what are your thoughts on this Jow Forums? Its an economic concept where the gov use the tax money collected from all Americans and give them to the most successful businesses and corporations so they can expand their businesses and hire more people so the gov can tax even more people.
No welfare business here, all money goes to the rich and its up to them to do what they want with it.
Taxation is stealing. If you don't work for yourself and avoid reporting earnings, then you are a sheep.
Juan Butler
Add a straw at the top for international finance too.
Jeremiah Wright
In trickle down economics, taxation of the rich is stealing. no problem whatsoever taxing the poor, irrelevant, unimportant and expendable. like you.
Jaxson Carter
My iq is much higher than this graph and I will always be a worthless drug addict loser on welfare. Modern women offer no incentive to succeed.
Nathaniel Ross
Well I don't know guys, how about thrift stores, used cars, free software, and even public services? It seems like a lot of people benefit off of what rich people purchase?
Hunter Adams
It's a Liberal buzzword that top Republicans have never uttered
Daniel Morris
In order to spend and invest money to create jobs you have to save money. Hoarding is not the right word.
Jonathan Ortiz
Personally like it, but I'm also an investor. Stock buy-backs by companies make me more money. But as far as the idea itself, it doesn't work. The money never trickles past the first cup in reality.
Jackson Nelson
It has some merit, as you can't tax businesses or the rich so much they leave. Smart wealthy people tend to create more business, so it makes sense in some regard that they are creating jobs and fueling the economy in a different way the average Joe does.
If the question is progressive tax rates, that's mostly relative to ease of travel, communication, labor laws, and such. Anyone who thinks this is dictated by "muh morality" is a goober.
Caleb Johnson
It's interesting to see all the Liberals who brag about being smart and educated but always relying on someone to employ them. They always constantly worry about minimum wage as if it affects them.
Leo Butler
reminds me of when white people go to africa and blacks crowd around them begging for employment
Nathaniel Stewart
The top glass is at least 300 times larger than the bottom glasses
Camden Gutierrez
I need to get this Sephora Start Witch Kit shipped before Halloween.
>as you can't tax businesses or the rich so much they leave i dont think they got taxed at all due the gov paying them to exist. corporate funding, bailouts and all that you know.
Chase Roberts
Business makes more money > invests more to have even more profits > creates more jobs in the process
Lucas Watson
Gooks and shitskins in third world cesspools need manufacturing jobs too, goyim. Stop hogging them all for yourselves.
>(((Apple))) hides 10^9 $ in some shitty offshore banks >they need money to expand *bootlicking intensifies*
Owen Myers
Still waiting for those drops to reach me here at the bottom.
Charles Flores
Trickle down economics wasn't even used by Reagan administration and was rather a term coined by an opponent. And the people who usually oppose low taxation of the business class also are the ones who call you racist if you don't like that your job is getting exported overseas or given to a Somalian migrant. Sage.
Blake Adams
It's theoretically possible just like democracy is possible; in a contained, ideal environment with rational human beings.
Mason Johnson
Retarded and wrong, redistribution in either direction is inefficient because the gov has no fucking clue where it ought to go and the best use of the cash is often where they taxed it from in the first place. The gov also spends money to tax it and spends money to give it out in admin costs, the trickle down theory leads to more government bloat than any growth, the businesses it assists also become dependent on the gov as a result, spending the cash on lobbying to continue the incestuous cycle while pushing for laws and reform that reduce competition. Just let the fucker that earned the cash spend it and expand themselves, they'll either grow or fail out at zero expense to anyone else while providing more benefit than the gov ever will.
Nathan Ward
So, essentially fucking useless at best and counterproductive at worst in the real world?
Hudson Wright
But thinkof the Chinese children you soulless monster! Where else will they learn valuable life skills like how to assemble iPods for 50 cents a day? You goys really are heartless animals. :(