Why are white people so angry?

Why are white people so angry?

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because brown people want us to pay for everything all the time.
pay for your own shit.
we have our own shit to pay for

Because we have to work for a living, and work sucks

also, i forget whether or not im supposed to hate you.
are our countries friends now or what's going on? our news quit talking about you

because we're under attack

Because we made all this amazing shit and you fucks are ruining it.

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How rich are u my nigga? I'm worth 7 million fuck taxes!

Idk. Most whites are pussies. Even the right wing ones. The only white chads I know are half Jews or full Jews.

Brown people bug hard at rail aggression 1/10 of what we deal with

Something about making up 7% of the world population but being openly demonized and attacked in our own home countries and having subversive cults of literal demon-worshippers attempting to infiltrate our societies and take us from 7% to 0%.

Does the cube have an Internet connection?

*racial aggression

We love everyone. Don't be a pussy homo

i'm not mad

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At the hotspots yeah

Why do you guys get so mad when I give your Girls flowers and coconuts? I'm doing you a favor. I don't see you getting them for them


sage and hide
do not reply
EU just passed article 13

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Imagine having to carry black and brown people on your back, only to have them kicking/punching you as you did so.

>White procreation is discouraged by media
>All forms of ethnic nationality are allowed except white
>White men are put at a disadvantage due to affirmative action
>Sexual liberation has destroyed the family unit
>Globalization has taken jobs and given them to other countries which has forced white man to either have a low income job or take on a ton of loans to try and get a job to pay off said loans
So no future
>Yeah that thing you liked, well now its composed of gay transexual niggers because it was biggoted
>You liked being able to enjoy X thing without forced pc bullshit? TOo bad racist
>Your ancestors conquered lands and did their nation proud? Imperialism and nationialism are bad bigot
So no past
Meanwhile the present is raped by
>Let in migrants, be more diverse
Gee I cant imagine why whites are pissed and are on the verge of having their own chimp out

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their cultures and countries are being destroyed before their very eyes and they are being replaced out of existence


dead on

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oye primo que bola?

I was middle class once lmao fuck Clinton. Not good enough Bitch!

It's your choice. Why do your countries so that. Cuba doesn't. But we are multicultural and that's okay.

>It's your choice. Why do your countries so that
we are occupied by (((foreigners))) who are hellbent on our extermination, we didn't choose shit
no American voter voted for the 1965 Immigration Act that killed this country


No they aren't lmao. Why sum don't you retards have more kid. All white families we see they have kids so old. You guys are dumb

Hahah in Cuba haha. Where your tinfoiy hat nip

Have more kids younger. So you can keep having them. We see you guys in thirties and forties having your first kids. Why?

We were robbed of our birthright and it was given to people who have us. Why should we not be angry?

it's not affordable and we have lost control of our women who no longer want children

Why aren't you angry? All that nigger dna in your shit country.

So whites got conquered?

Hate not have

We have not yet begin to fight

Our blacks are nice. There is no crime here. Who cares what color you are we are all equal here.

this Our government does not care what the people choose, they will ignore it.
1965 immigration act, our "police actions", government surveillance, refusal to build wall and stop illegal immigration
Last election showed people were pissed and regardless of what you believe about trump (he's one step away from space jesus or a puppet) its clear that they don't care that people are pissed about the way things are and will do everything to force us to conform to what they want
Our nation isn't that free as it was intended to be, nor is any sadly

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more like subverted but similar end result

"White people" (by which I mean stormcucks) are angry because deep down, they're scared. They're scared because deep down, it doesn't matter if you're white, black, Jewish, Muslim, or fucking gypsy- we're all little shitflecks on a shit planet.
Up until recently, the white shitflecks have had a slightly less shit go at life simply because they had the pointiest rocks and the most gold. But now all the other shitflecks are catching up, so being a white shitfleck is all of a sudden not special anymore.

It's depression and sexual frustration. It leads to a lot of problems. Middle class white males in the US are very socially isolated and then to top it off they are told they are privileged despite being continually fucked over.

>Up until recently, the white shitflecks have had a slightly less shit go at life simply because they had the pointiest rocks and the most gold
This is what subhumans actually believe.

ALL meme flags are Israeli until proven otherwise

>Memeflagging jew

Rulebreaking spam thread.

Stop feeding the trolls you worthless cunts.

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America isn't the only white country you know. We don't even consider you white here to be honest

Don't tell me what to do

Because foreign bankers and their antifa faggots won't leave my country alone. FUCK OFF AND DIE!

Why do Canadian always want to have a good time

not only that but when they were children they consumed reruns of tom and jerry, winnie the pooh, fox and the hound, robin hood. All of which put a heavy focus on european culture and then they transition to adulthood and everything they once loved turns against them. Its so depressing seeing every commerical showing a white guy surrounded by all these people of color. Hollywood is changing the ideals of America by putting a heavy pressure on mixing race, and as we all know, mixed race kids never look like the white side of their family. As a result its really depressing, a white man just wants to watch a tv show where everyone is white and there is a white love interest. Nobody wants to live in the storyline of being the white guy in a field of shitskins. White guys dont want the responsibility of being the ones shitskins look at. We just want to be in our own bubbles.

Lurk more faggot


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I’m forced to be around non white people. I got no say in this and if I did I wouldn’t want to live with non whites. If I say anything about it I am labeled “racist” and lefties will try to ruin my life or get me fired from my job. So I go through the day dealing with low iq niggers, spics that don’t even bother learning English with their 5 kids, faggots flaunting their homosexuality and other undesirable types of people who are depriving me of a nice life. If you see people who support left wing politicians it is minorities that want hand outs and to constantly play the victim or white people who want to feel good about themselves but live in homogenous upper scale white neighborhoods. I’m in a city that has been completely overrun with non white garbage and the way these non whites behave is depressing, it would turn the most bleeding heart lefty into a hardcore Jow Forumsack in less than a year. It is very frustrating.

No we arent but what I said is true for all nations in one form or another
I can understand why you view us as nonwhite, it is a result of who we have in power
Today one of our former Vice Presidents condemned Trumps "Naked Nationalism" and basically said the negative thoughts whites have about immagrints are rediculous. The melting pot meme has been pushed hard (since Teddy Roosevelt IIRC), as a result we are shit on if we dont conform to wanting mutt status. Thus we are viewed as a "mix"

Because back when america was majority white you didnt hear gunshots in the middle of the night.

Because we built a miracle from the chaos of nature and now a bunch of lazy morons want to fuck it up forever because they feel inadequate.

Because we are the only people allowed to be discriminated against and we're tired of it.

Are white people the SJW of race? All they do is get triggered

Because Jews and their pets keep fucking poking us.

What about native Americans. Like indians. The kind that flight cowboys

That's an excuse. Take responsibility for your own actions

Nobody is allowed to discriminate against them

You probably want to keep your head down and your mouth shut when that happens. Brown commie twinks won't be very popular and you lost Daddy Bear's protection.

>cuban pretending to be not white
You guys are the only semblance of a 'white' country, how would you like if Haitians started flocking to Havana? Wouldn't be cool. I like Cubans though, but you need to be on our team bud, we can carve out the entirety of Mexico for you if you help us win the culture war

white people can suck my 9" negro cock. Yeah I fuck your girlfriends and wives and get my snake deeep inside they. Sorry white guys.

oops forgot to link pic

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The standing rock crisis/Dakota access pipeline and constant child fit throwing over the red skins/warriors/etc football team names proves its not OK either

I hear Canadians talk about how RETARDED they are all the time

I don't get it

You don't know how to read a graph?

What are the other three things. I know caucasian


bc our societies are chaos

Green is nigger, Red is Injun

Lol yes I can read a graph. In Cuba we all go to school and university. Unlike the rest of the world. Here it is provided to us by the government free of charge.

Bailey Bae

Because they live pathetic miserable lonely lives

>goes to Cuba for vacation
>instantly larps on pol
Nigger go to bed so you can wake up early and get your free continental breakfast

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I'm gainfully employed, have no debt, and my reward for this responsible behavior is that my taxes go to shitskin welfare instead of something useful.

Also jews cut up my dick.

shit b8

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Fuck off with this meme, Whites haven't made jack shit, Jews made all of it, name one white person who has done anything and I will tell you they're Jewish

What flag is that

Because we tore prosperity from the unwilling arms of this planet and offered to share it with everyone else. Now they insult us and shit on everything, and whenever one of them rapes a white girl or kills someone, the whole community rallies to their side.

People can put up with anything except ingratitude.

Free of charge? How much do you pay in taxes every time you go into the store and buy something?

I used to have a whitey as a roommate (am spic). We actually became really good friends and would play vidya and go places, typical friends hanging out n shit. Then I met his sisters one night, who literally weren't even blood and were also spics, and one of them started to flirt with me. Of course his dick went limp and he turned into a huge faggot and we stopped being friends and he moved away shortly after.

Whites are big fucking babies that'll commit school shootings or end friendships over dumb shit they get butthurt over.

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So which resort are you at?

because they think they still control the world

White germans and jews?

Leave us the fuck alone!!!

>am spic
fucking leave