Ben Shapiro

Why do normies hold this man up as the epitome of conservatisim?
Am I wrong when tp call him a neocon zionist shill? When I tell his viewers this they look at me like I just spoke a different language, they dont understand what that means apparently.
>b-but he wrecks sjws and trannies he so right wing
Fucking brainlets. Im hitting the blackpill more and more.. people wont wake up to the truth, they will just follow shills like Ben Shapiro into supporting the status quo ie neoconservatisim zionisim

Tldr Fuck Ben Shapiro

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Shapiro 2020

Because he is

Ben might help a Jewish ethnostate be based, but not a white one.

>Why do normies hold this man up as the epitome of conservatisim?
Because he is. (((Conservatism))) is moderate leftism, you dumb goy.

find me a single example of ben losing a debate

Honestly, it's because he's smart. But you are right, he is a zionist neocon shill that's likely compromised.

He's Glenn Beck's replacement. And a far better one at that, meant to woo the kiddies.

Yeah he is Israel first

Arguing with college kids isnt a debate

>(((Conservatism))) is moderate leftism

He talks fast and all his debates are against college students so he looks really smart

>yo dude got some of that black pils, let my tried

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ben is a NEO con

>muh college kids
still waiting on a single example of him losing a debate. you could pick one of his actual debates. sam harris. chunk yogurt. piers morgan. those 2 niggers. anyone. go ahead faggots.

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he's a good debater and is one of the few conservative voices willing to do actual research

he's also a shifty kike, so use him as a tool to redpill people rather than a messiah to blindly follow

>Am I wrong when tp call him a neocon zionist shill?
No? He doesn't even hide it, why would it be wrong to call him something that he openly is.

>Ben Shapiro attracts conservatives to neocon agenda
>Malcolm Nance attracts the libs
How can no one see through these Bill Kristol motherfuckers?

hes an easy to understand and "exciting" debater

He is definitely a neocon Zionist shill. However, he has introduced rightwing ideas to a significant population of normies in a nonthreatening way. Myself included: I went through a (((true conservative))) phase which I've since grown out of, but without which I may well have remained a libtard forever. Us brainlets need spoon feeding at times- most people aren't mentally prepared to eat every single red pill at once.

Kike, cenk, piers, niggers
Wow those sound like some good debates
And what a god awful tattoo, hope its yours faggot

You know you’re a cuck jew when Mark (((Levin))) is calling you out.
>muh constitution
>Special Councils with unlimited power and resources investigating people and not crimes are redpilled
>based Mueller/FBI/DOJ said they did nothing wrong
Trump brought out Ben’s kikery

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Oh, look. It's Ben Shaprio, the Nazi. Let's punch him senpai

>when you lose a debate about how a great debater cant debate because you cant find any evidence of him losing a debate
literally retarded

Normies like him?

I don't interact with them anymore.

What's a neocon and why are they hated? And do they call themselves neocons?
PS I've tried to google it and didn't take anything away from it so maybe I'm just a brainlet

>being a normie
I’m almost jealous, user. I probably look like Terry Davis to my family.

You mean the guy whose sister tortures Asians?

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Youre the one who brought up his debates, I didnt say anything about his oratory skills plus I dont give a shit about his "debates" at q&a's or with thr young turk
He is a hypocrite and a neocon zionist shil and thats all that matters anything else he says is irrelevant
Go eat some foreskins and watch some sjw rekt youtubes moshi

He literally buys college kid strawmen to tear them down with scripted responses
It's normie tier (((conservatism)))

>why do neocons love a jew
sister has nice milkers tho

>Why do normies hold this man up as the epitome of conservatisim?
Because real Conservatism doesn't exist in America (or, to be fair, many other places these days). America's founding was inspired by John Locke's classical liberalism. Conservatism began as Burke's criticism of Locke's Liberalism.
American "conservatives" are basically all Classical Liberals + Religion + Free-Market Economics. They had to invent a new term "Paleo-Conservative" to describe Americans who are actually closer to being Classically Conservative.