Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a former bartender...why haven't nudes leaked yet?
Future Congresswoman and President
Luke Ward
Bentley Ross
because everyone has ridden that bicycle
Colton Barnes
I just assumed everyone else had their own set.
Charles Cruz
>wanting to see the nudes of a horse-faced 56% meme
Zachary Gonzalez
I'm so glad she chose to defang her district. No one will work with her dumb socialist bs.
Benjamin Phillips
She's probably never had sex.
Robert Hill
shes cute
Connor Butler
Let's say the Bernie fags get their way and when the country crashes and burns. What's their excuse? Not true socialism? It was the Republicans fault? Russia? Anyone want to get a blame pool going?
Juan Wood
I'm sure someone is waiting for her to get elected to congress before releasing the nudes, for extra lulz.
Juan Miller
>She's probably never had sex.
You're funny.