia even called them on it. all the red heads and blonds in russia got aids. slavs dont have blond or red hair

according to RT, it's 25%.

>25% muslim
They're unironically whiter than you nigger.

oh look a cultureless historyless ex soviet non-country is defending their shithole "motherland"

Article says 15%...

so you admit that it's not 7% and even russia's propaganda outlet admits it's at least 15% :^)

We were never Soviet, we were also never under Russian rule
And we have a history 10x longer then yours
Educate yourself you Mutt

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Can't even protect themselves from other countries spreading AIDS. At least in America we spread our own AIDS and the drugs are all controlled by selective enforcement.

Communism is unironically less degenerate than capitalism and America

being an ottoman slave isn't history

My number is from survey done in 2012, I can't find any source for RTs claim other then RT itself
Must be due to the temporary laborers they've started hiring after the sanctions started
Still, they're temporary, the ones in France and UK are permanent

moscow percentage is likely much higher than the whole of Russia

>these are the people calling you a "mutt" online

i actually feel pretty bad for your little shithole country

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What is this I don't even... Are you high?
Btw I'm red headed and don't have AIDS, took the test a couple of months ago

Slavs have blonde hair
Even South Slavs who are heavily mixed with Meds have blonde hair when they are young

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At least they don’t have African blood like you

Organized crime, alcoholism and drug abuse is based.

No matter what Russia is today it was even worse before putin

We are 90%
You are 51%
I know math is hard for you, so ask your asian neighbor to explain what that means :^)

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I've had a good opinion of Russia since I found out the cold war was over.
>about third grade

that's because the commies are depressed about their system failing miserably



shithole country languages btfo

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What if I call you mutt

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RT was whining about white nationalist in the US military, RT can go fuck themselves in their half-Mongolian/Tatar/Whatever they are vagina.

But yeah, I used to think Russia was extremely based - I would've volunteered for them militarily, I even made an attempt to learn Russian before I gave up, because I don't see a reason why now. I was contemplating buying a plane ticket to Ukraine, to become a tourist, of course. But then you have the Russians saying Ukrainians are Nazis, and I'm confused because I just want a society with low taxes and where bitches are kept in check so I can get married and have kids.

But, Putin's a giant faggot. I thought he was going to be the equivalent to the Soviet Union, where instead of funding Communist, he was going to start funding right wing white nationalist, because "Oh, Putin's funding the right wing parties and trying to sabotage Democracy!" Good, democracy doesn't work, we know it now. You only let men who are above the age of 26, married with children, and owns 3 or more firearms vote. But Putin isn't going to do anything. He likes his whores, and his buddies with their yachts.

Putin's happy, he doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone else, and I don't care about Russia anymore. They're going to end up getting destroyed. Putin can't build roads, and has to suppress free speech in order to keep his loose conglomeration from falling apart.

I'm feeling blackpilled as fuck. Something will happen eventually, it'll just happen when it's too late and it'll be substantially more difficult.

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Not him but you're probably a turk

eurocucks don't know how to argue with someone without calling them names, no wonder your demographics are going to be worse than ours within the next ten years

>eurocucks don't know how to argue with someone without calling them names

Sad thing is they usually have to ask their child brides to type these insults out for them

Russia will be destroyed again if putin's party goes out tho, its a dilemma

RT is indeed a wonderful propaganda tool. Communism taught you mass indoctrination well.

still recovering from communism, while at the same time thinking about embracing it again.

100 years of kike terrorism. jews gassed all the good dna and bred the degenerates.

because it's not and never has been.

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Jewish communism turned Russia into a land of "white negroes" exactly as planned.

That's why they have all those squatting gangs of low-IQ violent "whites" there. Watch some ruskie videos on bestgore and you'll see them behaving exactly like niggers.

The only good thing about Russia is they don't tolerate faggotry. But then, neither does Islam.

But I did post arguments, even in the post you linked I was posting percentages
Do you not know how to read your own language?
Wouldn't be surprised, give how 1/4 of you think the Sun revolves around the Earth

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You had been led to a delusion and now it feels bad to come out of it. Russia's no magic place. No crusade, no saving the white race.


>turned Russia into a land of "white negroes"
As opposed to turning it into a land of brown negros like the US?

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>Americans actually fared better than Europeans who took similar quizzes — at least when it came to the sun and Earth question. Only 66 percent of European Union residents answered that one correctly.

thanks for the read, good laugh

Fortunately, not. Russia will outlive all of us. We've had times much worse and if we're good at anything at all it is endurance

Russia is a based country totally not Jewish controlled

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>I thought he was going to be the equivalent to the Soviet Union, where instead of funding Communist, he was going to start funding right wing white nationalist
Are you 13 years old?
But we're not in the EU :^) (thank God)

It's not about Russia as a whole, it's about the current government.

Those Oligarchs literally tried to have Putin overthrown, that is why he had one arrested and suicided
Current government is lesser of many evils


Yeah you dodged a big fucking bullet with that one.

They're unironically whiter than you nigger.

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They will just find themselves a new guy to be an arbiter, probably from special services as well. So called liberals in the government would use public protests to win more influence, some major property will be tossed back and forth, and then it will all be quiet again.

Because it didn't bend the knee to the zog-american empire. That is the definition of being based.

.... just lucky ah guesses.
You do realize you're asking why Russia is exactly like the usa, right untermensch?



You're totally right Wu Wei Huang. Le 56%. You wanna come over to my house to eat some dog with chopsticks later (100% a joke, the US just outlawed eating dogs, because fuck China. I don't eat pets. no bully pls.)

Yeah, it's totally great being in Russia. Hey, want to go to the mosque later? Hopefully I don't get into another accident. No, I'm not drunk, this time... I just can't open my Mongolian eyes wide enough to see, VladiHuang.

our meth is better, teabag

So typical of you, my little potatoe brother

Leafposting from a literal Rothschild puppet state

kys mutt

>T 56

You do know that Tatars are literal Caucasians, right?

You're so bad at self awareness it's pathetic

>Are you 13 years old?
No, I'm quite young, but not that young. There isn't shit to live for anymore.

See that red bit? Problem is there's only 1999 people that live there, and one faggot

Lol, I had the same attitude when I was a teen
You'll grow out if it, it's normal

Honestly, I really don't give a damn anymore. We have all of these dumbfucks from Eastern Europe moving over here, and you think they would start voting Republican, right? Right? Private property rights? What made white people great? What other races lack? But they can go fuck themselves. Don't come here to be a homosexual Muslim. We have enough shit with spics. Fuck all of you.

>no wonder your demographics are going to be worse than ours within the next ten years

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They're fleeing from evil Homophobic dictator Putin
It's your fault for constructing such a shitty narrative


Go back to r.eddit with your faggot blog posts
Or go do this

Vlad's not oppressing homos. Maybe the guy in Chechnya is.

Ever heard of the gay propaganda law?
The libs can't stop crying about it

Sorry bud, this isn't your super secret Jow Forums /b/ club like back in your golden years. pol's pretty mainstream. You're going to get normies in here, boohoo somewhere else.

Reminder THESE are what muslims look like in Russia. Whiter than American hispanics.
Still scary though.

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mutt brain

Actually they did stop crying about it a long time ago.
Nobody really cares about gays here, except for a handful of larping cossaks who are probably gays in denial anyway

americans don't know how to argue without reeing about flags

>muh secret club
the plebbit faggot never fails to reveal itself

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Your claim wasn't true either and RT provides no official government census source, so it can be completely ignored.

yes Russia is an awful country. please don't immigrate to here like I did. stay out.

Where did you come from?

>everybody is a mutt except for me

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>Ireland highest in non-Russian countries
Please nuke us.

stop sharing whisky needles


yes no one could ever be happy here. so much AIDS and alcoholism outside of my local mosque.

It's an active eugenics program. Look at every documentary of the AIDS epidemic in Russia, it's the lowest of the low that are infected (whores, junkies, fags, ethnic minorities).

Get of our dicks faggot, the town I live in has literally only white people. Get of the computer for a while.

>ethnic minorities
which minorities, Sie bitte.

Don't worry brother it's not for long. Inshallah