Is this true?

Are the swedish far-right nazis actual nazis?

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God, I hope so.

No, but I wish they were.

but they admit

>Oh no they are gaining popularity against our Globalist™, Diversity™ and Multiculturalism™ efforts...
>Whats the worst thing we can call someone in Post-WW2 propaganda Europe?

It's like how dem's were "literally nazis" for supporting segregation in the 60s

>vice article

It’s obviously fake



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>No, but I wish they were.
Bone recently told Swedes they are literally nazis and that all Swedes should be ashamed for being blonde/blue eyed. I'm not exaggerating.

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Do you mean are they a German worker party? No.

Do they follow the ally’s propagandized defition of “nazism”? No, not that either

they were literally founded by a neonazi movement that distributed flyers telling women not to "ruin their race" by "fucking negroes" tho

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Any one right of Marx is a Nazi

Anyone got a link to that website that tracked the vote results in real time? Did SD get over 20%?

That's not even nazi, that was every race. Every single white man who saved the world from the nazis didn't want their dumbass women fucking niggers either. These men were ten years BEFORE the "racist" 50s nuclear family.

this was in the 90s and they went to white pride rallies

holy shit that was cringy shit, how did sweden react? did they get pissed off at all this millionaire douchebag was talking to them like that?

This has been known in Sweden since at least 2012. SD admit that they have a nazi passed although it was probably not as extreme as (((they))) would have you believe.
They have been doing massive purges to get rid of "nazis", hence why AfS exists. AfS were just too cool to be members of SD.
AfS has 0.30% now. Fi has 0.41 and falling.

I would guess that about half of Swedes reacted with anger and disgust at the literal walking turd that is Bono, while the other half thought of him as a fucking hero. The lugenpresse obviously belonging to the latter.

I bet you think neonazis, white nationalists, white supremacists, and people against immigration are all the same thing

>wants to get rid of non white immigration
>want to force every swedish man to enter national service
>want to ban liberal literature and authors
>not nazis
go be retards somewhere else pls

These guys want to specifically ban non white immigration. Migrants from white countries should be allowed and not restricted in any way.

i dont think you know a thing about the past of the swedendemocrats

The Democratic Party was founded by the confederacy.

Wait?? Really?? You mean they don’t want to let in millions of Muslims and Africans into their country?? Fucking evil. And they want schools to stop schools from teaching young students about gender fluidity and the myth of sexes? What absolute animals

They are recounting the votes. SD at 18,80% atm and it makes it the second largest party.


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Not fake, SD really started out far-right, but moved closer to the center later. The void on the far-right is now filled by AfS, if SD was still extreme right, AfS wouldn't exist at all.

That said, it's ridiculous what Wikipedia is trying to propagate as it stands now. SD is pro Israel. How many anti-Semites do you know who support Israel?

More people need to see this.

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The nazis had the same policy you dumbfucking retard.
Theyre Nazis plain and simple.

It's almost the opposite of the 1930s photo where one German refused to do the Hitler salute.

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You mean by stretching definitions you can compare two things that are unlike and make them sound similar? Holy fuck. They’re literally no different. Remember when Trump said some Mexican illegals were rapists? He dehumanizes an entire race just like what Hitler did. So many Nazi followers around

saved. Thanks mate.

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American mainstream media coverage of Swedens second biggest party.

Don't get your hopes up. It's going down, and will keep going down. Stockholm is not counted yet.

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(((sweden democrats)))

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>Sweden funding camp trips
>Secretly letting the kids see the wooden doors on the "gas chambers" to redpill them

Who cares about Sweden? The Swedes are a people that are at the lowest level of humanity. They are wide-eyed eloi that exist only to serve as cattle. They are the yawping innocents, wide-eyed and eternally trusting. They have been slated for extinction for centuries, and the sooner they finish killing themselves off, the better. The Swede is a filthy subhuman abomination.

y-you too

(I actually like you guys. I just want you to act with a degree of self-preservation.)

>t. Pablo Juan-José Lopez

That is the effects of a high-trust society.
Something you will never understand.

The current governing Party in Austria was founded by Former Nazi Polititians...

Oh, I understand it. The Swedes are like quokkas and certain other animals where they evolved where they didn't have natural predators. They're adorable and innocent and trusting. And we introduced predators. And now they're all endangered because they're blindly trusting.

A quokka is a creature that will come right up to you with a smile on its face. It's a dopey, furry little thing filled with joy. And a few years back someone set one on fire because they thought it was funny.

hey swedes did the vote counting end yet, because our newspaper sure acted like it did today?

All Swedish parties were founded by Nazis since Sweden used to be a Nazi country before it got corrupted by Marxism and political correctness

Not quite.

>I was about to vote for them but now that I know nazi founded it I just can't anymore
t. literally nobody

figures the filthy lugen presse spews their filth again but guess st*ckholm voters are so cucked they'll make it close to sundays numbers anyway

This is not news. It's an objective fact that the SD in it's original form was founded by self declared national socialists, including skinheads and some other right wing populists who not NS too.

And America was founded by white people yet you've had a nigger president, guess time flies huh.

Well the leader of the party does openly call himself a nationalist and it's not like socialism is the controversial of the two in Sweden

What's an 'actual nazi'?

Also, checkem

Never give up.

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Some of our political parties were founded by terrorists and murderers and they're still going. There are politicians who are openly and happily communist throughout europe and they're somehow given a free pass. Why the hypocrisy?