What do you think of the QAnon movement?

I think they are a bunch of boomer fags who have put too much faith in Trump to take down (((Deep State)))

Attached: gettyimages-1009769900.jpg (1200x800, 289K)

They be trying to silence Q nigger.

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it's a very successful psyop
Q refuses to say negative shit about Isreal and the Jews which is how you know it's fake shit

A very successful psyop considering how much attention they've gotten.

Q has compared antifa's flag to nazi flags so that sorta helped me realize it's a psyop.


Attached: q.png (850x1500, 165K)

Q is real

i bredpcted dis

>This predicted Q
It's boomer porn.
Just a larp.

Attached: BmrGy.jpg (1600x1064, 369K)

>What do you think of the QAnon movement?
That boomers are complete fucking retards