Chinese (((WORLD ORDER))) is Coming

Did you know BRICS bank = same people as IMF & World bank

America is going to be imploded and authoritarian China is going to take us to the next level of globalist tyranny.

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It would be best for Russia. Fuck Amerishits


>Implyimg chinks wont murder this jew and everyjew if they try to subvert them.

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>half chink mutt welcomes his new full chink overlords

chinks are the most subservient, obedient cucks on the planet.

they lost their guns, free media, free speech, and free internet LONG ago.

Chinese regime and has mobile execution buses to take care of "problems" more efficiently.

(((Peter Zeihan)))

yeah im sure he's not spewing a narrative as all kikes do.
His (((narrative))) 11 minutes in sounds like
> relax goyim, murica cant lose, cos muh map & carriers

>"capital rich"
20 Trillion in debt

>bad investments was because boomers with too much money

Serious fuck all the crap this jew is spewing.

Jiang Zemin and the legacy of his regime will face heavens judgement!

Maybe the niggers we start trying to leech off of the chinks instead

>1.5 billion chinks cant stand up to 15 million Jews

They really are insects aren't they.

oh shut the fuck up

western "leaders" are too busy blowing Israel to give a fuck about their own people

"Oy ching, chang, chong, Vey!"

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you guys are closest to the chinese so once they've made peace with india prepare your booty for land grabs

>watches we are change once
Welcome to reality

China cant keep 1.5 billion in line long enough for that to happen. The party will implode in 15 years turning china into at least 4 different countries.

the root of all communism is Jewish. See Russian Revolution.

(((They))) planned it all along.

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>Blame people for opening up China
LOL its Capitalism idiot. Stock market demands more profit..Profit > Morals..

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>authoritarian China is going to take us to the next level of globalist tyranny.
how? we could kill all of them in a half hour

>The Kaifeng Jews are members of a small Jewish community in Kaifeng, in the Henan province of China who have assimilated into Chinese society while preserving some Jewish traditions and customs. Their origin and time of arrival in Kaifeng are a matter of debate among experts.

>Most scholars agree that a Jewish community has existed in Kaifeng since the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), though some date their arrival to the Tang Dynasty (618–907) or earlier.[1] Kaifeng, then the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was a cosmopolitan city on a branch of the Silk Road. It is surmised that a small community of Sephardic Jews, most likely from Persia or India, or perhaps fleeing the Crusades, arrived either overland or by a sea route, and settled in the city, building a synagogue in 1163.[2]

The government is not like that. Only the worker ants.

The (((Fed)))’s engineered boom-bust cycles every eight years or so have been the most efficacious means of transferring the wealth and assets of the increasingly pauperized middle and working classes to the Fed’s oligarch partners in crime. The (((Wall Street-Federal Reserve))) Looting Syndicate, aided and abetted by smuggling migrants, captured regulators, enforcers, and “public servants” (cough) have used these rigged and manipulated “markets” to set up another massive pump & dump; now that the last of the retail-investor muppets have been suckered in, it seems likely that (((Goldman Sachs))) will order its helmet-haired hobbit at the Fed to hike rates and implode the Ponzi, enabling the Great Goyim Slaughter to commence.

We will not have honest markets, sound money, or a future for our children as long as the (((Fed)) exists and is free to conduct its swindles and scams with impunity.

Greenspan did not panic. He knew what he was doing. The people demanded action because they were induced to panic. They had just stripped a huge amount of middle class savings right under their noses and then proceeded to set up the next great train robbery by repossessing housing and renting it back to the former owners who demanded action. Pharoh and Joseph all over again.

Globalists sent our industries overseas and imported millions of shitskins to take our jobs and prop up a debt-based ponzi scheme.

Once you move an economy from production to debt-based consumption, it shouldn’t be surprising that nothing is really done to rein in housing bubbles-- its the focal point of the immigration ponzi scheme

"We will not have any more crashes in our time."
- John Maynard Keynes in 1927

> Im a schtick fuck, I like a quick buck
> Im a schtick fuck, I like a quick buck
> Im a schtick fuck, I like a quick buck

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I bet youre the same type of retard who thinks jews dont control everything.

Dont be fooled. Fuck china. But fuck the jews who made china their patsy.

China and Russia share a border for centuries. It is the most peaceful border for both nations throughout history, the skirmishes they had were all limited and not comparable to the threat from Europeans and Muslims.
Also, we Slavs do not consider ourselves European.
Don't worry about us, worry about yourself instead.

What makes you think that? China as a nation is unified without interruption for 2500 years.

This guy's nose is so distracting.

>every country near china is getting their borders pushed back
>clock is ticking for the slavs as the mongols lick their lips
>w-we're fine we're not even europeans
>not considered european because mongols came in hordes and raped your genetics

those two replies show you're worried

Nigger they are about to own Australia. They also freely insult you based on your race and religion. It's not enslavement, it's constructive culture of mutual work towards world domination you silly petrol sniffing bogan.

>Alex Jones predicted this.

>the baby toys are safe, goy

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