Since white supremacists are in the minority, my personal belief is that "in-group affinity" for friendships and business is the natural behavior; however. "out-group affinity" is the standard for sexual selection.
Racists are outliers with mental defects that result in them devaluing ethnicities other than their own because they don't put any value on those ethnicities for sexual reproduction.
Race-mixing is the evolved default to avoid genetic defects from inbreeding. Prove me wrong.
>"Study analyzing more than 200 years of data finds that couples consisting of third cousins have the highest reproductive success."
For those who don't want to click.
Blake Ward
>Race-mixing is the evolved default to avoid genetic defects from inbreeding. That's wrong fucking imbecile. Marry an inbreed, your son is inbreed.
Since inbreeding is more prevalent in Arabic and African background. Marrying Arabic or African skyrockets your chances to have inbreeding pass down on your offspring.
Lincoln James
Thankfully me and my wife are descended from completely different european races, plus we have native admixture, plus we are from two complete different provinces in canada. The chances of you inbreeding in places metropolitan areas is almost zero so op is a fucking retard and needs to eat a bullet.
Unless you are a nigger or paki who lives in one city for multiple generations you have nothing to worry about.
Anyone subscribing to op's thesis needs to realize that they are probably down syndrome and retarded.
Cooper Torres
I would say that white guys impregnating asian chicks is perfectly fine. Other than that, not so much.
> Like Mendel's peas, crosses between dog breeds would also produce intraspecific hybrids, usually referred to as F1 hybrids. If we're working with a breed of purebred dog in which there is inbreeding depression because of increased homozygosity, a cross with another breed will reduce the homozygosity of the offspring and result in hybrid vigor. But in fact, the dogs don't have to be different breeds, they can even be different lines within a breed. If these are populations are prevented from crossing for several generations they will drift apart genetically, and when they are crossed the offspring are likely to be more heterozygous than either parent. In fact, these crosses within breeds are widely used in animal breeding to manage levels of inbreeding and improve the vitality of the stock
Isaac Thompson
>Looks like the odds of you getting a waifu just got longer huwhite boy That's fine, you gotta deal with the rest before you get the best. In the meantime, I'll be BLEACHING ethnic tail so ferociously white cock will be 100% of non-white women's portfolios. Because 100% white cock is how you get DIVERSITY.
Ayden Rivera
goddamn niggers send them all back and nuke the continent.
Nicholas Walker
>OP posts something that's already disproved by polling and fucking tinder statistics
Carson Thomas
>doesnt know what outbreeding deppression is
Yeah, and we should only breed donkies with horses so they dont inbreed lol!
Grayson Martinez
>download Tinder >most of my matches are black girls >end up going on several dates with blacks girls >only went on two dates with white girls >met my girlfriend on there >she's black
Leo Rivera
This is doing white men a favor. Who would want to have sex with a bunch of STD-ridden roasties?
>>"Human beings are all extremely genetically similar to one another.[20][21][22] Michael Mingroni has proposed heterosis, in the form of hybrid vigor associated with historical reductions of the levels of inbreeding, as an explanation of the Flynn effect, the steady rise in IQ test scores around the world during the twentieth century. However, James R. Flynn has pointed out that even if everyone mated with a sibling in 1900, subsequent increases in heterosis would not be a sufficient explanation of the observed IQ gains.[23]"
You're just mad because my happa children are going to take your kid's seat in the Ivy league.
>your ideal genetic match is your 4th cousin >but miscegenation is the norm
Lincoln Morris
the most successful human societies to ever exist have been hard line racist, and then ended up dying out when they stopped caring about race.
it seems like racial apathy would be the defect.
Brody Lee
>Since white supremacists are in the minority, my personal belief is that "in-group Wrong. What you call supremacists, i.e. whites who are aware and proud of their heritage, is not a minority. I'd say that legitimate racists aren't a minority either.
Aiden King
hybrid vigor in human beings is only a thing for inbred populations where a re-roll of genes is preferable to eliminate some of the harmful genes attributed to generations and generations of inbreeding. if you're really that inbred, go ahead and roll the dice. your genetics may become slightly less shitty. it won't fix your blood line though. your children can still inherent whatever harmful genes you and your partner has.