What the fuck are we still doing in Afghanistan?

What the fuck are we still doing in Afghanistan?

> 911 was 17 years ago
> Bin Laden has been dead for at least 7 years (depending on who's story you believe)
> US military is siding with Al Qaeda forces in Syria and instilling terror lead failed states in Lybia

Does anybody know what the fucking point is anymore aside from eternal war?

Attached: Afhgan.jpg (584x411, 40K)

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PNAC wanted to fight two simultaneous wars, and it was really easy to trick people into thinking somehow the Taliban had more to do with 9/11 than the Pakistani government and Saudi Arabia.

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that chicks old man sucked my buddys dick near bagram

>Does anybody know what the fucking point is anymore aside from eternal war?
Jews need more land, duh.

It's only been 17 years. Give the plan some time to gel.

Opium poppy

The CIA makes money off the opium.

Buy missiles goyim.

I learned all about opium poppy while deployed in the fields

Opium, like others have stated but more broadly the fact that war is america's biggest industry. So many jobs are created by war, transportation, medicine, tech etc. All those small towns surrounding military bases have their economies structured around war. I think even minor de-escalations in the middle east would send massive shockwaves across the economy.

Destabilizing the region for greater Israel as part of 9/11 and the global war on terror

You’re a fucking idiot

okay. here's a hint.
afghanistan is the perfect environment for growing massive amounts of poppies.
what do poppies produce?
two things: opium and morphine.
what are we ALL OF THE SUDDEN having an outbreak of?
opiate abuse and overdose galore.
shit tons of that stuff heads up to russia which is close, relatively speaking, gets refined into heroine and then hits the black market hard.
the US government and the UN are the biggest drug peddlers out there, the "war on drugs" is complete bullshit and was only meant to facilitate trafficking of heroine and other narcotics.
the CIA has been the head of the snake when it comes to the drug epidemic of any country in the last 60 years.
i can't make it anymore blunt or black and white than that.

seriously, think about any country that has the perfect environment for producing a type of drug. what is the economic or government situation like in that particular area?
all you have to do is connect the dots to see how big of a problem this has been for the last half a century.
columbia (most central and northern south american countries for that matter) = cocaine. perfect environment for producing it by the shit loads and almost a straight line right up to ready and willing customers in america.
what's the columbian (or any other central american/northern south american continent country) government look like? corrupt? connected to cartels? probably facilitated by the CIA?
seriously man, connect the dots just a little bit and you start to get a good picture of what's going on.

Milk of the poppy

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if you're really not convinced, read "charlie ranger"
the end of the book talks pretty much about how he trained guerilla forces in south america, and then later was sent in to eliminate the threat, only to be met by (surprise surprise) the guerilla forces that he had trained.
he admits that the guerilla forces probably had no idea who they were up against, or why, and he admits that his friend who he trained was killed. he also flat out says it was "probably" some big CIA operation down there that was covered in all sorts of red tape and cloak and dagger shit.

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>The goy doesn't know
We using afghanistan as a base to invade iran.

911 was 1107 years ago brainlet

Doing 100% of the work for a 80 iq nation they still can't fucking read.

Protecting the Poppy fields.

That was no man, baby

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Watch this, it's a good explainer for why we are in Afghanistan (which was based on lies). hooktube.com/Moz8hs2lJik

Trust the plan goys, we dinduu nuffing go and invade some countries you must protect us . Or else...

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the iris colors dont seem to match up .. didnt know those changed.. unless they were beaten out of her, which is probable i guess

>What the fuck are we still doing in Afghanistan?
growing heroin

>all you have to do is connect the dots to see how big of a problem this has been for the last half a century.
vietnam war we took that golden triangle, we needed that rubber also

OPIUM OPIUM OPIUM. the forbidden herb

Hmmm where does 92% of the worlds opium come from?

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Lol she was 35 when that photo on the right was taken. Afghan women age awfully hard.

kek jew

We are there for opium, because the entire western world is on drugs.

We're helping the government keep power so the constitution promising sharia law being above secular law is not in danger of being revoked by radical islamic talibans who will replace it with sharia law

I had actually never considered that, but it makes sense.

>What the fuck are we still doing in Afghanistan?
Israel still wants us to fight their little holy war. It needs to stop. Ideally I'd like to see the US completely turn on Israel and turn the Middle East into a lifeless wasteland.

That would be Syria , Afghanistan is about heroin and it’s black market value