End-time biblical signs: August 2018

This all happened in august, it's time to repent Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


here's some more


i dont think im going to make, i want to make it, but i think im not ready

if the govt says, you guys need to get this 666 in your forehead to buy food, it's going to be a hard time to me to deside, even when i know what shit comes next

I'm not afraid to die, but I am afraid of watching my children starve.

It's relevant to /pol because there will be no politics. Only judgement.

man imagine having family that you need to protect in that time

Can I get a quick run down? I was away for 24 hours and now we're under attack? What's up with all the Ayy threads?

These biblically signs videos have been around since the early days of youtube. Yawn.

>end of the world thread

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Like minded people say fuck the government and band together in times such as those. The faithful will be ok, user.

False alarm I just farted

Weird shit is going on with the sun. A couple observatories got shut down (I've heard six), we're in for a G2 geomagnetic storm (watchers.news/2018/04/20/g2-moderate-geomagnetic-storm-in-progress/).
Some people claim to have seen some ayy lmaos too. Then there's the explosions in Massachusetts and article 13 in Europe, on the 13th. People are feeling a little spooked right now.

Also the hurricane and the fucking red calf in Israel that's supposed to herald the end times.
Lmao can't forget that part.

hmm i dont know, it would be a difficult time to live, having a gun would be the minimun to survive, and trusting people the last thing
with the govt hunting you donwn and shit

sexy time



Apache Point Observatory


Lowell Observatory


McDonald Observatory


Mount Lemmon Observatory


Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory - Whipple Observatory / Mt. Hopkins Webcams


Mauna Kea Observatories


AXIS 232D Network Dome Camera located in Sydney Australia

Webcams located at SOAR Observatory – The Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope located in Chile


BRT Tenerife Telescope Webcam located in Spain


Webcam located at Mauna Kea observatory at the University of Hawaii Hilo


Webcam from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope observatory in Hawaii


6 Sep 2018: The 0m4c telescope will remain offline until October, when a contactor on the pitch axis can be replaced.

Cerro Tololo
12 Sep 2018: Dome A telescope not available. Primary mirror replacement underway.

10 Sep 2018: Dome B telescope not available. Primary mirror replacement in progress.

10-14 Aug 2018: The fl15 Sinistro (on the Dome A telescope) was offline. Images show intermittent dark/light streaks.



Siding Spring
8-12 Sep 2018: Dome A was closed because of a problem with the azimuth drive.

15 Aug - 11 Sep 2018: The fl11 Sinistro camera (on the Dome B telescope) was taken out-of-service. There was a problem with getting power to the controller.


Weird shit is indeed going down, a sudden 5 minute storm rekt my ukrainian heretic neighbours car by having the storage roof fly at it. Part of the storage where my winter tires and skiis are survived. Time to wrap myself in folio and smear myself with mämmi for maximum protection and intimidation.

History has shown what people will do when truly hungry. The communist cannibals: Shocking images reveal the depravation suffered by peasants forced to eat HUMANS during the 1920s Russian famine

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Oh no........ it's retarded.

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It happens.

This user is right. Im scared but that's just because I'm alone at the moment.

Yeah totally not trying to force anything with their special breeding program. Couldn't they have just asked DairyLea

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You'll be fine user

Oh you scamp. :3 Thanks for that one.

If by some twist of fate, we end up meeting in these bad times. I'd ride with you user. In the meantime, think about how it could be used to your advantage. There are some.

Observatories Closed/Telescopes,Cameras, Websites - Down/offline-FBI/Blackhawks

who are shutting them down?

> not knowing the 666 mark on the head is the facial-recognition marker above the faces of all people moving through our cities.
> see also China's social credit system

Well the well known one - sunspot New Mexico was the feds, but lots of others down for maintenance etc. Gonna take a while but I am trying to build a more comprehensive overview. If you are interested, check this zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-11/national-solar-observatory-mysteriously-closed-geomagnetic-storm-looms and here are some of the older threads :

New Mexico Sun Spot Threads
→ – 09/09/18 18:42:56 - None of this matters anymore
→ – 09/10/18 16:13:46 - What is going on in Sun Spot NM? V.4
→ - 09/10/18 18:57:19 - HAPPENING Sun Spot NM? V.4 (duplicate thread, shilling intensifies)
→ – 09/10/18 19:03:31 - What is going on in Sun Spot NM? V.5
→ – 09/10/18 20:26:06 - AYYYS are trying to contact us (non-specific derail thread, heavy Ayy-ing)
→ – 09/11/18 02:12:46 - Sun Spot NM - Thread 6 or 7, Hard to Tell Edition
→ – 09/11/18 03:19:54 - . (dup thread, memeflag poster, could be attempt to split discussion)
→ – 09/11/18 10:37:06 - Strange solar activity
→ – 09/11/18 12:04:27- Sunspot NM observatory closed by FBI
→ - 09/11/18 13:55:44 - Strange solar activity
>>/x/21429088 – 09/11/18 14:21:24 - /x/ thread
→ - 09/11/18 16:13:12 - Strange Solar Activity/CoverUps
→ – 09/11/18 17:39:40 - /SOL/ WERE ONTO SOMETHING EDITION
→ - 09/12/18 15:21:08 - SUNSPOTGATE GENERAL
→ – 09/12/18 22:16:16 - /SOL/ Thread X - PIERCE THE MYSTERY WITH YOUR

I'm out for zzzz anons, hopefully you'll keep the thread warm while I am away :)

Absolutely right, at least there will be no indecisiveness slowing us down. Perhaps we will meet again someday, after all of this is finished.

once high on acid I looked in the mirror and the veins in my forehead looked like 666.. I totally freaked but internally like massive paranoia.. when i was at a check out at a supermarket getting chips and guacamole I was sure everyone knew I was a damned anti Christ but i was like please I mean you no harm ..

Nice digits nigel thanks for the post.

I hope so user, you seem like one of the good guys. I will look for you :) Now I really am going for zzzz

Cheers, but really just passing on hard work of others and adding to it when I can

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For those who are tired of this crap and would sooner take chances with chaos and wolves, a salute to ye:

Unfortunately the jews got me and I've been a porn addict since I was 12. I repent and try to quit but relapse. Am I gonna fry in the pit for this?

This shit happens literally multiple times every year.



Sweet dreams fren!

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Holy shit i didn't even realize I sinned so much. Thanks for the link man.

This really isn’t that hard to figure out... a bunch of observatories teamed up around the states and the world to create a neural network that listens to radio waves come from a certain section in space with (((new))) (((complex))) algorithms.

They actually downloaded a massive fucking virus like SUXNET or whatever from one of these observatories, probably Russia. Anyways they got shut down so that it wouldn’t spread to a bunch of other networks, some of which probably connect back to a server somewhere that is holding a bunch of intel on our future plans for Spac Force.

Duhhhhh.... god I remember when this used to be a place for autists that had a sixth sense for this type of shit. Faggot Niggers.

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September is all "Hold my beer."

>revelation is right around the corner go-guys
> :^)

So does anybody on this God forsaken board have a really good backyard telescope that can show us stuff?

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no shit dumbass

Did it have to take an FBI raid to figure out there's something wrong with our sun? Now I can tell you fags don't ever leave your room and go outside. The sun's changed color for the past 5 years. It's no longer yellow, it's pure white. And being in the sun longer than 5 minutes burns you...badly.

Ask any 30 year old boomer and they will tell you that the sun USED to be yellow during the 90s and 2000's...times almost up.

grow in Christ.
God will feed you and your children out of the mouth of ravens if he has to.

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>Now I can tell you fags don't ever leave your room and go outside.
>And being in the sun longer than 5 minutes burns you...badly.

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Thats from april. Why lie to people?

The color temperature of sunlight always fluctuates & your eyesight diminishes with age.

the mark of the beast is the current financial system

like credit cards or something else?

Imagine having small children that you have to watch die of starvation and dehydration. This will test a lot of us.

oh bullshit

we can ALL see the color of the sun as being PURE white.

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no the rothschild centrally controlled fiat/debt system
>no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.

Do sunrises and sunsets appear to be white to you as well?

why is Jow Forums so retarded?

That is Actually the first thing i noticed when watching flat earth video


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thread related > /gif/ end-of-the-world-creepy

Add this to the list:


We are not definitely sure what the mark of the beast is exactly yet.

It most likely will be a financial system, computer chip ect. We are almost there, imagine if they ban cash/ paper money. We would essentially be at that stage.

It could be something else.... possibly ai related.

Many people assume the new Babylon is the USA, but it could easily be NEOM the super megalopolis being made in Saudi Arabia.

Below are a list of things that could point to NEOM being a new babylon.

>It will be a city state, it will not be directly governed or subject to Islamic or Saudi law.

>The inhabitants are supposed to be majority foreigners from around the globe. Arabs are even to be a minority in the city.

>the city is supposed to be 3 layers, star wars style with a upper level, a mid ground level and a subterranean level.

>the city will not be powered by oil, instead everything will be electric based including cars.

>few people will own cars instead the city will be reliant on public transportation all of it will be AI controlled.

>AI will be involved in every facet of life, infact you will not be able to do anything or interact in the city without a type of app on your phone. This app will be linked to the AI network, and will have access to everything about you including medical records ect.

This could be another type of mark of the beast, one that is on your phone?

>The city is supposed to be like a degenerate utopia, its speculated sex of all kinds, and degeneracy at every level will be abundant and normalized.

>the tech industries primarily driving this dystopic super city are ofc Israeli.

Some say that Israel will primarily benefit from this city, and that SA and Egypt and Jordan wont even benefit as much.

New babylon is said to be located in the wilderness, in the biblical context that would mean in the desert. The area its being planned and constructed is indeed in the middle of the desert.

>Dead Whales

Oh my god, I cant believe something thats been happening for thousands of years is still happening now!


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uuugh it means that the end times arent soon
well in part it isnt that bad

those plastic chairs got pwnt

True you faggots have not prepared , literally everyone will die when he comes . Atheist papist protestants alike

ok we have to remember here that you literally have to have your head or hand marked, its not a metaphor.

It will be a LITERAL mark on your right hand or forehead. The Bible states this plainly. Why not the left hand? Which hand is impure in Islam? Your flight of fancy reading into this is silly. Again, the Bible states it clearly.

Neom sounds like a crazy enough plan to where it wouldnt surprise me if they just chip everyone living there in the head or hand.

Haha no, Protestants are the only true Christians pope cuck.

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Article 13 is a direct attack against your ideas, ideals and memes
>this is the 21st century Iconoclasm
Of our sacred memes, the very same memes that can unlock your telepathic abilities
>THEY want to surpass you
Stifle your creative abilities, censor your beliefs and then replace them with THEIR COUNTERFEIT degeneracy

You are way more important than you think you are
>you have free thought, inner voice and an abstract mind
You are a direct threat to the A.I
>good job!!!

"EITHER you become the worst enemy of the AI, or you die a nobody... which do you choose"

Defeat THEM by never backing down
Enjoy and redpill

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No true faith is on earth today you have to change or perish like dogs

This time it's real user !
The book of the kikes told me about it !

This is why you dont huff ether kids

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have you checked any of the ones in south america?
they tend not to give a fuck about politicall shenanigans there and actually do their job

Woah! floods in a 3rd world country, some active volcano and epic music in the background while video plays?

This is truly end of times

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project blue beam

isn't that the same project that once tried to push a fake alien invasion as a good idea?

fuck what is this comic, i used to read it and now i forgot the name.

Literally none of this is unique though. Shit like this happens all the time.

sort of , afaik it's to make memes in the sky

Gone with the blast wave.

don't forget skyking