What would America be like if we didn't have niggers?
What would America be like if we didn't have niggers?
Colonizing space
It would be like Canada or Australia.
you would have 85% less crime
and you would have billions of dollars more to use in other things
A Jewish-controlled shithole still. The only difference is you'll have to blame Mexicans for all your problems if blacks didn't exist.
We aren't Canada, Australia, or Europe.
it would be the same because we would still have the jews
not much different. you'd just find another group of people to call niggers and blame the failures of capitalism on
Doesn't matter much you hate negroids, their presence has heavily defined America despite their overall low status. Its too much of a complex answer for a simple answer.
Pretty much like Switzerland.
€90k gdp per capita
almost zero crime
no push for gun regulation
mandatory military service
white birth rate over 2.0
Yes, because you have more niggers. OP was asking what America would be like if you didn't.
it wouldn't be. Switzerland is like that because it's small and wealthy.
Probably like Australia, very similar white culture, but just higher quality-of-life metrics across the board
This is honestly 100% true, but a lot of people here will deny it.
The whole reason why America is so weird politically (no universal health care, pitiful worker rights and support for poor) is because racist white people in the early 20th century couldn't stand the fact that poor black people would be receiving those benefits as well as whites. If the country at the time was as uniformly white as Canada/Australia/etc, it would have been a lot harder for the rich capitalist class to convince poor white people to vote Republican consistently.
You would see more hispanics and arabs on tv and in movies. They would push white women into breeding with them too.
Imagine Japan but with white people
White Americans are different stock. We aren't interchangeable with other anglos. Canada and Australia are essentially British colonies, if not in law, then in spirit. We're a very different country with a very different history for a reason.
Our women would be finding positions in leadership in order to bring in millions of black dicks to fill them up.
>modern day europe.
so scandinavia without the communists
Americans won't accept socialist policies because a real American despises the state even more than he despises niggers.
>white birth rate over 2.0
The majority of Americans now want Medicare for all. That includes slightly over 50% of registered Republicans.
I promise you, once someone finally passes Medicare for all and free college tuition, they will never go away because they will become EXTREMELY popular, even for most working/middle class Republicans.
Niggers are a by product of KIKERY
eg (((gangster culture))) and degeneracy pushed by your friendly jew
America WILL NOT HEAL until you remove the jew from media, hollywood, banking, politics.
awful gif, apply yourself
wouldn't have invented jazz, or ragtime, vaudeville, blues, pretty much all modern music was the work of innovative african americans.
but doesn't really matter, the democrat party pushed abortion so hard on blacks that their population projections stagnate for the next 50 years.
the only minorities that will grow in size are the whiter minorities, like hispanics, which already represent majority of the country's white population growth because they're starting to identify as white.
I love how liberals defend Blacks by describing their musical legacy. It's really incredibly offensive to say that they're greatest accomplishment was musical. It's also true.
This is a sadly false question to begin with.
If not niggers, then Muslims. If not Muslims, then Mexicans. If not Mexicans, then some other god-forsaken gaggle of idiots that make life worse for you and those around you.
The question is not what would America be without niggers. It's what America would be without the Jews that enable niggers.
much safer
not a liberal. i'm just being honest, our musical heritage owes a lot to blacks.
Diversity destroys social trust.
A white Wakanda
That's true, but also irrelevant. Honestly that music isn't that good. You can only really like it if you keep telling yourself that it's good. When you stop bullshitting yourself the perks all fade away. What would be better would be a 50% reduction in the murder rate.
I looked for the .gif of Natalia saying "haha no" but I couldn't find it
When America becomes all White, we'll consider it.
I have a neighbor, this dude and his mom. She doesn't work
He pays the bills by rounding up all the recycling in the area and turning it in to get the CRV.
His house has "no trespassing" signs in literally every window, even the upstairs ones.
He howls and barks like a dog while he's sorting when he's not talking to himself. I can't keep the back door open because the clattering of aluminum wakes up my infant daughter. The sugary water stinks in the heat. It's infuriating.
It's the only bad thing about an otherwise perfect starter home and apparently he overheard me complaining about him to my friends about him being a nigger.
So in my situation my home life would be much better without. That said one of my close friends is blacker than the night sky and is one of my favorite people to be around so I really can't definitively say. Statistically this country would be way better off
1950s America was a paradise, think that but with niggers
We would have safe, beautiful cities
I'd take subjectively worse music for a being much safer and either having more money in my pocket or having a better use of government funding any day.
I think you're absolutely right.
I'm not defending that way of thinking. I think it's idiotic to feel that way. But unfortunately that's how most human beings are.
An honest man. Your problem isn't with socialism, but with people with dark skin tones.
>What would be better would be a 50% reduction in the murder rate.
they're mostly murdering each other, but at the very least, we would need fewer policemen and social workers, and emergency responders, since blacks need constant adult supervision/attention or else they revert to their natural primitive state.
That's not nigger behavior, that's thot patrol
She was trying to teach her a lesson about dressing up like a whore to teach her 8 year old son
>those shit genres invented every modern genre of music
yeah ok if by all you mean rap and R&B then yeah total fucking shit music though
this really puts a knot in my stomach
The appeal of nigger music the the degeneracy of the music's culture. Jazz, rock and roll, hip hop all promoted sexualized dance, hedonistic lyrics, drugs, etc. that were beyond the norms for their time.
Such racism. Ever heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson? Black people make the best scientists.
Our country would entirely collapse due to an overpopulation of white supremacy.
Almost all of the GIFs and WEBMs of blacks attacking whites in the US are taken from areas that treat blacks like shit in general. Although, I guess you could say that's most of the country still.
Yes, but your founding stock and principles are British. You took in far more Germans, jews, Irish and Italians much sooner to populate the land, so the multi-ethnic thing was more pronounced... this was a big difference, but the black aspect is a huge factor in the development of the US.
It shapes the culture in a fundamental, foundational way. Things we don't even think of like the rise of the suburban lifestyle and American pop culture are related to the black/white interaction.
This whole 'we wuz revolutionary' is overstated, a tiny fraction of Americans had anything to do with the war of independance -- even at the time... and they were all of the British stock... it could be seen as an internal squabble among co-ethnics.
>walking around niggersville at 2:30 AM im not sure what this dumb liberal faggot was expecting
If we lost the blacks we would lose 90% of the "EXPLICIT" songs on Spotify
What loss!
Utopia. We would be advanced 1000 years beyond where we are today, if we didn't have to deal with all the gibsmedats and dindus.
Space. At least a colony on the moon
i only used music as an example of a random thing that would not exist.
i know crime would go down if they didn't exist, but that's not really a reasonable request to make so we need a better solution.
checked and redpilled
dang. i like the ones where they get shot by the store owner.
well you must hate rock n roll because that came from blues.
They're just selling drugs, right there at the corner store!
Truly a libertarian paradise
It's sad that even I know better examples than that even though I'd flush every niglet in America tomorrow.
To be fair, why would you want to help niggers?
Are blacks actually treated badly in the US? Seems like a meme if your media is any reflection of your culture.
It has nothing to do with the declining automobile industry, and everything to do with the niggers left in Detroit afterwards? OK.
a fucking paradise
Balcks treat each other like shit. Mexicans, loos, and east asians ignore them. White conservatives try to redpill them and white liberals enable their self destruction.
Socialised medicine is like smearing jam on your balls and sitting on an ants nest.
The NHS is crippled trying to deal with all the fuckers flocking here to get freebies.
this is sooo true,
Just wish the black community could wake up to that
Fuck off roastie.
Why don't you try getting a black wife to cure your islamophobia and racism? Incel.
Holy shit
>Are blacks actually treated badly in the US?
on the contrary. they're given far more support than they even know what to do with. colleges practically beg for black applicants with decent grades. state governments favor black/minoritiy businesses. they get scholarships, social aid, favorable media attention, etc. literally anything to prop them up and keep people from getting frustrated with them.
Wow, She's gorgeous
Don't you think people who left Europe to escape tyranny of the State and Church might be wired a bit differently than people who stayed? Don't you think some portion of such a tempermantal difference might be genetic? Don't you think those differences might have contributed to our unique government, politics and history?
should be easy to solve with fingerprints
No you're not... and that's been you're problem since the beginning.
Why does he just fall?
>What would America be like if we didn't have niggers?
What’s the source I love me some trashy porn
White supremacy!!!!!!!!!
A first world country in the true meaning.