To be honest there's really no hope...

To be honest there's really no hope, they're gonna keep destabilizing the middle east flooding all the western countries with islamic refugees keep pushing their feminist shit to make men and women hate each other leaving women in their mid-30s hanging themselves in their garages with 20 cats feeding us all this retarded degenerate bullshit through mass media and the crap music they pump out encouraging us all to be faggot fucking hedonistic whores, keep pushing their stupid shit fucking america into the dirt, making nationalism into a dirty word, shitting on american pride and patriotism while glorifying men cutting their dicks off and taking estrogen, glorifying drag queens who go into schools to teach 5 year olds they want to be girls and their fucking libtard parents cut their fucking kid's dick off at the age of 5 cause clearly he knows what gender he wants to be by then, but we can't have the boy scouts no no no no it has to be the scouts bsa now, we have to have girls in everything, no divisons allowed, we need to turn boy scouts into an orgy porgy for the glory of our Ford, fucking sick fucking cocksuckers take one of the last decent American organizations and wrench its fucking jaw open so you can take a fat fucking shit down its throat and make it beg for more, you sick fucks, fuck these people they are raping our fucking world, they are raping human society, we have no bonds, nothing in common, nothing to band together under anymore, America isn't even a nation anymore it's a fucking Jew proxy state meant to nuke Arabs when they get uppity under the pretense of muh oil, they ban Alex Jones cause even though he's an idiot he calls them out for their faggotry, they're scared of a fucking snake oil salesman cause they know they are so fucked in the head even an insane retard LARPing as a woke conspiracy theorist can see it, fucking motherfuckers, they shit on everything that made America worth fighting for,

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wouldn't even fight for this fucking faggoty country anymore, this pozzed fucking faggot whore cosmopolitan hollywood-dominate drone-shit nations of apathetic motherfucks who dont give a shit, just wanna pop a prozac and watch fucking Netflix. Worthless motherfuckers. it's never gonna stop, it's just gonna keep going until America is one beige shithole with no culture, no identity, no diversity, just a long line of fucking cuck drones lining up for their latest shot of dopamine.

Holy shit shut the fuck up and go get some pussy my man

No you shut the fuck up, you fucking hedonistic cunt you have no fucking balls, you let your country go to shit, the Boy Scouts are a fucking joke now. they will be a fucking orgy, a fucking teenage sex orgy, the experience of growing and learning around other boys, of experiencing your identity around other men, that will be forbidden by theese fuckign cunts who want to destroy men, destroy anything nationalistic, destroy any unity at all. And you are letting them. Go fuck yourself.

Sage, go cry in a closet, pussy.

it's hard not to get blackpilled these days but once you realize this is all supposed to be happening in accordance with end-times prophecy it all makes sense and there is comfort in that

please turn to Jesus, this is all happening for a reason. It's going to get a lot worse but you can ride on Jesus' coattails until the very end, and he will know your name and never forget you.

Im all the way down now pol, and do you wanna know what I see.

>fucking blogposts
Take this to reddit.

I’m not even gonna bother reading that shit. Get out of your house once in a while you fucking weirdo.

Yeah worshiping a dead jew on a stick will definitely help this nutjob’s case.

"the Boy Scouts are a fucking joke now..."


You're right

Jews defiled Jesus because he was actually the son of God and therefore Jesus is Based

>Holy shit shut the fuck up and go get some pussy my man

You are the problem degenerate. There are things in this world more important than pussy.

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I unironically agree. Fuck these cuck haters. Patrice would agree

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Fuck off shills.

It was them shitting on the Boy Scouts that made me realize we're truly fucked. Before it was just bad, but not irreversible. Now I realize that we are truly down the rabbit hole, even the organizations that teach boys honor and respect and love for their nation, are becoming some faggot fucking orgy. yeah I'm really pissed at what they are doing to the Boy Scouts, now they are just Scouts, the culture and atmosphere of the organization will NEVER be the same now. These stupid motherfuckers have no idea the value of having experiences with other young men your own age, your own gender, not some faggy co-ed shit. These fucking metrosexual faggots who are cheering this shit have no idea, they were never in the Boy Scouts, they were all raised by women, they don't value time with other males because they aren't males, they are fucking little limp dick basedboy queers, I may be a skinny faggot but at least I have some goddamn understanding that there is value in men being around other men and women being around other women and experiencnig things with their own gender, not this stupid shit of "everything has to be men and women equal and the same, everyone is the same" fuck that noise, fuck that absolute bullshit, these fucking cunts were never in the Boy Scouts they can never understand. Who is it hurting? What is so wrong about boys spending time with other boys, without women involved? It's the BOY Scouts, that's the whole point of the fucking organization, it's the BOY Scouts, it's right in the fucking name, do you newspeak libtards even understand words anymore or are those thoughtcrime too. BOY scouts, BOY scouts, BOY scouts, fucking BOY SCOUTS not this fucking boy-and-girl orgy faggot club that's gonna turn into sexual politics and drama like there's no tomorrow. No honor, no American way, no sense of duty, nothing. Just a faggy fucking shithole of teenage pregnancy and autism.

>claims to be redpilled
>doesn’t even know the most important and possibly only purpose of a man in life is to get pussy and procreate
When you get distracted from that purpose you become a cynical crybaby like OP. Getting pussy makes everything fall into place. Try it sometime.

I was listening to him and Louis CK talking about racial slurs just yesterday. He seemed pretty based.

>random hookup with a tinder thot makes everything fall into place
Y'know I think the NPC meme is a load of bullshit but you're making a pretty strong case for it.

yeah OP your post sums it up
I'm down to create a stronghold and start rebuilding
are there any movements or should we start one?

fucking b8, no one fall for this fuck

That's a fine description of our zeitgeist. I shall screencap your pasta. Don't loose hope, times change

man you should channel your anger into something better than sperging out
it'll only lead mental health problems

So embrace madness and recreate reality around you. An unshackled mind is a tremendous force

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Here, some whitepills since you're spiraling down over things you cannot control

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Have faith in Jesus. He will lift those who belong to Him away from all of this, then they will devour one another for eternity.
Once your soul leaves the body, there's no turning back.

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Make me your god. Die for me and i'll make sure to make this world a better place at the end of all this conflict.

good post OP, don't listen to the glowniggers

I agree, USA is dead. glowniggers don't have the balls to do what's necessary to fix it.

Save yourself, Aquafresh.
Don't blaspheme the Spirit.

post twitch link before you kill yourself.

i agree on most of the thing at the first text but boyscouts? i mean lets be honest here i think youre just jealous you never had orgy when you were a teen amirite

ah, it was the ashley madison commercial encouraging adultery that made me realize what was going on. been having Jow Forums thoughts years before I came here.

suffering is caused by craving

Yeah pretty much

I just keep sitting here watching all this shit happen. I keep thinking "Okay this is rock bottom now it's going to start reversing". Nope, just keeps getting worse. Nobody gives a shit.

I dunno. It's a surreal feeling. I thought Donald Trump would be a turning point... but eh... not really. Most people seem like they still don't like him that much, or maybe they don't talk about it or something

You obviously haven't really suffered ..yet.

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But most rapefugees are from sub saharan africa you absolute degenerate retard

Several patterns of evidence indicate that nowadays, most WNs are ugly and sexually frustrated. I don't believe this to be a coincidence, or a result of their ideas. I believe the causality goes backwards: they became WNs as a direct result of sexual frustration. Freud, Marcuse, the Frankfurt school: they were prematurely right. Fascism is now entirely caused by sexual frustration.

Just a little thought experiment: imagine you're a good-looking normie with a normal social life, and a lot of friends of all backgrounds. You regularly have sex. The last time it was with an Indian girl who digs you.

Now... It's Saturday afternoon. Are you going to fire up YouTube to watch a one hour video of David Duke (that creepy Tussaud wax doll) expounding on the "long winters theory of racial differences in IQ"? Are you going to spend an hour reading obscure Julius Evola texts on blogs like Counter-Currents?

Can you picture yourself doing this? Obviously not. Most likely, you'd use your Saturday afternoon to chill with friends, have a girl come over, prepare good food, watch a movie, work on your novel... Do cool, funny stuff.

Only ugliness and loneliness can lead to an intellectual interest in racial differences or rightist political theory.

Racial nationalism is so fucking stupid, it's a cope for not achieving shit in life. White Nationalists are bitter, dissatisfied losers. Everyone I see who is passionate about any kind of ideology and doesn't earn $$$ off it are all losers who are using their ideological beliefs as a coping mechanism.

Chads, really successful people, they don't seem to care about that shit. You just need to have a girl who is really into you, enough to make you feel loved and important. I guarantee that when you have that, you don't care about racism anymore. Obviously, less than 10% of white nationalists have that.

thought it was north africa

Wants his country to go to shit, because of a jew. SJW confirmed.


OP is a blackpilled faggot.

there's no refugees, they are an invasion force because there's no bitches or brats with them.
They all have cell phones. refugees don't have that shit and they bring all six wives and 45 kids with them.

The last two paragraphs I agree with.
The picture is bigger, tho. Enjoy the ride.

Lol so your point is that only dumb vacuous people are against us? Yes we know you fucking moron.

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maybe you're right about a certain vocal percentage on white nationalists but statistics aren't wrong
3rd world countries are 3rd world for a reason

1. it's good to destabilize the middle east
2. it's bad to let arabs into western countries
3. Society is currently reforming its moral core. That's why people like jordan peterson and sam harris are so popular.
4. The consequence of 3 is that the reformed moralities are going to have to battle for supremacy... and that could get bloody.
5. Fight for your morality, and win.


>das it mane

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>Just a little thought experiment: imagine you're a good-looking normie with a normal social life, and a lot of friends of all backgrounds. You regularly have sex. The last time it was with an Indian girl who digs you.

The problem is that the current social structure makes it so that only 20% of men have access to women.... so even if I am one of the 20%, there's still a group of 80% frustrated men. That means there's a problem with our current social structure.... and it needs to be fixed.

Engagement in politics is the PROPER response to living in a broken society. That's how the society gets fixed. You're framing it as something shameful, but it's proper.

>fight for your morality

Apart from the Christ, you can do nothing, and then everything will have been a vain attempt at Satan trying to cast out Satan.

As it is written "peoples toil for what the flames consume, and nations grow weary for nothing! But the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the LORD’s glory, just as the water covers the sea."

yes, and then they are going to raise age of consent globally, both in every US state and in the world, to 18, and then to 21.
so that she can enjoy Chads dick, and you could enjoy either staying virgin forever or fucking degenerate ageing whores, now even more aged, with stretch marks on their asses everywhere, and with a hole that took about 20 dicks at the lowest estimate

Attached: herlifeyour life.png (774x2065, 1.76M)

Well, maybe christ will win, maybe not.
It's up to you to make it happen if you want it.

The problem with modern christcucks is that they lack the will to bring their ideal to reality. They think "I will just go to church and pray". But that's not enough.

Ah, but I know the Living God dwells in me by the Spirit. I tell you a riddle that has a double meaning: 'the Lord of hosts battles for me'

I wait for the Lord and act accordingly.

Only now the kikes control the white countries and make laws punishing whites but not shitskins

Well, I think those tools are outdated.
That idea doesn't work when the media propaganda machine is as strong as it is today.

You need to take an active role, or you will be divided and destroyed.
Anyway, we'll see who's right.

>that pic

fucking accurate, fuck. being a moderately attractive woman is life on easy mode.

Indeed, but I watch things play out knowing often in advance what will happen. It is truly a frightful thing.

>Just sit and let everything turn to shit and console yourself with fantasies
Not gonna help

You're going in the closet, mr. shill.

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>Not separating personal life from political life
If everyone on this board did become a Chad over night I doubt anyone would suddenly like shitskins and jews and act like Western society is all dandy

Be like Ramza

Attached: Ramza.jpg (530x900, 101K)

End times prophecies are and were created by masonic preachers to separate your precious shekels from you.


I have suffered.
On multiple occasions.
Not all of them was on account of craving.
Sometimes it's just plain old pain.
When you're facing your own mortality.
And a life of permanent physical pain.
Suffering is not because of some boomer bullshit you read about one time in philosophy 101.
Life is more than your weak ass "have u evr herd of Kierkegaard" idiocy.

That meme ends with her old and alone.

If you are blackpilled into absolute nihilsm, then your opponents have won.. good job pleasing your enemies with the post OP.. your enemies are probably getting boners reading your despair.

jack off to climate change news then get back to me pleb

The same thing everywhere, the only thing we can do is put our trust in God, all of this has been predicted by religion and will continue to get worse