You can't make generalizations for a whole race just because you've seen a few criminals

You can't make generalizations for a whole race just because you've seen a few criminals.
The blacks I've met have been super nice so the whole race is great.

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>a few criminals.
>The blacks I've met have been super nice so the whole race is great.
A FEW????

Go to any black neighborhood in America, Canada, South America, Africa and get attack for no reason bitch!

The FEW are the nice ones who mind their own business.

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I think it's a joke post. decrying anecdotal evidence while citing different anecdotal evidence.

Yeah it's just a joke.
I got inspired by

statistics be racis n sheeit

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Have you ever been to nig majority cities?

we all know you haven't

Crime stats in the West are dominated by niggers. You might meet a few nice ones but never relax around them.

In the USA, one third of blacks will end up in prison.

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>You can't make generalizations for a whole race just because you've seen a few criminals.

Yes, that is true but you can make one based on statistics. Further more you claim to be against anecdotal evidence but provide one as a counterpoint.


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this hurts my head. she just proved herself wrong?

she's a nigger.

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We wuz statisticians n sheit.

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>Says you shouldn't make generalizations based on the actions of the few.
"The blacks I've met have been super nice so the whole race is great."
>Makes generalizations based on a few examples they've seen.

When did the average swede become retarded?

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Are those the only posts? It's so dumb that it feels like there has to be some explanation of her point

Statistics say you are wrong.

I miss niggerwalk comics, they were always great fun.

> you can't make generalizations on a whole race just from a few examples
> now let me just make a generalization about blacks that runs counter to the measured and measurable reality based on the few I've met in my white neighbourhood
You deserve what's coming, Swedecuck.

The same point with gypsies in our country, bulgarbro (I'm with Hungary flag cause I am on vacation atm)

Statistics, which are based upon large numbers, can't be trusted, because I've met a couple nice black people.

what is sarcasm you giga -autismolons

>forced education
>actually not our thing

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