
As if there as any doubt before, this man is quite literally ethnically cleansing Puerto Ricans, 3000 of them to be exact. What kind of sick human being would still support this person knowing what he is going to do to non-white people in America.

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Other urls found in this thread: of the Estimated Excess Mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.pdf

leftists/kikes need to learn a new trick

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Stop insulting hitler faggot

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Trump hasn't done well enough to be compared to Hitler.

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meme a ricans are not american

Puerto Rico has had since 1776 to apply for statehood. That's fucking lazy.

No, trump is just a kike sympathizer that is programmed to deny any wrong doing

he doesn't try to be as evil as he as his, he just has an agenda that he can defer from and he knows enough people will believe his jew-shilling lies to avoid any real reprecussions from any of the elite who matter

he fooled most of Jow Forums but you can be better like most of have been

Show flag

>I am fag

fixed that for you, kike supporter

The fuck?

anti-meme flaggers are known kike/donald supporters

fucking leave our board, kike shill

the problem with this bait is that if anyone even recognizes what you're talking about, it'll be because they know it's bullshit. and if people don't recognize this 3000 dead puertoricans meme, they won't know what it is and won't click. so who you are trying to bait?

Ha, ha! No way did 3000 people die moronic to even try to state the hoax.

LMAO get a load of this kike

The Left can't meme. Exhibit 665

>kike trying reverse psychology on me

You can't fool me, so clearly are on the side of the race war which is all kike either you are a kike or ignorant

Six million Puerto Ricans died. Show some respect, Mr. President.

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The phrase would be clean ethics ya donk

This is a great example of balls-to-the-wall, BIG LIE style kikery. it's so fucked up you don't even know where to start debunking it.

The only thing puerto ratville is good for is dodging taxes. I hope you are all washed out to sea.

Americans don't have brown skin
Check your facts

Op hid his flag and >1 post by this Id, clearly kikery

>being a meme-flag cryer is anything but kikery or reddit shit

cry baby cry, I know who is the jew supporter and who isn't and it isn't the person inciting the race war to absolve the elite

this is a piss take, right?

Nice bait faggot

Isn't PR like 80% white?

it is the person inciting the race war, I mean to say


> I know who is the jew supporter and who isn't

You clearly don't.

its clearly anyone who supports the president as it always was for decades

just because it's
>honest, good ol
trump doesnt change a god damn thing, if anything he is the most blatant about it

So what if I am Jewish? Don't call me a kike or what I'm doing doing kikery you fucking nazi bigot.

I mean, have you seen Puerto Ricans? They look like they need a good cleansing in more ways that one.

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Puerto Ricans don’t fucking pay taxes. They’ve had a million chances to join the US and pay taxes but they always say no. They don’t pay taxes so they aren’t entitled to support funded by the taxpayers. How fucking hard is this to understand. Also abolish welfare.

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womp womp

I said nothing but "show flag" why are you defending op hiding under a Democrat flag posting a 1 post no proofs bait thread?


Show flag

Oh look it’s just a fellow user keeping our board safe

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>brown skin
pick one

didn't you know, OP?

Being against Trump means you must be a kike even though Trump is the biggest kike supporter president in decades

welcome to the irony that is Jow Forums

Greedy, ugly, brown people.

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>Nein Nein Nein!

Where I'm from they're called spiggers and nics

this is the new shill narrative?
nobody, not even the normiest of the normies is going to buy this
I feel like the DNC and Shareblue are staffed by literal retard

because Trump supporters are actual shills?

I know whats the truth here, you don't have to play games with me

WTF I love Trump now

should kick them out of being a territory or whatever the fuck they are these days. they cause nothing but problems
>they all came to jew york city
fucking ruined that place even further

>only 3000

Those are rookie numbers

Bruh he’s trying to confuse and divide us with a poorly thought out counter meme. Call it for what it is and move on, having any sort of dialog only furthers his cause and enables his subversion.

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Yes hello fellow 4chaner, how do you do? Kike shill much?

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no the shill narrative is believing that Trump isn't trying to create a race war

because he really only benefit the kikes....keep up, bluepilled faggot

Fucking fag

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>Trump placed his hand on a wall therefore he's a kike shill!
stay paranoid larper

Obama was trying to start a race war, all I have seen Trump do is try to cool it

>I know whats the truth here,
You don't, and you post like a raging tween. Saying "show flag" does not show my political allegiance

>trump runs Jew York City
>ohhh trump has nothing to do with the jews, if anything, you are a kike if you are against him

oh the irony of Jow Forums

Trump remains the master at leading the narrative. This is another surrogate aactivity taken up by the media. It's faux outrage at it's finest. They haven't been reporting the death in the Afghanistan it Iraq because the American public got bored. Does it matter to anyone if 3000 actually died or not? Will failing to persuade anyone lead to any real deprivation? No.

We all just can't find anything better to do with ourselves and Trump knows it

I don't even think there are any actual white people on that island, it's mostly spicggers.

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Lmao because slowly allowing ourselves to get outnumbered until we are in South Africa tier shit is a viable alternative. I don’t want a race war but let’s be real, if a race war happened right now it would benefit White people the most. Trump isn’t trying to start a race war anyways, that’s the racebaiting Democrat establishment as per usual.

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I'll get next round

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do I need to post all the jew officials elected to office since Trump has been in charge to prove it to you or are you that much of a sheep that you don't care?

I was not sure if trump was a kike puppet or not but now seing your posts I know that fucking psyop posting jews hate him meaning that trump is not with kikes

show flag is literally the most kikest thing you could say

There’s some good snow people up north afterall

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LMAO because purposefully allowing it just to make it an agenda isn't clearly a kike tactic, you sad bluepilled faggot of the Estimated Excess Mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.pdf

Heres the PDF. Its an estimate of deaths. For you guys to look at. (The amount is 2,975)

if you don't think trump is a kike puppet, I feel bad for manipulated you are by pro-trump fake news

Thanks and checked
Leave this place now

We must invade Germany to protect and free the Puerto Ricans.

>trumps overcompensating tie

you not only support a kike puppet but a little dick kike puppet at that

Lmao “bluepilled”? You are clearly an outsider.

Ay dios mio, never forget the 4 million Puerto Ricans

Explain yourself. Likes operate with deception and shadows. Hiding your flag for a thread like this is intentional deception.

Really grasping at straws... lmao you people are such sore losers. Probably because you have little dicks amirite??

jesus, liberals are making themselves look so stupid.

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He’s clearly here to subvert. His “explanation” will only be an attempt to confuse you and lead you farther from the truth. There are several subversives in this thread and I think it’s clear to anyone in the know who they are.

>Puerto Rico Population (2017): 3,337,17
>only got 3000 of them

lost my vote for not getting more

Let me know when he starts dropping chemical weapons on them so I can vote for him even harder next time.

>What kind of sick human being would still support this person knowing what he is going to do to non-white people in America.

You don't get it. We support Trump because we know what he is going to do to the niggers, kikes and spics. A cleansing that is long overdue.

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The media lied about 3000
Americans with brown
skin dying from Trump's incompetence
and denying that they ever did

That's the enemy of
the people

lul wut?

Now that’s progressive thinking right there!


>this fucking sheep doesn't realize that Trump is not doing anymore than inciting a race war instead of actually waging one

remember when Jow Forums used to actually mean something...before you all were manipulated by trump

He’s here to subvert and confuse with a poor repackaging of our own memes. Look alive user!

Trump is clearly pushing the Overton Window in our direction... well not in your direction.

So letting people die is genocide now? White genocide is undeniable under this paradigm.

Lol at the raycis leftist that thinks all Puerto Ricans are "brown" people. Pic related is the current governor if Puerto Rico.

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>thats ethnic cleansing
You're correct, kikeman. It is. Just not the one you were hoping for.

First day on the Internet there rabbi top fucking kek you kike faggot

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bad larp

a person with autism would do better

if you don't think he is purposely treading the middle line to incite us, you are a sheep with below average IQ

>the jew did 9/11
>but they have no control over our current president in the same party and you are a kike for thinking otherwise

Jow Forums gets dumber every day that Trump is president

Thanks for posting this.

A few pages in and they're already making word recommendations regarding mortality reporting.
>engage stakeholders etc etc etc

Hope it gets better.

First of all, fuck Puerto Rico.
Secondly, Trump was right.

Read and noted. Basically they attribute deaths from the damaged infrastructure (crowded hospitals, broken roads, general increase of stress after house gets destroyed) to the Hurricane. Also should be said this was for a period of 6 months.

If he is doing that I don’t think he’ll be successful. A cost analysis of the situation just doesn’t provide any substantional motivation for whites to initiate a race war. Why risk death when you have a leader who is towing the line? Whites didn’t wage war when Obama was actively inciting minorities against them and increasing wealth redistribution.

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