Cuckservative boomers are fascinating creatures

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The only peopel saying he deserved to die because he smoked weed right now are JIDF shills doing it to make Jow Forums look a certain way.

cop didn't know he smoked weed or didn't so what does it matter

that's not why he deserved to die

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I've wanted medicare gutted for a while now.

I'm tired of bankrolling their bullshit.

This is how it sounds when a not exactly illegal but technically illegal (although maybe legal?) substance is reported on. Weed is completely irrelevant to everything, stop talking about it.

Well which one is it?

He was probably a democrat. No biggie.


He actually didn't.

Yeah this...this is just pathetic. I actually pity thay nigger and his family.

You’re goddamn right he deserved it OP

FOX 4 Is not connected to the "le Faux News" like you think it is. It's a local news station

>Cuckservative boomers
Gen-Z here
Weedfags will get the bullet in their brain that they deserve.

Conservatives are bootlicking government-worshiping commie cucks.

>caring about a nigger
nu/pol/ never stops disappointing me

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>Not wanting to legalize weed and then tax the fuck out of it for that sweet economic boost

You really are a zoomer huh

Same, not enough self agency to secure your health as you get older, spent 50 years eating KFC and/or smoking 2 packs a day.

>muh economics
I'm not a lolberg retard like you. Go protest against roads on Reddit.

Taxation is theft, you dumb commie.

>smoke weed

That's bloody well not Sharia, is it? Can any Brits weigh in on this?

He's a statist, not a libertarian. Libertarians aren't retards who think taxation boosts the economy.


Don't you have a job to get back to?

Attached: HisJob.png (125x125, 3K)

I work at Burger King.

Weed taxes wouldn't boost the economy because it would implicitly promote a bunch of unproductive, lowlife wiggers everywhere.
Not an issue if you kill them, they deserve it after all.

Yeah except that's dead wrong and you should look into not being a retard anymore.

>reddit spacing
>obvious weed smoker
Enjoy your gay passtime while it you can, faggot.

The right shouldn't die on this hill. That cop was a dumb bitch, who needs some jail time. She could've done this to a white.

Kill niggers

Sure. But this dumb cunt could've knocked on my door.

Are you a nigger?


Jesus christ read the fucking warrant.
It was a basic search and secure warrant because his home was a crime scene and it needs to be secured. Fucking media is flipping out over this shit, they were also confiscating any video surveillance equipment as well, and spent bullet casing, does that freak you out to user?
You guys are almost as bad a boomers, just reading headlines and getting worked up

He was a law breaking nigger. Don't be such a nigger lover. If she didn't shoot him his cousin Jamal would have killed him in a fight over some fried chicken.

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>babies first police cover up.

Notice how it wasnt in his blood


see? trying too hard. also verbose.

>Minds his own business
>Has an actual job
>Literally dindu nuffin
>No priors or any record (that's known)
I'm starting to wonder if retarded posts like this are just people falseflagging.

Based and redpilled

Why? Sure tye cops are acting shitty but it's the exact same response that the black community pulls every damn time: victimize the attacker, attack the victim. This is just pottery

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all niggers deserve to die.

This whole thing stinks of an extramarital affair turned murder.

Also people itt need to learn what a black person is and what a nigger is because a human being who contributed to his society was killed here who didn't need to be.


No, he deserved to die because he was a nigger.

>not realizing that innocent, smart niggers are the most dangerous because they actually seem human
civnats get the rope first

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>Random law-abiding citizens should die because I say so, once again, we're the logical ones who are the only hope for western civilization

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no fuck off annon i want the kikes gassed and i want the women who killed him dead she should never of been made a cop who the fuck enters the wrong apartment

>Murder innocent by accident
Fuck police, there is currently some cop here in trouble because he smashed into the side of a car while chasing someone while not even using siren or lights (what gives them actual legal ability to run red lights and whatnot) and the media is trying to pose it as "one family is trying to say 'our police' are to blame" as if its police and society vs one family they fucked over

Fuck them, they dont want to be held accountable to law, they just want the power
Fuck them completely

>let's all just be civil and diverse, goyim! there certainly won't be any unintended consequences from that
doesn't it hurt having a kike's hand up your ass?

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>"How fucking DARE these niggers EXIST, they must be exterminated, they're stealing all the white man's air!"
>"By the way, we're the logical ones, not like those cuhrazy SJW freaks."
Go falseflag on cripplechan.

You're the kike you dumb shit allowing abuses of police power just because its a nigger being victimised, as if it doesnt set a precedent for all citizens

you are nu/pol/
you think you're an oldfag because you came when zimmerman was happening? Protip: that was /b/'s first happening on Jow Forums, you are "nu/pol", and if you were here before then, you were called JIDF for being a total retard arguing for establishment corruption because "niggers" ie dorner

>literally making the exact same argument 3 different times
NPC detected

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I'm trying to see if you're just a retard or trolling.
Still not sure, could be both.
But yes, hating random people for no reason other than the fact that they're black is illogical, it's one thing to hate a nigger nigging, another entirely to hate some random black accountant because he had the AUDACITY to be born a black guy in America.
Illogical thinking is for women and niggers.

That's true though. I mean, it's not so much that he deserved it so much that it's good riddance that he's gone.

By buying weed, he was funding criminal gangs all over america.

He's either an LEO or a stormfaggot that cant handle that Jow Forums will choose to defend individuals against the state despite the fact they are niggers
whats funny is he calls people nu/pol/ despite the fact dorner was a folk hero before zimmerman turned this place into /b/, only people that came during zimmerman trials uses "nu/pol/" because they think that lowest hanging fruit "racism" is status quo as opposed to context context context
he's a waste of time is what I am saying, stop getting trolled

>trying to see if you're trolling
fucking kek. you know how i know you're from reddit?

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Weed should be legal because it will make weed dealers have to start selling crack. Then we'll have a new crack epidemic and niggers will start dropping faster than middle class white women in an opiate factory.

>Not a single UNIX filename
>Calls someone else a redditor

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Not even Jow Forums could be this autistic

>She could've done this to a white.
not really

>not a single unix filename
the absolute state of nu/pol/

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> crowds hysterical laughter tapers to a giggle
> so what's the deal with black people?
> they're not black, and they're not people.

>Fuck them, they dont want to be held accountable to law, they just want the power
Yep, it's all about keeping people suppressed when they get out of line and amplifying bootlickers.

No you don't understand. Like women, all niggers are horrible, trashy, subhumans.

The nigger was fucking the cop's husband or lesbian wife so the cop shot him?

nigger gets shot be a woman
I don't know which is worse
Women in police are useless, niggers gon nig

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This is all deflecting from the reality that women shouldn't be cops

Tell me where I'm wrong.

Weed buyers are the reason the drug war is unwinnable. They continue to pay gangs to bring drugs into the US despite the fact that it's hurting the country.

They are complicit in gang criminality. They are paying people to be criminals.

I don't care if he smoked pot. I don't care if she had no reason, as a police officer, to be there. I just care that she made the world a little less terrible. Blacks deserve death for being black. Not for the crimes they commit.